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Meg Noah 95,521 4 \P Statistical Physics e Problem Set #3 29 | Scheitky Ope f @ system consisting of A atoms anc Possessing n Such defects write down the Helmholta free energy Fln), Fe € -to E=ne E ft o = kIN InN —nban - len) bili nl ENtaN nan = (Nen) dn(N-r\d] fae a system jn thermal e Aho, OT, Fe min mom fend Vis = £Cr) oF _ 2 “(s)e Tae =O Sn an Gn an Sled OT =o gos kb dnnt Inln-n)] an an on é ~ kT [etn n + bn(n-n)] = ° Br [tn(454)] <0 dn(N- 1) = & = eer oF i Meg Noah +P crystal contains N atoms which possess Soin d and magnetic pmomentu.Flaced vi cuniform magnetic field Bthe oloms can ponent themselves ia Sdicecharss parallel, perpendicular, and anhiparallel, HE the cvystalis_in thermal equilibrium at temperature T find Ln expression for its mean_m. femavnent Al, asseming that yenly the mievachons of the dipoles with te Field 28 need be. |temsidered What is the magrete moment of the crystal fe 1) ee plated ina wale fold at hgh dem perature ) when placed i a Sheng Reld at low temperatane Me Ni fh = 2 pepe = Pe Wat Pafuis t Px ps Ey = WB €,=0 Ey=wB “pay = fd fe O. fixe p ZizeLe. SPO owe , oP 7 - z, . Zj.= 2 PoE et Pie € “rel xe WBS a eX os Pa = 2% zZ, Zi Z, + ae Kk iE penen ME + QF CRE = wlerte%) = pasinht 42 pBS Gen) (+ dcoshx (it) wB>| : \ eX>o j4+e* > oF (2 ~ 1 powe-e*) = wer = =p (eX+e*% +l) (ire*) ¥ A= No = Np tomplete aliqnivent

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