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This is to certify that this Seminar Report on “An Overview of Global

Pharmaceutical Industry”- submitted by Hemant Kumar Chauhan student of
MBA 4th semester during the session 2010 of Chouksey Engineering College,
Bilaspur (C.G.), is his own work and has been prepared under my guidance for
the fulfillment for the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of
Business Administration (MBA)

I wish him all the best for his future.

Mr. A. K. R. Patwardhan
(H.O.D. MBA Dept.)
Chouksey Engineering College,
Bilaspur (C.G.)

I hereby declare that the seminar work titled “An Overview of Global
Pharmaceutical Industry” is a genuine work done by me and all collected
information is authentic to the best of my knowledge, the work done by other if
referred has been properly acknowledged.

Hemant Kumar Chauhan

M.B.A. 4th Sem.
Chouksey Engineering College,
Bilaspur (C.G.)

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere and heartiest

gratitude to all the persons, who enabled me to make use of my hidden talents and
also giving me privilege to complete this seminar report.

I would like to thankful to Head of Department Mr. A. K.R.

Patwardhan, and all other staff members who helped and spent their valuable time
for me.
For allotting me this work and helping me in carrying out the same under
their able and expert supervision.

I am heartily thankful to my Friends for supporting me

directly or indirectly for keeping my spirits high.

Hemant Kumar Chauhan

M.B.A. 4th Sem.
Chouksey Engineering College,
Bilaspur (C.G.)

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