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Presented By : Niraj Aryal ( 니러저 )


• Gamma-butyrolactone are signaling molecule which directly takes part

in the regulation of secondary metabolite even with very low


• Virginiae butanolide (VB) is a gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator that

triggers production of virginiamycin M and S in Streptomyces virginiae.

• Likewise, SCB1 from S. coelicolor

• A-factor from S. griseus

• IM-2 from S. lavendulae FRI-5

are some of the most studied autoregulators.

This are previous studies made
on the biosynthesis of various
(A) Solid arrows, shaded arrows, and open arrows indicate plausible regulatory genes,
resistance genes for virginiamycin, and genes for catalytic enzymes, respectively

• Here, they do the mutation analysis of barX, an afsA-family gene which has
function in the regulation of virginiamycin.
• barX deleted mutant was unable to produce the antibiotic demonstrating that
BarX is necessary to trigger virginamycin biosynthesis.
• To prove BarX plays role in VB biosynthesis thus regulating the antibiotic
production, they added chemically synthesized VB to culture medium after 8 h
resulting the restoration of production.
• Additionally, they carried out experiment to express barX in

the influnce of strong constituitive promoter ermEp*.

• They were able to produce virginiamycin 2 hour earlier than

the complemented strain(IC165) and wild type.

• But with homologue gene afsA in place of barX they got

75% less production of virginiamycin than the mutant in

which the barX is overexpressed.

• This result demonstrated that afsA can functionally

complement barX, and strongly suggest that BarX is and

catalytic enzyme for VB biosynthesis in S. virginae

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