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eee ae oe Gr wonder how~you both come down; But touch him, and he'll tumble ftraight, How could he then fipport your Weight. How couldthe Youth, alas, but bend, When his whole Heaven upan him lean’d ? Jf ought by him a mifs were done, Twas that he let you rife fo foon, PELLSSHLS SSS ESE E LESTE The Afs, a Tale. N Italy, as Authors tell us, _ There liv’d a Painter wonderous Jealous: tormented witha Female Evil, Tempting, and fubtile as the Devil. A flippery Protexs, whom no Chain, Nor all che Padlocks could contain, Thus fhe created frequent fmart, To tiusband’s caking Head and Heart. And “twas the bufinets of his Lite, How to confine that Eel his Wiie. Inventing Noddle teems at Jaft, With an odd Whim to hold her faft. Refolved with Bruth his Art to show, Whate’er he cann’t perform below. He drewan 45S with wonderous Skull, On the lo't Brow of Venus Hill. Thus ifthe ftray’d he could for certain Knew her, by drawing up the Curtain. Or, i1a Neighbour were fo bold, To leap the Fence, or break the Hold, The As woud {peak ——— ee But Butah how vain our Counfels are, And all our Plots againft the Fair, Comes on old Friend, a Pencil Brother, Rubs out one 4/5, and Paints another 5 But adding what the firft did lack, Hedrew a Saddle onthe Back. Cuxo & was wonderons pleas’d and fmil’d 5 To think how Seignour was beguil’d ; Who reeling Home one Evening late, With Mellow Looks and Jealous Pate, Vow’d he’d not take a wink of Sleep, Without one dear departing Peep. Will you diftruft me, Cholce crys, Inhumane Man, and wipes her Eyes, Take then your Speétacles and view it, Tie .A/s isas whole as when you drew it. 1 {ce my -Afs is whole, my dear, i Quoth don as when I left it here; Bnt Paw-ve take him who clapt the Saddle there. The Rapture. C Ry’d Strephon panting in Cofmelia’s Arms, I die, bright Nymph amidft your Charms ! Chear up, dear Youth, reply’d the Maid, Diffolved in Amorous Pain, All Men muft die (bright Boy you know) Ber they can Rife again. EDEDOS CALS EG OD OA BE OA ODD OA EA OO EDS Venus Miftaken, HEN Chloe’s Pigture was to Venus fhown; Surpriz’d, the Goddefs took it for her own, And

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