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Biography of Charles Stanley Postell

At the highpoint of his career Charles Postell was considered by The New York

Times as one of the best reporters in the southeast. The St. Petersburg Times described

him this way: “He is vilified, feared. His enemies are legion…He is at once scatological

and sensitive…a lone wolf.”

The Augusta (GA) Chronicle wrote, “Charles Postell is considered by some to be

the most gifted journalist in Georgia.”

Most of his career has been spent writing about what he calls “the underbelly of

society”. He grew up in the wilds of southern Georgia, where just such society flourished.

Beginning his career at The Miami Herald, he opted to leave his column, “Off-

Beat Miami,” and return to his roots in Georgia.

Working as state editor for The Albany Herald, the second largest afternoon daily

in Georgia, behind The AtlantaJournal, he entered a murder story while on another

assignment, hearing a radio report in a small town 25 miles away. He drove over and

remained two weeks, and the story became a self study. Before the story subsided, Postell

had written more than a million words on the Aldays Family and the murderous Isaacs’


Postell became involved with Carl Isaacs and his gang, visiting Georgia’s

infamous Death Row at Reidsville State Prison, at one point having free reign of the row

and gaining entrée to the infamous killer catwalk.

He was elected board member of Investigative Reporters & Editors (IRE) in


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