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Switching Networks

Single Stage Network

• The fig shows M inlets and N outlets ,consisting of matrix of
crosspoints ,these may be separate relays or electronics
devices or contacts of crosspoints.
• This switch gives full availability , no call lost unless
outgoing trunks are congested.
• The system contains M x N crosspoints . If M = N then
number of crosspoints is :
C1 = N²
• The cost increased as the square of the size of the switch
.The efficiency (N/N² = I/N ) decreases inversely with N.
• It is uneconomical to use single stage network for large
number of inlets and outlets.
Switching Networks
Single Stage Network
• For example a switch with 100 inlets and 100 outlets
requires 10, 000 crosspoints and only 1% of these can be
used at any time.
• For making connections between large number of trunks
are constructed as network containing several stages of
Switching Networks
Two Stage Network

nxg n
n nxg
M inlets

n n
nxg nxg

•If the two stage network shown above has N incoming and N outgoing
trunks and contained primary switches having n inlets and secondary
switches having n outlets , then number of primary switches g = number of
secondary switches = number of outlets per primary switch = number of
inlets per secondary switch.
Two Stage Switching Networks
g = N/n
• The No. of crosspoints per primary switch = No. of crosspoints per secondary
switch = g n = N
• The total No. of crosspoints C2 in the network = No. of switches x
crosspoints per switch .
C2 = 2 g n = 2N²/n (1)
• Since there is one link from each primary switch to each secondary switch ,
the No. of links is equal to No. of primary switch x No. of secondary switches
= g² = (N/n )² (2)
• The No. of crosspoints varies as 1/n and No. of links varies as 1/N² , if n is
made large to reduce the No. of crosspoints . There will be few links to carry
traffic .
• Let the No. of links be equal to No. of incoming and outgoing trunks then :
g2 = N ,substituting in equation (2)
N = N2/n2
n2 = N2/N n =√N (3)
Two Stage Switching Networks
• The total No. of crosspoints from equation (1) is :
C2 = 2gn = 2N²/n
putting value of n = √ N
C2 = 2N²/ √ N
C2 = 2 ( N )3/2 (4)
• Select one of nearest integer to n that is factor of N. Crossbar
switch may be of size 10 x 10 or 10 x 20 .
• It is economic to use the network with more than two stages.
Two Stage Switching Networks
• Example : Design a two stage network for connecting 200
incoming trunks to 200 outgoing trunks.
Let n = √200 = 14.14 ,however n must be factor 200, so
nearest possible values are n= 10 and n= 20 . Two possible
networks are shown below:

n 20x20
200 200
incoming 20 switches 10 switches outgoing
trunks trunks

n n
10x10 20x20
Fig (a)
Two Stage Switching Networks

n n
200 20 switches outgoing
10 switches trunks
n n
20x20 10x10
Fig (b)
Two possible networks are shown above , each containing 6000
trunks . The network of (a) suitable for 20 outgoing routes each
having 10 trunks and fig (b) is suitable for 10 outgoing routes
each having 20 trunks.
Two Stage Switching Networks
• The fig (a) have same No. of outgoing and incoming trunks.
However concentrator have more incoming trunks than
outgoing trunks and expander have more outgoing trunks
than incoming trunks .
• Consider the concentrator with M incoming trunks and N
outgoing trunks (M >N) , let primary switches have m
inlets and each secondary switch has n outlets then.
• No. of primary switches = M/m
• No. of secondary switches = N/n
• No. of crosspoints per primary switch = m N/n
• No. of crosspoints per secondary switch = n M/m
• Total No. of crosspoints are:
C2 = M/m x mN/n + N/n x n M/m
C2 = MN [ 1/n + 1/m ] (1)
Two Stage Switching Networks
• No. of links = No. of primary switches x No. of secondary
switches = MN/ mn.
• Since traffic capacity is limited by No. of outgoing trunks ,
there is not feasible to to provide more than this number of
links . So No. of links be N .
MN/mn = N
n = M/m (2)
substituting value of n from equation (2) to equation (1)
C2 = MN[1/M/m + 1/m] = MN[ m /M + 1/m] (3)
In order to minimize C2 , treat m as if were a continuous
variable and differentiating w.r.t. m
dc2/dm = MN [I/M - 1/m2] = 0 , When m = √M
From equation (2) m = n = √M
Two Stage Switching Networks
When m = √M
Equation (2)
m = n = √M (4)
The No. of crosspoints are minimum if No. of inlets per
primary switch = No. of outlets per secondary switch , from
equation (3)
C2 = MN [1/√M + 1/ √ M ]
= MN [1 + 1 ]
C2 = 2 (M) ½ N (5)

• m and n are integer and factor of M and N respectively. If M

> N equation (4) gives larger and fewer secondary switches
than if n = √N were chosen . To obtained an expander , M is
exchanged with N and m with n.
Three Stage Switching Networks

B Links
A Links
n g2 x n
nxg2 N/n x N/n
g3 = N/n
g2 = Sec. N
N g1 =N/n Switches Tertiary witch outlets
inlets Pri. Switches

n g2x n
N/n x N/n
Three Stage Switching Networks
• There is one link from each primary switch to each secondary switch and
one link from each secondary switch to each tertiary switch
• A connection from given inlet on primary switch to a selected outlet
tertiary switch may be made via secondary switch , unless its link to
primary or it link to secondary switch is busy .
• If the three stage network has N incoming trunks and N outgoing trunks
and primary switch with n inlets and secondary switch with n outlets.
• The No. of primary switches (g1) = No. of tertiary switches (g3) = N/n.
• The primary switches have N/n inlets and outlets, if the No. of primary –
secondary links (A links) and secondary –tertiary links (B links ) are each
N , then No. of secondary switches is :
g2 = N ÷ N/n = n
• No. of outlets per primary switch = No. of inlets per tertiary switch.
No. of crosspoints in primary stage = n² N/n = Nn.
No. of crosspoints in secondary stage = n ( N/n)² = N²n.
No. of crosspoints in tertiary stage = n² N/n = Nn.
The total No. of crosspoints are :
C3 = N(2n + N/n) (1)
Three Stage Switching Networks
• Differentiating equation (1) w.r.t. n and equating to zero. No. of
crosspoints are minimum when
n = √N/2 (2)
C3 = 2 √2 ( N ) 3/2
C3 = √2 X C2
C3 = (2) 3/2 (N) - ½ C1 (3)
• If a three stage concentrator has M incoming trunks and N
outgoing trunks (M > N) . The primary switches have m inlets
and tertiary switches have n outlets then :
No. of primary switches = M/m
No. of tertiary switches = N/n
If there are g2 secondary switches
Crosspoints per primary switch = mg2
Crosspoints per secondary switch = M/m x N/n
Crosspoints per tertiary switch = N/n
Three Stage Switching Networks
• The total No. of crosspoints is :
C3 = M/m x mg2 + M/m x N/n x g2 + N/n x ng2.
C3 = Mg2 + MN/mn g2 + Ng2
C3 = g2[M + N + MN/mn] (4)

Since M>N , No. of A Links = No. of B Links

N = g2 M/m = g2 N/n
Hence g2 = n and m = m M/N
Substituting equation (4)
C3 = (M + N ) n + N2/n
Differentiating w.r.t. n to find minimum
m = M/ √M + N , n = N/ √M + N
C3 = 2N √N + M (5)
To obtain an expander M exchanged with N and m with n.

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