Beogram 4002-Owners Manual

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4002 - a high-tidBlity player featuring nand It is, a con-

stereo record

fu liy au to matte operatic

high specifications.
development trolled

of Bang & Oluf-

sen's first electronically 'record player tanqential


arm wh ich tracks

the disc in a straight

The new MMC 4000 pickup uses an elliptic naked diamond. sty Ius force 1 gram me. Also the rotation of the disc is electronically controlled and consequently is independent of mains-vel tage variations.
We wish to conqratulate on your will full Beoqrarn 4002. hope that these benefit


i nsirucncns

help you to real lze of your



system so that you will have no problems in attaining you r object ive . Iisteni ng to

You rs faithtu Ily.

Bang & Olufsen


3. 4 5 5

Setting up Key Plan Operation Care ot Discs Pickup Maintenance


Technlcal data



Mains As received by you, your 8eogram 4002 is set to 220 volts, and if this is your local mains voltage, all you have to do is to plug the mains lead into a wall soc kat. If not, the un it must be switched to the proper voltage; it has provision for switching between mains voltages of 110, 130,220, and 240 volts AC, The change-over switch is located in the bottom of the un it and is easily turned, using a coin.


The job of settl ng up your 8eogram 4002 after transport lind unpacking is covered by a separate manual. The unit should be placed horizontally on a table or shelf system. In order to allow the dust cover to be opened completely. sufflclent free h-eigh t shou Id be provided above the unit corresponding to 46 em between two shelves as shown in this sketch. Connection to Amplifier


o [[JlD:=y

The cab Ie fitted with a 0 IN plug should be run to the PHONQ lnput (low Impedance) of a high-fidelity stereo amplifier or stereo radio.

50/60 Hz

Your Beogram 4002 will operate on mains frequencies of both 50 and 60 Hz without switching of any kind, Stylus Force Adjustment Recommended stylus force for the MMC 4000 is 1 gramme,


The adjusting device (13) allows adjustment of stylus force between 0 and 1.5 gramrnes. Use the screwdriver which is provided,reading the value on the small scale.





11 10 9 8 7

5 4 3 2 1

Stop and rapid outward travel 2 3 4 5 Slow outward travel LIFT SLOW inward travel Start and rapid inward travel Selaction of 45 r.p.m. Selection of 33 r.p.m. Adjustment r.p.m, of 45


9 10 11

45 r.p.m. indicator 33 r.p.m. indicator Adjustment of 33 r.p.m.


MMC 4000 pickup Stylus force adjustment



Your Seagram 4002 Is very simple to operate. All you have to do is to put a disc on the turntable and press the ON button. The automatic control system will then make the turntable rotate at the correct speed and bring the pickup In to the first groove of the disc-and lower it. When the disc has finished, the pic k upl l+tsa nd travel s out to the side, and the turntable stops. MlInual Operation Your Seagram 4002 also has provision for more individual operation. You can stop playing, introducing a pause, begi n play ing in a ny desired place on the disc, or repeat a section. Stop Pause 7 SEOGRAM 4002
B 5

4 3 2






V 1\



If you wish to stop playing before the disc has finished, press OFF. The pickup will then rise and travel sideways out, and the turntable will stop.

You can introduce a pause you want while playing a disc. A light pressure applied to LI FT - with this symbol - will lift the pickup, and ths pickup will be relowered when you press a second time. Arbitrarv Lowering


If you do not wish to listen to a disc from the beginning. press ON again. The pickup will now travel in across the disc unti' you lower "the sty I us into the groove by pressing LIFT.


This movement across t'he disc is relatively qulc k. If you prefer slower scan ning, press 14) instead. Movement will occur only as long as you press the button, To lower, press LI FT 13). Repest When you wish to repeat a section you haveelraadv heard. you can do it in two ways: Rapid scanning: By pressing OFF you can cause the pickup to travel out until you lower the sty Ius by pressi ng LI FT. Slow scanning: Keep (2) depressed until the styl us is above the desired place and thereafter press LI FT. Discs with Large Centre Holes

Speed Your Bscqrarn 4002 eutorna-

tical Iy selects the proper

speed, indiceted by illumination of one of the scales. . 33 or 45. In of the special 17

em discs to be played at 33 r.p.rn, you can select the

speed yourself: First press ON, and keep until the stylus has been lowered into the groove.

33 depressed


To playa disc with a large centre hole, the record spindle should be fitted with the adaptor wh ieh is suppl led, before putti ng the disc on.


Fine Adjustment
-3 2 I. I, 1012 I, . I.',' 3+

of Reg'ister






Your Seogrom 4002 has two poi ntersand aojustrnent knobs for reading and (if requ Ired ) adjusting the register. The 33 and 45 r.p .rn, speeds can be adj ustsdl ndivlduallv , and correct adjustment Is where the pointers are ot O. Towards +or - the speed is higher or lower. respectively. than the sta nda rd speed.

Cafa of d ISIlS In designing the Beo·gram 4002, every effort has been made to ensure that your records can be played a large number of times with no deterioration of sound quality. However, there is something you can do yourself; for example, you can minimize wear by avoiding dust particles and finger prints on your records. Dust can be wiped off using one of the aids which are commercially available, but it is better to try to avoid the necessity for removing II. We assu me that you keep your discs in their jackets or albums. It is not immaterial how you take out a disc because the friction agal nst the inner side of the jacket is enough to g'ive the disc a static charqe so it will attract dust. Hold the disc jacket so that its sides bend away from the disc. Put your hand in below the disc so that the middle finger tau ches the centre hole and the thumb grips the rim of the disc, and without touching the grooves of the disc. Pull the disc out of its [ac ket in such a manner that the jacket only touches the rim of the disc, not the

Only hold the rim of the disc when putting it on the turntable. Keep the dust cover of your Baoqraro 4002 closed while playing the disc. Put the d i sc back in its jacket in the same carefu I manner, avoiding friction between the sides of the disc and the jacket. By doing so you help to reduce the need 'for anti-static wiping of. your discs. Should th is become necessary, procead as fellows; Put the disc on the turntable; press ON; wait until the pic kup has been lowered: then press LIFT. The pickup will now llft while the turntable continues. to rotate, and you can wipe the disc. Cleaning the Pickup Stylus Dust is practically certa into collect around the diamond sty Ius proper. The cleaning brush supplied with your Beogram 4002 is spec iall V designed for cleani ng the sty Ius, and the sketch shows how LO lise it. Hold the brush up against the metal hOUSIng of the pickup cartJidge, behind the stylus proper, and thereafter move it forwards in the direction of the transparent section of the pickup.

actual surfaces.

CAUTION: Brushing In the opposite direction will ruin the sty Ius assernbl v , thereby rendering the pickup cartridge u nserviceabl e. Do not use daterqents only th is brush. . use

Each MMC 4000 unit IS indrvidualtv matched. This is your guarantee that it meets the tech nical data specified for it. Cheeking the Stylus Foree

The protective hood should only be put on the pickup duri ng transport of the Bea· gra.m 4002, not every time you have fl fli shed usi ng it. 'Repla1::ing' the Pickup Cartridga



Should It become necessary to replace the pic kup cartridge because of damage to the stvlus assembly or some other detect, the entire pic kup cartridge sh 01.1 Id be ra ken off the arm and a new one Inserted. Hold the pickup firmly with one hand while carefurtv moving the cartridge from side to side , pulling outwards with the other. A new complete cartridge ries 111 is designation:
MMC 4000 car-





type 8954410

Each MMC cartridge is supplied packed, complete with caubration card showinq the technical data of that particular u 11; L

>0,1 gr<

Sty Ius force is adjusted as described on page 2. A check on the sty I LIS force can be performed with the stylusforce balance which is provided. Ptace the balance on the chassi s dec k , to the right of the tuenteble, and control the pickup so that it is lowered on to the scale of the balance. To do th is. first press ON and quickly thersafter (4). By alternetelv pressing (31. (2) [3) and (4) 131, cause the stv: us to go down on that point of the balance where equilibrium exists. Read the number on the balance, and you can sse whether it agrees with the readi ng on (13). 1 f the disagree. rnent is too great, we suggest that you have your dealer adj ust the pickup-arm ccu nrsrbal ance weight. 'Measuring accuracy of the sty Ius-force balance is 0.1 gramme.


to 4 Channels

Dost COVllf Repeated wiping with a dry cloth will cause the dust cover to eventually pickup a static charge.
We therefore

Your Beogram 4002 can be converted so that it will also play CO-4 quadrophonv discs. The pickup cartridge must be replaced with an MMC 6000, wh ich covers a frequency range up to 45,000 Hz. Also required is a CO-4 decoder, to be installed in the record player. A separate, external decoder of another rna ke may be connected instead. Lastrv. the record player and decoder must be connected to a 4,·channel amplifier system. MAINTENANCE The ex ternal surfaces of your Beogram 4002 can normally be kept clean with a dry cloth. Any grease marks on the metal surfaces ca n be removed with a soft doth moistened in a cold or lukewarm solution of detergent in water, followed by thorough wiping with a dry cloth. Take care not to damage the stylusl Put the protective hood on before wiping the rnstal surfaces of your Beogram 4002.

suggest that you occasionally use detergent whe wiping the dust cover. as it may

Do not use alcohol attack the material Teak and Rosllwood

If the wood surfaces seem grey and dry you may apply a thin film of teak or rosewood 011, though not more than once or twice a year, Use a thin grade oil. especially for rosewood, Blond Oak Do not use oil under any circumstances - even non-oil detergent Of wax ea n cause discoloration of the untreated surface, The removal of dark spots should be left to an expert.


DATA DIN 45500 R8Cluiromon1.


to change without





Sound system

Stereo, matrix

1 mV

Tonearm Pickup cartridqe


MMC 4000 Yes Yes

Autornanc Automatic

pickup movement

'P"ed selecuon

Wow and Ilurter , DIN Wow and tluuar, WRM$

Rumble Rumble 0 I N ""waigh 0 I N weighted red




<±0D2.5% >35 dB >5!'idB

Speed deviation




Speed control
Dial fer speed Stylus prassure



0·1.5 gram 0.04" Electronic Parallel Hacking, error angle compensated

Controlled Belt


track Ing

lift svstarn Arulskatlnq

Motar Drive system Turntable DU90i


3G ern 2.2 kg
Hinged and detachable 110·130·


Pawer supply

220 - 240 volts

Fr. uencv
'Power ccnsurnpuon Dimension, W

50·6QHz 40 Walls 49


10 x 38 em

Weight Pickup
Stylus Had Ius of curveturs Frequency ronge 40 15)Jm

12 kg MMC4000 Elliptical naked d iarnond

± 5 I'm

5 x 17)Jm

·12,500 Hz ± 5dB

20 - 3D.000 Hz ± 2.5 dB 50 - 20.000 Hz >25dB >20dB <1608 <1% 1 gram

63.5 ·8.000 Hz ± 2 dB Channel soparallon 1000 Hz 220dB 215dB '::::2 dB


± 1,5


~oo ·10,GOO
Clla~nel I rrtermod


difference u l-at ion stvlus

Hacommendad Compliance Effective tip

>4 mass

x 10


3O·x 10 0.5 mg

6 cm/dvn.

Output mV lem/sec.

0.6 mV/47 kohrns

SEOGRAM 4002·6000


/ -f


1 2

Dust eover Turntable Pick'up Drive belt and adapter


3 4





Transport i~

Your Seogram 4002-6000 protected In several ways against damage in transit.

Turntable and Belt, and One Inside Lock Screw


(1 )

, ,


It IS important that your Beogram is correctly assembled and set up after it is unpacked. If you wish. you rnav leave this to your dealer. The following components are enclosed in the foam inssrts in the carton: 1

Using a small screwdriver, release two spring locks, one in either side in the back left and right corners, marked A in the sketch.

3 4

Dust cover Turntable Drive belt and adapter Pick-Up contains the


The pickup carton following items:

The wooden frame may now be pushed approx. 1 em forward, thereby releasing the aluminium chassis dec ks,

SP 15 pickup cartridge with guard Screwd river fa r sty Ius force adjustment Cleaning brush for pickup sty Ius Balance for checking stylus force.

stvt us


Lift up chassis deck B and remove it towards the right. Lift up and remove chassis deck C.

NOTE: Keep the original packing and this instruction for use at a larer transport. Unnecessary damage may be done to the record player if it is sent without baing correctly secured and packed.
To prepare your Seagram use, proceed as fo llows: for



Turn three lock screws in the bottom of the turntable unit anti-clockwlse against the stop (towards PLAY).

Close to the pie ku p Iifti119 system is a loc k screw wh lch secures the system during- transport. This screw should be turned anti-clockwise and removed.


The turntable and belt can be mounted in varlous ways, The simplest one is to put the belt on the turntable before loweri ng the latter on 10 the shaft. First put the belt around the turntable belt-face on the under side. The brigh t side should face outwards, and the belt should temporarily be placed up above the rim as shown in the sketch.

Pickup (1) Remove the transit protectio 11 device, inserted between the two arms. Insert the pic kup cartridge in the pickup arm. Remove the stylus guard.





Mounting the Dust Cover The dust cover has an alurninium panel which contains the hinge and spr-ing system proper. To secure this panel to the turntable unit, proceed as tallows:


Then lower the turntable on to its shaft and bring the belt around the motor belt pulley without twisting it. Tu rn the tu rntable 51ightIV to ch ec k that the mechanicat transmission is smooth and unimpeded.


Turn two screws in the rear corners in the bottam of the turntable unit anti-clockwise, pressing a finger against the surface of the lock bush in\) to prevent it from rotating. When the screws have been loosened sUfficientIy to permit the bushings to get raised 5· 6 mm, the aluminium panel of the dust cover may be brought in below the heads of the two lock bushings. Retighten the. screws. You may find it necessarv first to close the cover and bri ng it into position before final IV tightening the screws,



b:_, .. ~



Lower chassis deck C back Into place; the. spri ng bar sh au Id poi nt towards the top right comer. Put chassis deck B diagonallv down; the milled edge (see sketch I should face left, towards C, and be pushed in below the spring bar'. Move the wooden and front sides





All other Information - arnp!lfier connection, mains voltage. mains frequency, adjustments and operating procedureis given in the enclosed operating instructio ns fo r the Beogram.


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