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* Noncummunible

By: Leslie Granados
*Cardiovascular disease (CVD), principally heart
disease or stroke, is the Nations leading killer for both
men and women among all racial and ethnic groups. 
*Almost 1 million Americans die of CVD each year,
which adds up to 42% of all deaths.
*Heart disease doesnt just kill the elderly, it is a
leading cause of death for ALL Americans age 35 and
above. Heart disease is acountable for over 1 million
deaths per year, in 160,000 of those deaths these
people were about 35 to 64 years old.   

* Since most researchers have found that risk factors can be
included in a child life, which can be treated or modified
but some cannot.
* Most of the risk factors that control a childs life can be
controlled early in life, so its lowers the risk of getting CVD
* A lot of other risks are usually passed down by family
members (usually being hereditary) which could usually
result in another disease or illness which can be treated .
* Congenital Heart Disease: (Heart deffects your born with)
cannot be changed, but now there are good treatments for
this disease .

*Did you know?

* Exercise more like:
* Stretch
* Areobics: Walking, jogging, jump rope, rowing
* Eat better: Oatmeal, Salmon, Berries, nuts etc.
Be more active take care of yourself so youll
have a better healthy future.


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