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.1 Chassis , lLiiilne cards ~, PowerSupplies .IAn~hiiitecturea,nd Packet IFlolrwardii'n,g

.1 T'CAMI,enlha,lnoelml,ents, I Services IFlllexiibiilliity .IS,ys:tem IHliiighAva,iiilbalb'iilnity

.1 S,oftw,areS,elrviiicles =Operational M,anagl,e,a,biiiliity

Sm:allllltD Imledi~ll!JIlm size dilstrlibuti~o:nl aglglreglati~on

Cisco's IIe.adi~ng iffiOdullar aCOeS5 pillattfblnml

Trans ,armIng D daptive I

Enterprise Infrastructure v; w w . ~ a C U L . C 10 III

Ciisc·o Catallyst 49001 and 490'0'IM series

119 IGlbps Icapa.cit,y

4 Gii,gli811biit EU~leIml,et SFIP1SIFIP+, Ullpliinlks 4B1 0111 00/1 000 IEU1,elrlneltt diownilliiniks

3,201 IGlbps ,capacit,

lFibliied 81 0 Gii~gli8Ibiit: IEthelnneltt (1110GIE)1 pods 1 01110011 000 an dI 10GE hallW-Cl8Ir,ds

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

1316 Glbps ,

2: 10 Giigalbiit IEU~lelrlneltt up,liiinks

48 11101100110010 IEthen1,et dowmlli~nlks

916 IGlops ,cap,.'clly

4 Gii,gi811biit IEU11elnn et SF PlL!IlPli~nlks

48 '101110011000 IEth,ernet dlownlliil1lks

Ciisco IME 492:4-110'GE and WS,-C492:8- 110'GE

Service Provider

'96'Gb pscalpaciiily

,2 1 .oGlE up,lllilnlks .2.,S,1I'G,IE SFIP do:wnillink:s

IME 4,'9124,-110GE

Space Constrained lD~istlrilbut~ion I Core

9'6IG,lbps, ,c,aIP,aciity 2110GE Ulplliilnk:s

28 11GE SIFP diownilliiniks

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U Leo III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .


.1 Chassis , Line cards ~" Power Supplies .IArchiitec~u re and Packet Forward iiinlgi

.1 'T'CAM enhancements I ,Serviii,oes.IFlllexiibiillliily .1 S,ys'b3'm IHliiiglhAv8,iiilll;abiiilliiity .IS"oftw,areS,erviiices

C:isco C,ata1lyst 450'0'E Seriies Chassis

WS-,C4507R-E '7 slot cin',eJss:is IWith' ,R,'edundant Superviso,rs



..... ---10 slot C;,h'Bssis 'with Redunda'n:t sup,e'tl/,isors

WS-C4503-,E~ ,3 s~ot chassis W'~th single

Sl Jpf:nlisor

1 •


'WS-C,4.50o-,E'.lI '0 slot chassis 'With Singl;e,


·3 and 'oslll,ot chassis havesuperviscrs iii til slot '1 and are nonreeundant chassis ( 1 StU pervisor only )

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U Leo III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

W·S,-C4503E and W·S,-C450'6-E

II l.ine [ardis lililll 510m2 al~dl3

II 2.fGfslom wi~h Slli,J)eNism IEi~E and S!ulDeNl~soll'~L~E am111E-serie.s II'ilill:E!! rnm51(WS-:l<:46XX )1

II 6G1sln:tt wi~h ,allll,ollassiir; Slupe:NiisoFS amil dassic Illil~e cards I~WS-X4~XX- WSX45.;XX.)1

• S!!.!ll~ewiso:r 1~1il s!llot .~

·~o IRUI, 240~011 ~w~m:m ports

• .24lGfslot with StlpeiNii50f IEHE and SupeiN~soIl161l.-1E and E...JS!e:r~:es 11~lile! ealii!]ls

• Jl]Gfs~o~ Winl 811111 classic SllJIIpeiNismJlrs and classic I ilinH cards

TransTomllng fii7flIifj!fiVe.-~.-'---.-'-'.'----" .. """",."" I •

Enterprise Infrastructure v; w w . ~ a C U L . C 0 III

• IUne c8ilids il~1 slot 1-:2 iand 5-7

• .2.4G/slo~ witlln SilLlpe:rvIiisor 16-E and SupeiN~soli ,fill-IE snd E-5e:r~:es l.ine I[;alrl!]is

• 6G/slo~ wutlln alill classic supeiNusors andl classic Iline cards

• S!!.!lI~8Ni5io:r 1~1il s!llot5-U

• .2.fG/slot witlln SIl!J pe:riIIUisan- IEHEJor slots 11- 1" 16GJsliotJor 8,-111@

• 6G/s~o~ w~~11n S!!.!II!)8Nisor Val~ dl Supeilliilisoll V-10GE and dllasslic ~in8 ,taliidls

TranSTormlnll107flllI/!llfie""--------'--- ",,,,,,,,""m I

Enterprise Infrastructure v; w w . ~ a C U L . C 10 III

Supervisor 6J6L·,E

SUlpel1/'isor 6l6,t·E





Supervisor 6-E Supervisor 6-E





E,-S,eriies Liilne cardsrctasslc t.lne Cards



WS -X.454S-RJ45V+

.1 ,Class:.ilc ','illie ,ca.tlds start wirth part nUlmbelr WS~X41XX- IWS~X4,5XX iandl worlk~iltflalll S ulperviis!olrs

.1 Cla.ssi,c ','illie' ,car:as have ISG .balc._p~anle' ,ball1d.f,dr:ll1

.1 E senes ,li:ne ,cards start wi'th part I1IUllmber IWS~X416XX and have 241G b,a,c._p~,'aneballld'.~·dr:hlandwolrlkw·i1lthonllly E-!se·riiies sUiperv'isorsWS-X45-· SUPIS-IE al1JdlWS-·X4·5-SUPSt-1E

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U Leo III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

AlC o:w IDC

-~!.2VDC D\ata

1111llllillW .A.C- [liarta ,onli~ lpower !SIIllIIPp'li~ ",'alr 3, 6,allfil,dl "1 !slh:l:t clhlal$I$llis

114l1lillW .A.C- ID!larta ,olnli~ lpower !SIIllIIPp'li~ 'Jolr1111l sllo~ 'CIInI13:S:Slis


AlC o:w IDC

-~.2. voc -43 vue

Bata IlPioE

114l1lillW I[I'C- lOIat;ao'IIiI'ly tjrilp'l~e illlil:P:Ult lpowelr SllJlp'p~IJl1io1i SelrV1ic,e IlP'lroillil'iidleli's

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

113l1lillW .A.C- lOIlH dlenl$,ii~ PIOIE: IPoW1e:rSlllIlp;pll,if'Oli smarllllllPiJiiel1 IOIi Williiell,e's$1

28l1lillW .A.C- Mlidl-Ii,3Im!Qle IPolE lpowelr !SIIllIIPp'li~

42l1lillW .A.C- Mlidl-Ii,3Im!Qle IPolE lpowelr !SIIllIIPp'li~wlitih dllll1311 linpllllts

114l1lillW I[I'C-P- ILalli1ge IPolE lpowelr !SIllIIPlpli~alb~I,e to IPowelr3'84 ellass3 p~InI,olne$1

6111W' .AC- Hligll1l,e:rlldilPolE lpowell!" SUI,p,lywliItlnl dlUJal~ l~npUlts


C 15(,0 Cisco Power Caltul!ator


SI;i! rn~, tarnl



ns.X>;~-G'~~ 'M!U~.lli

U~Ul'.l!ll ~"'H':~p~ ~-"il!;."i~~{~1~a'O'lt1:~SQ~


~,~~1lI!..m1.ll~ ID~,~~.'~"",-=rmm:

IDg, 'i~JrR! _I II I I II I III I'

- - - - - _._. .


Typical usage

TransTomllnglo rap ve I

Enterprise Infrastructure v; w w . ~ a C U L . C 10 III

Power SUIPply Redundancy

The 4500 can uti lize two power suoplies to worlk lin either combinec or redundant mode

Redundant Mode

.................................. ,


.................................. ,

Power SUIPply 11 Power Supplly 2.

Comb~ned Mode

.................................. ,


.................................. ~

Power SUIPply 11 Power SUPIPllly 2

Illn combined mode, eech power suppl!y operateses 83°(0- if one mails, then the FiL!lnnilngl sUPIPllly provides 111000/,0 of its power (;alpadilty

In r,edundan~ mode, each power suppl~y operates a~500(0 capscityend provides ilth,e same total~ power as a singille power sUPIPllly - if one maillls, the backup reverts to prov idli~n 9 111000/,0 power

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

.1 Chassis , L'iilne' cards ~~ Power Supplies .IAn~hiitectUireand Packet Forwardinq

.1 T'CAM enhancements I ,Serviiioes IFlllexiibiilliity

S ~ IH;I'" ·Ih A'·" , "'III b"II':"t'

.1 ,ys:lt!em', 11191,,"8.111 ;a;II~lly

.1 Software Services

.1 Operational Mianagl,ea,biiiliity

• Cel1itra.liil~ed 32101 Gbps., 25,0 Mp'ps, Il2t3/4

• 1IIlPv4 (25IOMPiPS) and IPvo (t25MPlPs) in IHIW

• SUPIPod:s ·~UI~III r·edlundliQt,f'1II'CY wirtih St:aite·f'UlI ·Swib::hov,er ssa and Non StOlP Forwan:lliing NSF ('1lRand 10R)

• Foulradiive 10'GbIE portsor Eii~gh1lt iadiiv,e S FPs iiin r,edilUllndant: Imode

• 25611( FIIIB enbi~es.,12:8K securiiitll/iQoS

• 3" f,;, {HI, and 1 OR chassis SIUIP'POlnt

• SUPIPod:s"dlictssii'c" (6 Gi·glslo,m) and ·"E" series (24 'gliigfs~lol)' Illiine cards

• III til 11 a slom chassis I' sloms8-1110 imlUsm be populated wiilU~1 classic (WS-X41XX-WSX45XX ) Iii na cards

IL)i!lllall1P11!.!I flPOise· U pU11il k !PlOds Two 10 GbE or

with irwin Giig Modulle

S,lupelrviisor 6-E UIPlliilnlk COln'flig1ulrations Sing,/e' Supe',rvisor

• Superviisor lo-IE upilliiniks can eifher Opel~a':Il1tt"e iin1 OGlE or 1 GIE mode

• Alllillmoa,es ,alre non-Ibilloclldng iin siinQII,e superviser ocmmlilgura.1tti'on

• For 1 GE cOIIlil1iflilgIIUJIraJtiiol1l, ,8J TwiilllilGiilQI Converter and SIFPi(:s) iis requiillr1ea

• For 10GE loornl1fiig Ul~a':Ii~io n " ani X2: or ,an S FP'T wiith ,a':Il OneX OOl1lve,mer iis. Ire ,uiir'edi

Port-group 2









Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

4500 I(oo:nfi,g) # h:w'-modu,le modu,le mp:or.t:-g,ir1oU!P'P :s:eJILect;, [gigabi tether,ne't I ten'gi'gabi te'ther:net]

S,luperviisOlr 6-E Ulpllilnk COln'figulr,atiiolns Reaundent Supe'rvisor D'e'faultMode'

• 'Wilh redundant SlIUipervwso:r 'o,-lEs wn tlhe!sys~eim ", onilly left most port on each snpervisor is active by defauillt

• Each of the ,8H::tiive port can be eiither used iin 110G,iE Of 1'GE mode




1 'GE+1 GE lin act iv,e 1 'GE+1 GE lin act lve



4500 ,(oan:fig) 1# h.w'-modu,llLe modu,llLe m :p:oJ:t;,-g,r,oup:p se:iect;, I[gigabi tetbe,r:Det I i t;,e:ngi'gi'abi te'tber:ne't]

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

S,lUlperviisOlr 6-E Ulplliilnlk COln'flig1uratiiolns ,R'edun'ldan't Sup,etv;sor Sh'a'fied-Ba'ckplane mode'

• In shared Ibaelkpllane mode, iallill ILlIlpllliinlks on r,edundant superviiisors cain be used

• If cd III '~OGE portsar,e used , tlheyopera.m"e i~n 2::~ ov,elrslLllbscri~lbedilmode

• A~II tlhe pods enthe same slLlllpeNiis/or must be us/ed as either 1 GE or '~OGIE





Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .





4500 I(oan:fi,g) Ib.w'-module uplink mode ,sh.a,red-hac:~plan,e

4500 I(oan:fi,g) Ihw-module module m POlr't-glr'OUPP s;ele,ct, [gigabi te·ther:net I t,e:ngigabi tether:oet]

Ciisco C,atallyst 4500lE :S,'ulpervisolr 6L-E

• Celrdr,ali~e d 280GbIJ)5,. 22:5 IMpps" Il213.14

.' IIIPv4 i(225IMpps) and IIIPv6 1(111 OMppls) In HIW

.' SuppcHis 'fulll~ nadundancyVlJ'iiitl~1 SSO/INSF erR)

• 2. alctiive 10GlbE ports or 4 ,aCiliii\lle' SFPs, iilm redundant mode

·:S7K F IIBel~ltlrmes" 641K.secll.uiiit.yIQoS

IOuaJI IPulrpose IllIIlP!llii nlk. :lPorts

C'VR-X2'-SFP Two '10 G~,E or

FOllllI'~ GblE

wUl~h Twulli Gi:~1 IMlod'lJli'8

Transforming to Adaptive w w w . ~ a C U L . C 0 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure

S,lUlpelrviisOlr 6L,-E U1lPlliilnik COln'flig1ulr,atiiolns Single, Superviso"

• SUlpenriislor 'oL-E Lmp'li~nlks Ican eiitlher operate i'n 10GE or11G,E mode

• AIIIII medes i(3llre non-ibilloclkiing iin s.iin~911I,e supervisor oonfl~glll!lr:a:diion

• For 1 GE confl~guraJtiion, a IwiinGii'QI COlrril'velrt,erandl SFP(s) iis, reqJui~r,ed

• For 1 OGlE IcormmiglUll~(3i~ion " an X2 011" an SFIP+ wirth ial On,eX 'convertJell" iis. Ire.: uiir,edi

Port-Qlroup .2







I SUP",,;s0IT6L-E


4500 I(oo:nfi,g) i hw-module module m :p:ort-g,liC'OU:P P select, I[gig,abi te'ther:net I

• I .' te,the:r:net




S,uperviisor 6L,-E Ulplliilnk COln'flig1ulratiiolns Redundsnt Supe'rvisor

·Wiitlh redlundlant Superviisor ISt-Es iin mh,esystelm, i()n~ly Illeft mostport on each sUlperviisor iisadii'V"e

• EalC:h of tlhe actiiv,e port: can be either used iin1 OGE or11GE Imode

ortad WilrU~1 SlUl'erviisor 'oL-E

. . . . .. r· . - . - . .





lin act lve



lin act lve

4500 l(oanfig):I h.w-module module mp:ol:t-g,lr1oU!pp select I[gigiabi tetb., I tJe:ogrigcilii tetner:ne·'t]

Supervisor 6l-E

FIB ( Rourling Table ), 2561k

ACUQOS TeAM 1128K { 64K. in , 64K out ),

10~I\ott ch<3s~i~ sUJppmt Yes (su,ppmill3" 6 " 1 an:d10 slot

d~a~:il9i )

Maximum 1 OGE uplinks lin redu ndanl 4

contig IlJraticm

Maximum, 1 OJ~ GOnOD pori: den,gny 3M

Maximum GE Fiber non blockin.g 1138


CPU 11_3 GHz


11.1) GHz

IL..A~ Base, liP Base , IEntBrrmi~e IL..AJN BasH, liP Base, EntBrrrlliiBfl

SeNic9's SelVioos

lAN Base iilma~ge fer SUP6-IE 1I2.2(5:3lSG2 !I!II •• L~'I'T"!"'~~_T'lr.o_rO"F"'!"'l~_!I'T"II~'t'Alr'nrise' Serviices ii, I I. 'f.or SUlP6,l-E. 1 ":,

SoftrlNme Feature' Sel


Superv!isor 6-E

Swit~chii ng Cspa e iilty

320 Gbps


Sup,ervisor 6L-E

280 Glbps

250 M pps ( '125 Mpps~or 225 IMipps ( 1125 IMipps for

~lIPv6) IIIPv,6 )

BandwidUn j SIDt

IUplD 24G

Siingle Core '1.3 GHz


SSO tailovertirne

0-50 rnsec

N 1I1miber Df Packet buffers



5t2MB ( Up~lradab~e to 'IG)

'128 'rvlB

N umber of 'I O!~ nOf! 000 ports

Number of 'I OGE ports

IUplo 384 access IUplo.4, GE Upll~lllks

IUpio 30 on LiI~ e 'C8MJIs IUpto4- on SUipervli SO:IIS


0-50 ITlISHC


1128 1MB

Upto 240 access

Upto 4 GE uplinks

Upto 30 on l.ine cards Upto 2. on Supervilsors

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

Performance & Scal,albility (Cont'd)

La'yer 2


Superv:isor '6-E

Supervmsor 6L-E





N umber of! V LAllNJls


Vilrtua II Port ~I n sta n ces



N umber of! E~herc~an~els

Mac l.earninq





Supervmsoll'" 6L-E

Rout ilng Entries



Number of!VRFs


64 o

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

Performance & Scalalbility (Cont'd)

Qos a,ndACLS


Sup,ervmsor 6-E


64K I d iree~ion

NtllTll ber of Po I ~ ce rs


OoS Classillcation En~r~es

64Kf ,~I~re:Ct~on

3.2IKI d ilmction

QUJeues per port

8 [~ueues - 'I plq 'It

8 queues-v l p7QH

Multicast and ,SPAN


NIllJ ITlI ber of SPAINI

8 biid~ rectiona 1

8 bidimdilonal


NtllTllber of L2 Mu~tj.cast 32:000



MIllJ m ea s~ Rep I ication Pertosrnenee


225 Mpps

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

.1 Three paelkagles av,alill,ablle 'today

ILAINI Base, II P Base ;alndl IEn~eirpr~i:se SeNi~ces

.1 En~elrlPlnis,eS,epvlices 'in ,cllu des, :SUlPIPolrt:forfUlIIIII Lay,elr3 protocols

.1 II P Base linclludes ,alill otfhe Ikey ILayer .2 lFe,aturesand some basic liP IRou~lilng


.1 'O,SPFfo:r IRollJlted Access

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

.1 LAINI Base has, Layer 2 features required tor Ibr~idgl,ed access

Enterprise Services


Auto QaS Energywise POE + IEEE UUL.,,,,~·,~ Flexlink+ IGMP/MLD _a~

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

... e "'lrl h1:q::l:!/tools,cixo,com!ITDIT!CR\J(jsp!ndex,pp

[J. Customize U,ks [] FreEl HoI:mal ~ Whdows MOI'i<.etplaCB I!f WndOH5 MedB P Wndal-'lS II Jerry B< Barbara Woo" , ~ Embedded E','ent Man, " ;0 Carrier Etherr

.11 .. -111 C~SfO


JDrodU[;iJS & Services


Partner Central



Cisco Featu re Navigator


Cis(:o reifture thvjglrlor

W€!lcom9! to Ci!Oco F€!MUf9 Navigator Ij:ffi!

Cisco Feature Na\oigalOr allows you to quickl~ tind the tight Cisco IDS, 10S:>::E, 10S:XR and CatOS software release for the features you want ta run on yaur network.

RE!! §9MC h fe atu rE!S Search by Feature c3' Search by Tachnalogy ~

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• Alilil mO:M,allroliing, 'quelUliing~, se'curiilty is ii m plllelmel1ltedonl the Su pervisor

• The iindliiviidlUlialllllliine cards i81lre considered to be ~tranISp81Irenm~

• Each classic liine ,ciardi has IS, Gllbps (fulill dupillex) cormectionstothe Icentrall ro'r'VI/,ardingl,engliine

• E-Seri~es liine, cards havea .24 Glbp:s. (fiLilIIII dupillex) connection bl the central ffOlrNardiin~gl,engiine

• TY1pi~callly n,ew hc:udwalre dependent ffeialmure,s can be ernalb~led just Iby upgll~8,diingIU~le supervisor

• ,li,o,e card specifl".;:'ea:f'ufes POEI FI,oweonlrollJumbo Fra'm'es


Line Card


Line Calrd

line Card

Line Canl

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

SUlpelrvis,Olr Packet F'olrw,arding Piiipell ii neArchitecture

Payload Header

Payload Header

Trans ,armIng D Claptlve I

Enterprise Infrastructure v; w w . ~ a C U L . C 10 III

• 'The Forwardinq enqines utilize a pipelined architecture

• Packet iis processed tlh rouq h ',9 III " stages

of the pipeline

• Deterministic latency tor ',9 III " traffic ii n

'a III" cases

Supervisor 6-E, unlcast Packet Wallk


P8id~e~ entersthe PIHIY illl the ~ i 111118 modu Ie and tlravels across the backplane before rHadllilll~1 the Supervisor


Pad~e~ entersthe Supervisor; Packet Processor performs parsilll~1 of VLAlrNJ ta~11 hea~ler and storesthe packetinto Packet Memory

The S~Il~Piped header is used to construet a Paolk,e~ l.oosup Descriptor (PLlD), and torwa rdB~ tn~he Fa NlallT~lii I1lig Hng illl e


PLiD goes thmtl~lh IL2 lookup. SI~8inllilll~ITree state is dlled~ed_ Pacl~e~ IMIAC sourceend IMlAC desbnsticn coupled with~he reoeivH VLAIrNJI I~D am loo!~ecl up Ii 1111 U-ne IL2 Has!fI1l Tal~,IH_ Il2 Iloolkup also deteamines whetherUfI1le packet I~S destined tor Routerfuncfionality

5_ 6_

Inr~u~ Cllass~iIlil,ca~iol1lJ is USHcJ to store il1lIPtitACIl and OoS mllHs ilillTCAM4 Pad~e~ lis sent to the FOllllVtndilll~1 ILoo!lkup CAIMI tor L3 lockup. File stores IL3 fO:Nlalfl::lliing and umcast RPF check Iml~,es_, GoniaJ~ns IIPv4 and IllPv6 FI~B ellli~lliles

7_ 8_ 9_

Ou~~u~ Clas:siillilca~ion stores output,A;CL an~1 'Q08 milies I~n TCAIMI.f

The PacketTransmit Descriptor (PTB) is sent to the Qtleue Memo:1)'

110_ Pald~e~ proeessostrensmssthe packetacrossme ~,ackp!llaJlle~o thle correct egress il1li~el1ace SUP,6L-,E sh'Bres the sa'ffl'e Brchite:cl,ure

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U Leo III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

Ciisco Catallyst 450101 -,Access Llne cards


• E~Series {24Gf slot) 481~ 1011100/1 OOG RJ4!5,

• 30Wl port ,(I~EIlEEB02_3at s~andar'ijIIlPGE-PIIlIS)

on upto.24 polis)

• E..Jsellfiies. Supervisors and E..JChlass~s on Illy

• PoE poll~dllil'Yl anijllTllonii~orillil'Yl .J1IU1ml~ o frame SUI~PO:1ft

• .2:11 oversubscribed

11f-_"",A!rrl,~:'~ {24GI slot) 48p 101'1 GOl1l OGO' data

o:lilly IR.JI45

• lIE-se:lllies Supervisors and E-Chass~s onlly

• Jumbo frame support

• 2: 'I oversubscribed

WS -X454S-RJ 45V+

• Class~c48 pmt1101100lUmO IRJ45 card

• 30W/I~olt on ul~to.24 ports (lIIEEE802._38i~ standard PoE-Pltl s) 01111 III pto 24 ports)

• 1IP0E pOII~cillil'Yl and ITlIOnu~orillil'Yl

• 8: 'I oversubscrbed

WS·,X.4+5 4S-G B,-RJ 45

.,' I.' la ssie 48 port 1 0/11 GO/11 000 data 0 lilly II iine, csrd

., 8: 11 oversubscrjbeo

WS -X.41624-Sf P-E

,., .24 port GIE SIfP l.ine Card

,., 241'81 slot non oversubseriaedflber agg re ~laltiol1ll IlC

,., SX, IlX, EX l' ZX GIE SIfP optics

,., E-Ser~es supervisors 8IUl~1 Chassis.


• ,6 port GIE l.ine Card

• '6GI slot, 1: 11

• Variety of opt~cs / SFP support

Transforming to Adaptive w ww.Loc uz .c 10 III

-rise Infrastructure

,., 6, port '110G )(2 (wiJ~h Twin-gig) l.ine Caud ,., 24GI slot, 2_.~i:11

,., LR, SR., LX4 ~md ILRM )(2 , DWIDMI , ZR opfics

,., E-Sel'i~e'S Supervisors and Chassis.

,., X2fomllifaCittor to SFP+fo:um factor for 11 OGE w~~1h DlleX CmllVHlrner

10G Fiber

Port-groulP' 11


Gi3/7-12 'Te3/4:-6

T'e3/1-3 Gi3/13,-lB

3 3


Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

.1 Chassis , Line cards ~~ PowerSupplies .IAln~hiitectu reand Packet Forward iiinlgi

.1 T'CAM enhancements I S,erviii,c,es IFllexibilllit.y .1 S,ys:tem IHliii'ghAv.a,iiilll;ab:iill',iity .IS,oftwareS,erviiioes

25f1K IF'illi'W:~lidingl IEntliiUes

• Dedicated hardware capacity for forward ii lng,

I. Dedicated hardware capacity for featu res

• Ample headroom forfutu re

req u iiire~m,er~ls

• Line rate performancefor

security andQ,oS


.1 Chassis " lLiiilne cards ~~ Power Supplies .IAn~ih 'iitecturea,nd Packet IF,olfW9rdiiilngl

.1 T'CAMI,eniha,n,oelml,ents I ,S,erviiioes IFlllexiilbiillliity • System IHliigIIhAvaiilllalb'~II:iity ·Sllo'fiw,areSelrviiices

• Operational M!ana'gl,e,a,biiiliity

Archltected tor Resiilliielncy

Hiiglh Availability

--- -

P'ow,er clrcun R,ed UI n dancy

System High Av,ail,albility

IRedundiant Supervisorsr----SSOI, NISF" ,andl IISSU ·Ciiisco C,atalyst 45071R-Eand 45 ~ OR-IE SIUPIPort, the use of redlundant


• Dedksted supervisor slots

In-Service Software Upgrades (ISSU)

• Supervisor hardware redundancy wi~I~1 leverage three sofi\Mare mechenisms to improve lnet'lNorlk resiliencyand provide for enhaoced operafional dhange processes

SSOI.-Stale,W'ull Switchaver NISF~No:n-Stop Forvvardiilng ~ISSU-~In-Service Sa1fbNare Up:grade

Non-9top Forw,ar,d~ng (NSfl L3

Stateful Switchover {SSOI} L2 and L4 Protocols

Redundant Supervisors

S,ystem HI ii 9 h Aval labl Iliity

'____ _ _,!_. ne Ic'a rd .Llns Call] Line. earn Line Card Line Card

I. StiatiefuilSWiirtdl0ver (OSSO)

I. Utiiillmzes IIIOS hili,gtl ;avaiill,abiilliilty framework

I. Synlchronlli~elS HW :sti~des ~riI realtme lbeMeen :sullperv~:so:r.s

I. SW processes Imlay be ,cllilelnllts of HA FIII";8lmewOirnk

SSO Synchronmzes:

Port SecUluuty


Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .


VLAlNs/T mnksJPorts STPf\fT1P1DIIP

PAgPI LACP 802._.~ 0

ACLlQ'OS voice VlAN WUUlI PolE

Redundancy COln'fli'gur,at!ion check - 8,8"0

'15101R-EilsboW' Modu,le Cha.s Ty-pe :: W.s -'C~45U](R-E

Po .. .e rr coneurced by backplane

Mod Po.rts Carel ":ype Mode.l No ,.


1 1S lOGE P:2:').. 1000BaseX ,(5E"f')~S-X'l:606-X2-E J"ABl1220.23.L

10/100/1000BaseT POEE Series~.s_:X'l:6'l:B-RJi'l!5V-E J"ABl122:021V

2 4j 8
:3 ~ 8
5 6
6 6
9 21 10/100/1000Ba,seT Preruil.urnf'OE iE, SeI:'iLes Sup 6 -E 10GE (X2), 1[10 OBa seX (:S FP) Sup 6-[ lOGE (X2), HWOBasEX (SFP) 10/10D/1DDDBaseT (RJ45)


!WS-X415-S.U.P6 .••.. -E, I WS-X415-SUP6-E,

~S-X'l: 'l: 2 'l: -GB,-RJ 15.

J"AlE,112 :9QM@ JAB112:50 OEE' J"AB1.12:500EL JAin 0 2: 65.H~1V

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

M Mf!.C add:resses Hw Fw Sw St,a:tu.s.

_._ . .,. - - ---_._._----- - - - - ---_. __ ._--- - - - - -+-_._+._-- - - - ---_._-+-_._- - - -- ----_ .. _._._ .. + .. _.- - - -_._. __ .

1 00llJ .. 5'l!fc .. :3:39d to 00lb .. 5'1fc.33ae 0 .. 3 Ok

2 00lb" 5'l!fc .. '1 9:96 to 00 lib .. 5'1fc . 'iJ9.c5 0 .. 3 Ok

3 DD1.c .. 5.8fB .. 1250 to 001c .. 5Bf8.121f 0 .. 3. Ok

5 DDlb".2a68 .. 008D to 001b .. 2a68.DDS5 0 .. 3 12.2(33r)SG( 12 .. 2(44)5& Ok

6 DDllJ .. 2a68 .. 0086 to 001b .. 2a68.DDSb 0 .. 3 12.2(33r)SG( 12 .. 2(44)5& Ok

9 DDlfi".c13el .. 1860 to 0016 .. c13d.1811 1 .. S Ok

Mod Redundancy Ilol,e O[peIE!.tiL!'!,gmode Rcedundianc:y statUJ.3


5 [Ac:tive SwoeIv:::'sor sso Active J

6 5tandby Superv:J!.sor ssa Standby: hot

• INSF He11P81r- III 1[70Ut~lilgl l~eeilrs detBd ~fJ'U31~ :8irl INSF router cen st~lIilfoMard packets wtU~lrI a switehover OGrJ~1r5 ,UlIiiS cspa ~illll~[y lis Ir'B'~eliirel@1 toas NSF H eillper

• Tile IINlISF IHe,ll~ell switc:11 hie IIp'stn send Ule! mut~lilgl liIUIII~Ol1llfillatll:o:UIIlto INSf peer rOIJll~:e1l

• INSF Capablle-IINlISIF wo:rllks witlln SSOtn lmilrllim~Z!etllne! amount ()m~ime V~a~ an L3 IrlHmOlik is una\rEllilEi ~lle!Jo~l()Winga Sill peir'l!liisOIi S?IMllltttl~eir by CDI~I~ill~ll!Ililrlg~O ilfol1N'iliard ~p packets

• Tile liiD!!.!Itlll1lig protocols mc.oveir mlJll~ing l~nmiol1llfillahonfr,om peers and Imebulile!tllne CEf tal~,lles

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U Leo III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

~510R-IE:-l {c:onf.ig) .ii:rout.elt:ei'grp 1 (]O 'ilSl OR-IE: -1 {con f.i g-.E out E r )Jl::ns f'

~51 OR-IE: -1 {con f.i g-.Hmt E r)lt tiMer,Sn,s ,f ?

C OlrrV,e.E g,e: lEi': IGRiP t .irute 1 imi.t for can VE rge:nc e a ft.,eE B w.i t.c hOVE r

rout.e- hold lEi': IGRP ho Ld t.ime :fo.l!: rOU.t.e,3 Le .. from nef pe:'~r


lEi':IGRIP tLme .l.::'mi.t for NSF r,esta.ll:t.

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

'510R-E-l(conf~q);rout.e~ aspf 100 '510R-E-l{conf~g-~outEr)~nsf 'il510R-IE:-l {conf.ig-.EDutEr)lInsE ?

c.iSGO Ci.sco .~on.·! iEtf IETF gracEful rEstart

'i! 51 OR-IE: -1 {con f.i g-.l!:out E r)ltns f' c.i s co '?

En.forc'~ CancEl iNiSF re,:3t.a.rit~i!hen. non-NSF-awar',e neighbors det.ect,e:d heLp e:r ,

'i! 51 OR-IE: -1 {con f.i g-.KDut E r)ltns f' i etf' ?

hElpe.K he Lpe r ,

rEsitart-interval GraCEful rEstart inte~val

~ 51 OR-IE: -1 {con f.i g-.l!:out E r)ltbgrpgr z:ac:e,f'Ul-z:e,staz:t ?·time Set th.E lllIax t.i:mE nEedEd. +o .It:,e:start and. corut'e bd.clil:. up

at.a.l, Sect t.i:mEto hold onto peEr' ,3 st.alE pat.h,s

Ilin ,S,ervJce S,oftware Up'grade IMiiniimize unplanned Downtime

Driivers and Beneillits. ·Allw8'yS on NetMorlk

(INlegllliilgiblle pll,c)lnnled downrtililmle)

• Ilde;all lor new c;ri'Ocalll services deployment

• PSI RT update maoe easy

Fu nctiiona~iity

• Upgr,ade SofuNare Illm:alges at runtim

• S~bsecond ulpgrades«50mlseic)

Supported PI,atforms:

• ,Cat t 45:0ilIR-1E

• 'Cata~yst 45,1101R-IE

• Requiilres duall supervisors

• S~pporied on ;aIIIISllJllpelrvi~so:rs

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

.1 Chassis and Power Supplies

.1 Architecture and Packet IFlollWalrdiiin'gl

.1 'T'CAMIIEniha,nGemlentslS·ervii'ces IFllle,xibiiilliiity .1 S,yslem IHiiiglhAva'iilll,alb,iilliiily

.1 Software Services

.1 Operational Manage'8,biiillty

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

Access S,oftware Servi,ces

eaJtallyg,t4.500 E, Systems

Operational and Infrastructure Efficiency

Operational and Energy Efficiency


.1 Chassis and Power ,SulPplllii'es

.1 Architecture and PacketForwardinq

.1 T'CAMI IEnlhaneelmlents/Se'rviiees FIII,e'xiilbii'llliiity .1 S,yst1e'm IHliiiglhAvaiiilll,albiillliity

.1 Software S,ePJiiioes

Transforming to Adaptive w w w ~ a C U L C 10 III

EnterprIse Infrastructure . .

Catallys't 4500/4900 Operational Mlanlagle'abiillity SimpllifiedllOperationl Throughout the L,ifecycle

GO:~I~ligILi rati:on malila:@lemeill~

iMI "~. "~"

.~l ."


: .. "'. II'I~ ... '

Trans ~Ornllnll 0 raptive

EnterprIse Infrastructure w ww.Loc uz .c 10 III

45:011R'·E#SIIHIIRU~IINir G,IIG 2/11 Bu i lid ill1lgl connglUlliilti,on.,.,.,

Curlfent con~iglUllral~ioln : 36 bytes ! ~

i I1Itelrilril.c!e G ig.1llibiitEtheml1let2t11 End

45:011R·E(confiDgl}4fII~IT G,IIG, 2nl

4501 R -E (con fi 9 -iiif)#a uta qos voii p' ci SCiQ -ph 10 ne 45'0 11R·E (colfllflugl-il~#

*.AIPIi 1111:33,:2·5,.16114,: '%SWllirCIi QOS TB, .. 5,-

lil~~ :Sli~ D'~VIICIE_~IEirECliIEID:: . Ci"S,OO:-jp;hICHlI,e detecte d on p,od 'G 12~11 " IP 0111 S cOlfllf,lgllUllile d trust state IS tiNlW ,olpelral~i onall!.

45'011R·E(conf,igl-i:f)#'do sill run int 'gligl 2111 i I1Iterifa ce G i gaibiitEthemet2t11

auto qos voip, c'isco-phlone

qos trust devic,e cisco-phone

s'e rv~,ce-p OIII~CY linp ut Auto Qo's -VoIIP ~Inp ut-eos ~P 0,1 i cy s'e rVI:ce-p ollllCY out:plUi~ AIi.I~oQ os-V,oIIIP -0 li.I~p ut·P,olllicy ,en,d

450 71R·E (configl·if)#

Selill'ioe lD'eiploym elf 4l5071R·IElsliI,ow p,o,1 i'C:y-lmil.p,AutoQos,,·"V',oIIIP-ln:pultCos-P,olilicy

P,olilicy IMlal!!' .AutloQ os-V,o I P,·lln p,ut,·Cos,-Pol~licy ClIass AIUi~OQ,os..;Vol P!-IBealfeli~'OS

set qiOS·gllilolUlp, 46

Cliass AlUitoQ os..;Vol P-Colnl~rol-Cos

set qiOS·gllilolUlp' 24 4l5011R·IEI

4l5071R·IElsl'iI,ow p,o,1 i C:y-Imil p' .AutDQOS,,·iV',oIIIPOutp ut-\Pol~luc"l

P,olilic"l IMlalpA~tloQ,os~V'o I P·Olll~p ut-P,oliluey

ClIass .AIUit'OQ,os';Vol P!·IBealf,eli-Q,osG rDlil P set ds'cp et

set 00,s5,

IPlii olrilty

IPolic:e etr percent 33 conif'olrliil1-13ctiion tnilnlsm it exceedl-adi on d rDp'

ClIass AIUi~,oQ ns ..;"1101 P-ColnI~rDI-QosG'lrouIP2G set ds,cp af311

set co,s 3

Iba.ndwi:dth Iremainingl percent 5,

ctass AlUitoQ os ..;"1101 P-ColnI~rDI-QosG'lrOuIP2,4 set dscp cs3

set ecsa

Ibandwidth Iremainingl percelnlt5, C las s e lass·dleif,a u It:

Catalyst ,4,5101101"4,9110110 Alu't~o ,5, m a IrtlP 0 rts

.1 Challllenilges wi·th oilldlerversi~o:n of Sm:artlPorts

.1 EX~:5tillngl macrostendedlcwards Ilowest ,co:mlmo:n dlelrl,oml~ln;ato:r behavior lin order to mlillnliml~~ethe Illllullmber of IPotelrillti~,alll comer eases

.1 INlew deviees e .. lg .. LWAIPP AP"s" not SlUlPlPo:r1led

.1 Illn~itilall ~im:plileimieirilltat~o:n uti~lllli2ed the II'OS parser to illmlpll,em,ent a macro calpabi~lllilty whiiich meant no ~~undlol" capabiillilty

.1 Ulpdlatiing the iilmlpllem,en~atiiolnto :adldress these issues pilus ,addlthe ;albiiII iltyto dyniamli~,callilly applly ;a Im;aCIrO based on detecton of the deviloe! type


PCJPI1l10HI ,e maorn

.AILJitolmlatli,c IQoni~i,gUlr.atiiio:n of the access port as devices connect

Catalys't 45,100/49100 Configuration Rollback

Confliigur,atiion rollback provides ,aw,ay to arcbveand save older conrfliguratiilons so that they m,ay be recovered as and when needed ......

Cor~fl~g IJratil( I1Iiillal~.algeme

Prer,iiDUS, ~ Ourmnl COIllI'iiIIUlrali:ons, ~ Conliglulmlian



Confliguratiiion rollback allows the user to. spedrfy how many older oonl~iguratiilon versions they wish to

archive .

TranSJOmllnglo rap ve I

Enterprise Infrastructure v; w w . ~ a C U L . C 10 III

Embedded Evelnt IMalnager IE,E,M Appllication Exampl,e

Slimpillil~liled IUPOIIiiI IMatchiing tlhe IPlroviiided .SYS,ll:OIG, NIllessage "ll,IIIINI~.3.UIPIDIO'WINI!"!!1 tltlJlleSwiiit!ch qperatDnn IP1elrf(mms the F'ollllllowiilngActii'OIns:::

• IDiiislP,11aiY ,ern~!llrs~a!Us;liilCs ilior tifJIe Illiinlk, tifJI,at: ~,a,so,o'ne daWfl ·S~alli1a, T~ID1e IDioiD1alilfl IAe'f1I,ec'~:O:D1e~lry' 1(TIDIA),~est:

• Semi d tifJIe Ir,eSll!I ~~s Wltsii milO ,II pl'1oividied tam pllaJil:~!

~o ,II Il!I:seili"'-coll1lngIWllrabll,ea,d!tillrelss

1lll1lterfa,ce D.owl11


IF'ormon3i 'E,E,M iaIP'lplli~caliio:n eXalmlplles viis iii theE.E:IMScl~i:p,tiingl ,Comlmluniity

TranSJOmllnglo rap ve I

Enterprise Infrastructure v; w w . ~ a C U L . C 0 III

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