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Name : Makfiyah

FKIP Bahasa Inggris 2008 C

1. Title : The Cursed Necklace

2. Date of reading : 10 of April start – finished
Level of difficulty : vocabulary and meaning
3. Source : Magazine
4. Published : Hello Magazine/1993
5. 10 New word
a. Acknowldge
b. Obeyed
c. Appointment
d. Awnings
e. Corpse
f. Accompany
g. Nooded
h. Ravine
i. Anxiously
j. Embraced
6. Your comment
I think this short story is very interesting for me. Because the language which is
used easy to be understod and easy to be absorbed for the readers.

The Cursed Necklace

Yoeliantara was looking at a necklace which was on his grandpa’s neck. Its tipe was
like a medicine man’s necklace. A head of a snake was on one end of it which made it look
so antique. So, you must be careful in wearing it. Granpa’s said you not bring it to simet
montain. This climbing trip was very difficult. So Yoel choose the southern track. The next
day, they woke up but the girls did not. “Hey, where is Shinta?” Tigor said all of sudden.
They did not know that one of the members had disappeared.
They climbed the Peak of Slamet Mountain happily. They did not realize that there
was a big danger treatening them. And then first Shinta, Widi, Ardi, Martinus were Lost,
Yoel did not know why it happened. The next day for long time, they waited for Krisna and
Martha had disappeared. Imagine in three day, six of our friends had gone. Now they were
only four people. All of a sudden Yenny’s held her neck and her eyes were goggling.
Tigor saw that Yoel’s necklace shinned “Take it of. It puts us in danger!” Tigor
yelled. Tiger have thrown it into the ravine. Strangely they heard an explosion. Sandra
enbraced Yoel, the necklace from his grandpa really bought them disaster that he was so
proud of war deadly.

1. What is the theme of this story?
2. How many characters are joined in this story?
3. Do you like horror story? Give your reaseon!

The answer keys

1. Theme of this short stor is horror or mistery.
2. Characters of this story is ten people, there are Yoeliantara, Tigor, Shinta, Widi, Ardi,
Martinus, Yenny’s, Sandra, Marta, Krisna.
3. Yes, I like because this story a lot of surprises for me.

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