Seminar ON Grid Computing

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The term grid computing originated in the early 1990s
for making computer power as easy to access as an
electric power grid

• The ideas of the grid were brought together by Ian

Foster, Carl Kesselman.

• Initially Globus Toolkit was designed incoorporating

storage management, security provisioning, data
movement, monitoring e.t.c.

• In 2007 the term cloud computing came into

popularity, which is conceptually similar to the
canonical Foster definition of grid computing
• Grid computing is the application of several
computers to a single problem at the same time

• It allows flexible resource sharing among

geographically distributed computing resources in
multiple administrative domains

• It is basically used for Grid applications rich in

graphics and multimedia.

• Controlled shell and controlled desktop mechanisms

are used to restrict the user to execute only authorized
commands and applications
• Grid computing depends on software to divide and
apportion pieces of a program among several

• It can also be thought of as form of network-

distributed parallel processing.

• It can be small confined to a network of computer

workstations or it can be a large, public collaboration
across many companies or networks.
What it does?
• Virtualization of resources

• Applications can be executed by specifying the

requirements, rather than identifying the individual
resources to be used

• Grid computing is a special type of parallel

computing that relies on complete computers
connected to a network

• supercomputer, has many processors connected by a

local high-speed computer bus.

• Primary advantage of distributed computing is that

each node can be purchased as commodity hardware

• Ddisadvantage is that the various processors and local

storage areas do not have high-speed connections

• The high-end scalability of grids is generally

favorable, due to the low need for connectivity
between nodes

• It is costly and difficult to write programs that can be

run in the environment of a supercomputer
• Distributed grids can be formed from computing
resources belonging to multiple indivisuals

• Computers which are actually Performing the

calculations might not be entirely trustworthy.

• Measures were introduced to prevent participants

from producing misleading results, and from using the
system as an attack vector.

• Measures include assigning work randomly to

different nodes and checking that at least two
different nodes report the same answer for a given
work unit.
• There is no way to guarantee that nodes will not drop
out of the network at random times.

• Uing different platforms with many languages, leads

to tradeoff between investment in software
development and the number of platforms that can be

• Cross platform languages can reduce the need to

make this tradeoff, though potentially at the expense
of high performance on any given node
The segmentation of the Grid computing market, two
perspectives need to be considered: the provider side and
the user side:

The Provider Side

• The overall Grid market comprises several specific
• Like Grid middleware market,
• The market for Grid-enabled applications,
• The utility computing market, and the software-as-a-
Service (SaaS) market.
The Provider Side
• Grid middleware is installed and integrated into the
existing infrastructure of the involved companies
• Major Grid middlewares are Globus Toolkit, gLite,
• Major players in the utility computing market are Sun
Microsystems, IBM, and HP.
• SaaS uses a Pay As You Go (PAYG) model or a
subscription model that is based on usage.
The user side
For companies on the demand or user side of the Grid
computing market, the different segments have
significant implications for their IT deployment strategy.

CPU scavenging
• CPU-scavenging, creates a "grid" from the unused
resources in a network of participants
• It saves instruction cycles that would otherwise be
wasted at night, during lunch, or even in the scattered
seconds throughout the day
• Schedulers are types of applications responsible for
the management of jobs.
• Allocation of resources needed for any specific job.
• partitioning of jobs to schedule parallel execution of
tasks, data management
• The jobs submitted to Grid Computing schedulers are
evaluated based on their service-level requirements
• Rescheduling and corrective actions of partial failover
Resource Broker
• It provides pairing services between the service
requester and the service provider.
• This pairing enables the selection of best available
resources from the service provider for the execution
of a specific task
• In general cases, the resource broker may select the
suitable scheduler for the resource execution task
• It uses the resource information in pairing process
Load Balancing

• Concerned distribution of workload among the

resources in a Grid Computing environment.
• Integrated to avoid processing delays and over
commitment of resources.
• These kinds of applications can be built in connection
with schedulers and resource managers.
• This level of load balancing involves partitioning of
jobs, identifying the resources, and queuing of the
• Grid Portals
Provides uniform access to the grid resources. For
example, capabilities for Grid Computing resource
authentication, remote resource access, scheduling
capabilities, and monitoring status information

• Integrated Solutions
combination of the existing advanced middleware and
application functionalities, combined to provide more
coherent and high performance
• The security in current Grid systems is designed to
protect a user and a host system from a potentially
malicious third party

• Authentication It identifies each entity and ensure that

no third party is involved

• Authorization Ensures that the user is allowed to use

the remote Grid resources

• Automation Used to implement many of the design

goals of Grid computing, such as single
sign-on, virtual organizations, and
interaction among multiple
Running job on a grid
• New approach to scoping Grid security issues is
proposed in the context of three generic scenarios:

• Mutual trust
• Distrusted user
• Mutual distrust
Mutual Trust

• User trusts the resource provider to keep his data and

activities secret and not interfere; and the resource
provider trusts the user not to act maliciously

• Mutual authentication ensures that the source of any

request is really the user and that the user is issuing
the requests to the correct resource provider

• Security of the mutual authentication process depends

on the secrecy of the private keys belonging to the
user, resource, and any certificate authorities.
Distrusted user

• The next Grid scenario of partial trust is when the

user trusts the resource provider, but the resource
provider does not necessarily trust the user.
• Usually the local user accounts are appropriately
restricted by the operating system. This makes the
operating system the first line of defense .
• The owner of the system may want to restrict Grid
users further than other local users on the host.
• The controlled shell can be designed with a fail-safe
mechanism such that if some potential intrusion or
modification is detected, the user would be locked out
Mutual distrust
• The last Grid scenario is when the user may also
distrust the resource provider. This scenario can arise in
many ways

• The owners of the resource may themselves be

malicious and intentionally use their access to the host
to violate the protection the external user expects.

• The user may desire some form of confirmation that his

data has not been compromise as well as confirmation
that it has been deleted with no copies kept after the job
is completed.
• OurGrid is a web-based community for sharing
computing power.
• Members join OurGrid by downloading a lightweight
client which runs tasks on their computer .
• The tasks may be part of an application submitted by
any OurGrid member.
• OurGrid members can not choose which application
to donate their spare computing power
• The client code runs the tasks in a sandbox ,which
isolates the tasks from the rest of the computer.
• It is designed to work for up to 10 000 computers.
Grids offer a way to solve Grand Challenge problems
Earthquake simulation
Climate/weather modeling
Financial modeling

• There is a well-known project called,

which was started in 1997 and has run a number of
successful projects in its history.

• Another well-known project is the World Community

Grid, its mission is to create the largest public
computing grid that benefits humanity.

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