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2 marks

1.Differentiate Information security and computer security

2. How does IA differ from information security?
3.Write down the standard definition for information assurance
4. What are the three dimensional challenges of Information
5.Define Stenography
6.Compare conventional and public key encryption
7. What is brute force attack?
8.Write short notes on hash functions.
9.What is symmetric encryption?
10. What is asymmetric encryption?
11. Comment on cryptanalysis.
12. List down the three classes of intruders
13. What is rule based intrusion detection?
14. What is DOS attack?
15. Comment on Passive attacks.
16. Comment on Active attacks.
17. Compare Active and passive attacks.
18. Define HCI.
19. Write short notes on Evidence Rule.
20. What is CIA?
21. What is Risk assessment?
22. What are External attacks?
23. What are insider attacks?
24. Comment on White hat.
25. Compare white hat and black hat.
26. What is cost-benefit analysis?
27. Differentiate Policies and guidelines.
28. What are the various aspects of developing the IA policies?
29. How can an incident be detected?
30. What is forensic duplication?
16 marks
1. Explain briefly about Disaster Recovery
2. Explain the security life cycle in detail
3. What are security attacks , Explain briefly
4. Write brief notes on security mechanisms
5. Draw and explain the public key cryptography mechanism
6. Write in detail about the Intrusion Detection
7. Explain MAC briefly.
8. Explain the mechanics of i) Developing ii) Communicating
iii) Enforcing IA policies
9. Explain the Incident Response methodology.
10. Explain in detail about Threat analysis model.

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