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Killian Bell


Mystery Book Report

The House On The Cliff by Franklin W. Dixon

The Hardy boys’ names are Frank and Joe. The Hardy boys and their friends try to find smugglers. They

saved a man’s life when they rescued him from the ocean. Then they brought him to a farm. And he was

kidnapped. Then the Hardy’s dad was taken! The boys found the smugglers’ hide-out and in the end the

coast guard caught them.

My favorite character is Joe Hardy. He is important because he helped find the smugglers. If his

character was not in the story the title of the book would be the Hardy Boy. Then it would be harder for

Frank to solve the mystery. Together they make good team. Joe is my favorite because he is the smart


I did not like the book because it has small mysteries that get away from the main story. It was boring

because you could predict how it was going to end. It was boring because they had way too many

characters. For example Pretzel Pete, he was a two line character. Overall this book did not keep me


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