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We investigated to find out:

• how energy is transferred by
moving air and water
• how energy can be used to move an

Our predictions (our hypothesis is…):

That when the moving water or wind moves
onto the object, the object will move
because the energy from the water or wind
will transfer to the object.
We think that the weight and shape of the object
will affect how far the object moves.
We think that the force of the water or wind will
affect how far the object moves.
… that the wind and water have moving energy, and
this energy can be transferred to something else and
can be seen through movement – like when the force
of the water and wind moved leaves and sticks. This
moving, or working, energy is called kinetic energy.
We found that the amount of movement of the
object depended on the force of the water and wind
(or the strength of the energy), and also the weight
of the object being moved. The stones were heavier
than the leaf so were harder to move because the
energy of the wind and water was not powerful
enough. We also found out that the surface that the
object was lying on also made a difference – things
sitting on the smooth surface (lino) moved more than
things sitting on the carpet  we think this is
because the carpet surface restricts the object and
holds it in place - meaning more energy is needed to
try to move it.

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