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Standard Chartered Bank


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Institute of Management Studies 1

Standard Chartered Bank




Mr. Amir Hussain


Ayesha Hashmi



Session: 2005-2009

Institute of Management Studies 2

Standard Chartered Bank



Internship report submitted to the Institute of Management studies in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelors of
Business Administration

January 2010

Institute of Management Studies 3

Standard Chartered Bank







Name Mr. Amir Hussain


Organization Institute of Management Studies




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Standard Chartered Bank

Scanned certificate

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Standard Chartered Bank



Preface I

Acknowledgement Ii

List Of Tables Iii

List Of Graphs Iv

List Of Charts V

List Of Acronyms Vi
Executive Summary Vii

Section 1
Chapter – 1


1.1. Background 1

1.2. Purpose Of The Study 1

1.3. Scope Of The Study 2

1.4. Methodology Of Research 2

1.5. Scheme Of Report 3

Section 2

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Standard Chartered Bank


Chapter – 2
An Overview Of Standard Chartered Bank
2.1. Meaning Of Bank 6

2.2. Meaning Of Banking 6

2.3. Introduction To SCB 7

2.4. SCB Today 7

2.5. Branches 8

2.6. Important Statistics About SCB 9

2.7. Role Of SCB In Banking Sector 9

Chapter – 3

Organizational Structure And Management Of SCB

3.1. Organizational Structure 12

3.1.1. Organizational Structure Of SCB Internationally 12

3.1.2. Organizational Structure Of SCB Pakistan 13

3.1.3. Organizational Structure Of SCB Peshawar Main 14

3.1.4. Management Team At SCB Main 17

3.2. HRM 17

3.2.1. Recruitment Of Staff 18

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Standard Chartered Bank

3.2.2. Method Of Recruitment 18

3.2.3. Training And Development 19

3.2.4. Motivation 20

Chapter – 4

Department Of SCB Peshawar Branch

4.1. Departmentalization 22

4.1.1. Sales Department 23

4.1.2. Priority Banking Department 24

4.1.3. Banking Support Unit 25

4.1.4. It Department 27

4.1.5. Credit Card Department 28

Chapter – 5

Products And Services Offered By SCB

5.1. Accounts 29

5.2. Lockers 32
5.3. 24 Hours Banking 32

5.4. E-Statements 35

5.5. Propriety Treatment 35

Section 3


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Standard Chartered Bank

Chapter – 6

Critical Analysis
6.1. Financial Analysis 37

6.1.1. Ration Analysis 37

6.2. Comparative Analysis 47

6.3. SWOT Analysis 52

6.3.1. Strengths 52

6.3.2. Weakness 56

6.3.3. Opportunities 60

6.3.4. Threats 62

Section 4

Findings And Recommendations

Chapter 7


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Standard Chartered Bank

7.1. Extension Of Branches In NWFP 65

7.2. Check On Employees Activities 65

7.3. Advertisements 66

7.4. Appointment Of Female Staff 66

7.5. Proper Guidance Of Less Educated Customers 66

7.6. Increases Number Of Cash Counters 66

7.7. Employees’ Behavior With Customers 67

7.8. Enough Space For Customers 67

7.9. Training And Development 67

7.10. Job Rotation 68

7.11. Revival Of Charges 68

7.12. ATM Network Problem 68

7.13. Fair Employee And Inters Selection 68

7.14. Encourage Team Work 69

7.15. Internship Program 69

7.16. Work Burden 69

7.17. Centralization 70

Section 5

Chapter 8

Implementation Plan 71

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Standard Chartered Bank

Persons Interviewed 79

Bibliography 80

Annexure 81

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Standard Chartered Bank


Learning the emerging skills is one of the means to keep the pace with
time. Business is most dynamic and ever progressing field. Newer skills
are developing day by day. Hence to keep the pace, learning of basics of,
is taking the first step.

Internship is compulsory requirement of Bachelors Degree in Business

Administration. The main purpose of internship is to develop skills to
perform well in professional life and to have an experience of working in
real life situation. After completing the internship program, the student has
to develop a comprehensive internship report.

The appeal of being a part of an organization, which has its root in the
history of 19th century, augmented with a rich cultural background, was
extremely fascinating and finally I decided to see and explore this
multinational organization.

I joined Standard Chartered Bank as an internee and worked there for a

period of eight weeks after clearing the test and interview. The reason for
choosing, this bank for internship was to enhance my skills, to have the
practical know how of business organization and to develop a
comprehensive internship report for completing my professional degree of
business administration.

Utmost efforts are made to complete this internship report in all respect.
However, I think, there is always room for improvement. Internship

Institute of Management Studies 12

Standard Chartered Bank

report in the hand is simplest possible approach of writing a report. I

believe that the process of learning never stops. This report is the first step
towards the long journey of acquisition of knowledge .May Allah is with
me in all times of tests. Amen!

Institute of Management Studies 13

Standard Chartered Bank


All praise for ALMIGHTY ALLAH whose Uniqueness, Oneness, and

Wholeness is unchallengeable, guided me in difficult circumstances. All
respects are for His Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon
Him, who enabled us to recognize the Oneness of The Creator.

I am greatly in debited to my supervisor Mr. Amir Hussain who

supervised my internship report and guided me throughout the period with
great patience and kindness.

In this first meeting of eight weeks with my practical life, I have the
honor of working with some highly talented, successful, initiative,
impressive, and inspiring banking executives specially Miss Noor, Mr.
Akmal Khan, and Mr. Adil Khan who guided me in learning the works
performed by them in their routine tasks.

Special thanks also go to the librarian, Institute of Management Studies

(IMS) for his help. He provided me with lots of relevant material for

Finally, heartiest thanks go to my family whose guidance and

encouragement always helped me succeed in my goal.

Student of BBA HONS
Institute Of Management Studies
University of Peshawar

Institute of Management Studies 14

Standard Chartered Bank

January 2010



Important Statistics 2.6. 9
Management team at 3.1. 17
Accounts 5.1. 30

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Standard Chartered Bank



Gross Profit 6.1. 39
Return On Assets 6.2. 40

Return On Equity 6.3. 41

Current Ratio 6.4. 43

Debt To Asset 6.5. 44

Debt To Equity 6.6. 45
Asset Turnover 6.7. 47
Total Assets 6.8. 48

Profit Before Tax 6.9. 49

Net Revenue 6.10. 49

Earnings Per 6.11. 50

Loans 6.12. 51

Net Investments 6.13. 51

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Standard Chartered Bank

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Standard Chartered Bank



Organizational 3.0. 16
Structure Of SCB
HRM Process 3.1. 19

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Standard Chartered Bank


AM Accounts Manager
BFC Banca Financial Consultant
BOM Branch operations manager
CRO Customer Relationship Officer
DFI Development Finance
EBBS Electronic basis banking system
FM Floor Manager
GBP Great Britain Pound
MCB Muslim Commercial Bank
NBP National Bank Of Pakistan
PFC Personal Financial Consultant
SBP State Bank Of Pakistan
SCB Standard Chartered Bank

Institute of Management Studies 19

Standard Chartered Bank


The purpose of this report is to evaluate the performance of Standard

Chartered (SCB), Peshawar Branch. The internship experience of the
students of Institute of Management Studies is a partial requirement for
the fulfillment of their Bachelors Program. The presentation of the
internship experience in the form of an internship report also carries great
importance and a student is judged based on the quality of the material
that has been produced.

The report aims at appraising the working of Standard Chartered Bank, its
functions and operation and attempts to assess its performance. Certain
recommendations are presented for the potential areas of improvement. An
implementation plan of the recommended steps is given at the end of the

Standard Chartered is the oldest foreign bank in Pakistan. Its name is

generally considered for quality and reputation. It offers a broad range of
products to target different market segments.

A very serious problem at SCB is that it is understaffed. Employees are

overburdened with work, which leads to errors in their work. This also
gives rise to poor customer service as the employees find it difficult to
answer queries, hence most of the times they avoid arguments, and
customer are left neglected and disappointed. Understaffing is also one
main reason for the hostile relation between the employees of the bank.

Institute of Management Studies 20

Standard Chartered Bank

The financial analysis of the bank shows that bank had a sound financial
status in the previous years as compared to 2009 due to global economic
recession and the current situation of law and order.

Recommendations and suggestion are based on the personal observations

of internee relating to irregularities and general mistakes that occasionally
take place in the organization.

The implementation plan deals with solving the underlying problem of

several other problems, the understaffing of the bank. The possible
solutions are specifically focused. A short-term plan and a long-term plan
are devised to deal with the rooted dilemma that threatens to affect several
other departments of the bank also. The implementation of the plan seems
to surely prove beneficial to bank in several aspects, i.e. improved
customer service, friendly employee structure, and pleasant working
environment inside the bank.

Institute of Management Studies 21

Standard Chartered Bank





For the attainment of bachelor’s degree, many universities have

requirements of projects or internships, which need to be fulfilled. In
Institute Of Management Studies, University of Peshawar, we have to
attain practical knowledge through an eight-week internship program. The
report required by institute is based on practical and theoretical knowledge
gained by student during his or her internship period.

The focus of this internship report is to study, analyze, and give

recommendations on the performance, working conditions and market
position of Standard Chartered Bank, Peshawar Main Branch. SCB is
considered one of the most outstanding and prominent banks of Pakistan
as far as its reputation and services are considered. SCB is a British bank
that opened its first branch in Karachi in 1963.

Institute of Management Studies 22

Standard Chartered Bank


Broad Purpose

a. To get acquaintance with the practical environment

b. To improve communication skills

c. To see the practical application of our professional studies

Specific Purpose

a. To get introduction to the modern banking practices

b. To analyze financial position of the bank

c. To explore strengths and weakness of the bank

d. To objectively observe banking operations and working

closely specially of SCB Peshawar Main Branch

e. To make recommendations for the improvement of the

currently employed banking operations on the basis of


Institute of Management Studies 23

Standard Chartered Bank

The scope of the study covers two areas and their related variables.

a. Variables related to bank

b. Variables related to branch

This report covers bank’s financial analysis, products offered by bank

along with branch’s consumer banking departments, SWOT analysis, and
layout of branch.


The methodology for the collection of information and analyzing data is

based on following tools

1.4.1. Primary Tools

a.Personal observation (participant and non-participant observation)

b. Interviews of personal (unstructured interviews)

c.Briefing given by bank’s employees

1.4.2. Secondary Tools

a. Annual reports

b. Internet

c. Brochures of bank

d. Books

Institute of Management Studies 24

Standard Chartered Bank

1.4.3. Limitation

While collecting data there were many limitations faced which if not were
present may resulted in a better and more accurate report. Some of the
limitations are

a. Lack of sufficient written material

b. Current adverse situation of Peshawar

c. Confidential nature of data

d. Insufficient time given for briefing

e. Busy schedules of employees


The arrangement of report is in the following sequence

Section 1

Introduction to Report

This section has one introductory chapter

Chapter 1

This chapter contains Background, Purpose, Scope, Methodology, and


Institute of Management Studies 25

Standard Chartered Bank

Section 2


This section deals with review of literature and introduction of

organization. It contains following chapters

Chapter 2

Introduction to Bank

Meaning Of Bank And Banking, Banking Sector In Pakistan, Banks

Operating In Pakistan, Over View Of SCB, Branches, Head Office,
Position In Pakistan’s Economy, Vision, Mission Etc

Chapter 3

Organizational Structure and Management

Over All Organization, Structure Of Bank, Organizational Structure Of

SCB Main Branch, Management At SCB, HRM Activities.

Chapter 4

Departments of Bank

Chapter 5

Products and Services Offered

Section 3 Analysis

Chapter 6

Institute of Management Studies 26

Standard Chartered Bank

Financial Analysis

SWOT Analysis of Branch

Section 4

Findings and Recommendations

Chapter 7


Section 5

Action Plan

Chapter 8

Implementation Plan

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Standard Chartered Bank






Some authors write that the word bank is derived from Italian word
“bancus” or “banque” which means a bench. Because in the old days the
Jews used to make banking settlements by sitting on the benches, therefore
it was given the name of bancus, which changed to bank.1

Some other authors are of the opinion that the word bank is derived from a
German word “back”, which means “joint stock fund” & when the major
part of Italy was occupied by the German then this word ‘back’ was
Italianized in to the word bank.


The banking companies’ ordinance, 1962 defines banking as “banking

means accepting for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of
money from public, repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawal by
checks, drafts, order, or otherwise.”2
(on-line) Available
(on-line) Available

Institute of Management Studies 28

Standard Chartered Bank


Standard chartered is the world’s leading emerging bank, head quartered

in London. Its business however has always been overwhelmingly
international. The bank is currently operating in Africa, Asia pacific,
America, Middle East, south Asia, and Europe.

Standard chartered is named after two banks, which merged in 1969. They
were originally known as the standard bank of British and South Africa
and the chartered bank of India, Australia, and china. Both banks were
keen to capitalize on the huge expansion of trade between Europe, Asia,
and Africa and to reap the handsome profits to be made from financing
that trade.

The bank is trusted across its network for its standard of governance and
corporate responsibility as well as its commitment to making a difference
in the communities in which it operates.

Standard chartered expanded its network, and has an office in every

country in the Asia pacific region. Standard chartered is now focused on
providing cross border services to its Latin American core customer base,
composed of multinational corporations, international financial institutions
and large local corporations. In 1999, standard chartered acquired the
global trade finance business of union bank of Switzerland. This
acquisition makes standard chartered one of the leading clearers of dollar
payments in the USA.


Standard chartered employs 38,000 people in 950 locations in more than
56 countries in the Asia pacific region, south Asia, the Middle East,

Institute of Management Studies 29

Standard Chartered Bank

Africa, the United Kingdom, and the America. Standard chartered is one
of the world’s most international banks, with employees representing 80

It serves to consumer and corporate banking. Consumer banking provides

credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, deposit taking and wealth
management services to individuals and small to medium sized
enterprises. Wholesale banking provides corporate and institutional clients
with services in trade finance, cash management, lending, securities
services, foreign exchange, and corporate finance.

Standard chartered is well established in growth markets and aims to be

the right partner for its customers. The bank combines deep local
knowledge with global capability.

The bank is trusted across its network for its standard of governance and
its commitment to making a difference in the communities in which it
operates. Standard chartered is one of the world’s best international banks.
In all their markets they are

committed to being the right partner to their

customers, employees and the communities

in which they operate.


The bank with its long heritage of nearly 150 years is capable to change
with time, offering quality products by means that are convenient to the

Institute of Management Studies 30

Standard Chartered Bank

potential customers. The bank has currently 162 online branches across
Pakistan in all the four provinces and major cities, which ensure that the
services are being performed quickly and efficiently.

There are four branches of SCB in Peshawar offering unmatched services

to the customers. Among them, one is providing Islamic banking services
to the customers (SCB Sadiq). The Main Branch of Peshawar is located on
mall road, on which this internship report is based on.

2.6. Important Statistics about SCB World Wide3

Total branches in world 735

Total braches in Pakistan 162

Total branches in Peshawar 4

Countries of Operations 56

Total clients in Peshawar region 145,000

Table: 2.1.



SCB is one of the most dynamic and progressive bank in the banking
industry of Pakistan. This is due to its impressive growth and


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Standard Chartered Bank

development, which it achieved during sixty years of its existence. It did

not take long for standard chartered bank to grow into one of the leading
bank in the country overtaking the several other banks, which were its
competitors, were established earlier.

SCB used fresh methods of customer’s service instead of usual ways of

the day, which was market oriented and appealed to its customers. SCB’s
dynamic, radical, and personalized style of banking differed significantly
for the conventional business patterns of the period. In fact every feature
and aspect SCB’s behavior reflected highlighted those differences most
significantly, the commitment to serve the customers.

The expansion and growth of the banking sector in Pakistan has been
remarkable. Until 1942, the growth of banking comprised the phases of
laying the foundation of the banking structure. The establishment of SCB
has started a new era in the banking system. This was the phase
competition with the already established giants. Banking underwent a
complete change; clients were naturally attracted to the bank, which
provided better and quicker banking services. When standard chartered
bank challenged the major banks of the time they began evaluate their
policies and were surprised to find that they had a lot to change before
long. They began to change and adopt a more modern and relevant

The banking sector as a whole and SCB in particular has played an

important role in helping to mobilized savings.

The bank has always played key role in the promotion of foreign trade
especially in financing of exports. The bank’s achievement in the area is

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Standard Chartered Bank

commendable, as it has not only to compete with the domestic banks but
with the large international financial agencies as well.

SCB also plays it part in the development of society as well. It has

established public libraries in many cities and towns.

Institute of Management Studies 33

Standard Chartered Bank





In a business organization it is defined as, “formal hierarchy for

management decision making, reporting and control, and establishing
accountability and responsibility; the structure defines the line of authority
and specifies who is answerable for what and to whom for business
operations and performance of the organization. The structure is based on
the functions of the organization and its business, segmented into
departments, but interlinked according to the nature of the activities

3.1.1. Organizational Structure Of SCB Internationally

SCB is a functional organization with its headquarters in London where a

CEO heads the whole SCB group. Based on geography Standard
Chartered has been divided into different regions like China, Middle East,
(on-line) Available

Institute of Management Studies 34

Standard Chartered Bank

Africa, South Asia, Europe, North, and Central America etc with an office
for each region. Furthermore, Standard Chartered has also functional
divisions like consumer banking, corporate and institutional banking,
human resource, etc, which are headed by the functional managers.
Reporting to the regional heads, we have the CEOs of different countries
and the country heads of various functional departments. The country head
of Pakistan who is the senior group representative reports to the regional
head in Dubai they have a board that provides a good balance

4.1 of support and challenge to the group’s senior management. They

believe good governance and good

performances reinforce each other. In the past

4.2 year there has been an intensified
focus on regulation in the financial

4.3 services industry and they are working

4.4 even more closely with their regulators

around the world.

3.1.2. Organizational Structure of SCB Pakistan

Standard chartered group in Pakistan is headquartered at Karachi with

branches in all major cities of the country. Branches are classified as main
and sub branches and all these branches report to the country distribution
manager in Karachi.

In cities with more than one SCB branch, there exists one main branch, all
other branches report to the main branch. Apart from this SCB has divided

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Standard Chartered Bank

Pakistan into regions. In each region, a regional manager overlooks the

activities of whole region. The total number of branches of SCB operating
in Pakistan is 162.

A single chief executive officer heads the SCB group in Pakistan.

Working under the CEO are the heads of various departments of the bank.
They are the consumer banking head, corporate banking head, investment
head, international operations head, human resource head; treasury and
information technology head. Then this Pakistan’s CEO has to report to
the regional head at Dubai.

3.1.3. Organizational Structure Of SCB Peshawar, Main Branch

At the SCB Peshawar branch, the workforce has been divided into
different groups on a functional basis and raked according to their
positions at the bank.

SCB main head office of Peshawar is headed by the regional operational

manager (ROM) and regional manager (RM). ROM is responsible for
working of operations department while RM overlooks the consumer
banking and priority banking departments. Working under the regional
head is floor manager and customer relations manager of priority banking
department. The FM supervises accounts manager and Banca financial
consultant (BFC). In main branch, there is one PFC and one senior AM
while two junior AMs and one BFC. CRO also comes under the
supervision of FM.

PFCs are responsible for marketing the bank’s products and services and
bringing in fresh business. This is why they have the direct sales

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Standard Chartered Bank

representatives (DSR) assisting them in discharging their duties. PFCs are

there to provide guidance to customers and help them with their queries.

BOM heads the cash operation department. This department handles

physical cash directly at the bank. Branch operations manager (BOM)
works under ROM who supervises tellers and lockers custodian. In main
branch, there are two BSU tellers, one BSU supervisor, and one lockers
custodian. The locker division also falls under the control of operations
head and the locker custodian reports to him.

Other department at the bank is credit card department. The credit card
department does not report to the floor manager but rather to the credit
card regional manager in Islamabad. One collection and service officer
forms it. Two sales agents also work in this department. The collection
and the services officer is salaried worker while the sales agents work on
the commission basis. The bank also hires a telephone operator on contract
basis. Organizational structure of the branch is as follows

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Standard Chartered Bank

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Standard Chartered Bank

3.1.4. Management Team at SCB Main

Designation Name Grade

Regional Operations Manager Mr. Shahab Khan 6
Regional Manager Mr. Emran Assad 6
Floor Manager Mr. Adil Khan 7
Branch Operations Manager M. Yousaf Iilyas 7
Customer Relations Manager Mr. Akmal Khan 8
CRM Mr. Hashim 8
Banca Financial Consultant Mr. Zulfiqar 8
Accounts Manager Mr. Naveed 8
PFC Mr. Awais 8
BSU Supervisor Mr. Rizwan 8
BSU Teller Mr. Mohsin 9
Locker’s Custodian Mr. Zeshan 9
AM Mr. Hamza 9
AM Mr. Mughes 9
CRO Miss Noor 9

Table No. 3.1. Management Team at SCB

Source: Floor Manager, M. Adil Khan, SCB main, Peshawar Branch


Human resource management has always been the key factor in an

organization’s achievements. The employees of an organization forever
determine the route of success for the business. The primary concern of
HRM has been on the subject to mould the personality of employees in a
manner, which formulates the individual goal of the staff into the

Institute of Management Studies 39

Standard Chartered Bank

organizational objective. SCB has devised its own policies for the
recruitment, training, and motivation of employees.

3.2.1. Recruitment of Staff

Recruitment is the development of a pool of applicants for a job. The

selected one recruit serves the organization with their skill and

The requisites of SCB recruitment policy are as follows:

a. Qualification requisite is masters in business or public

administration, management sciences, and honors/first, degree
from HEC recognized university.
b. Third division or d- grade in any examination after
matriculation onwards of is unacceptable.
c. 26 years is the age requirement.

3.2.2. Method of Recruitment

SCB has developed its own recruitment process based on the requirements
of the bank’s policies. The first step is advertisement, online
advertisements and advertisements in print media are given which are
main source of pools of applicants. Among the pools, selection of
candidates is done based on the above-mentioned criteria. These selected
candidates are called for a written test. Those qualifying the tests are
further asked for an interview in the main branch of the region. The
committee including the manager of retail banking services and treasury
manager evaluates the candidates based on the personality,
communication skill, and educational qualifications. Short listing restricts

Institute of Management Studies 40

Standard Chartered Bank

a small group of candidates selected for the final interview. The committee
including chief manager administration seeks the potential candidates,
evaluating their subject knowledge, analytical experience, general know
how and particular information about the job. The successful candidates
are enlisted for the job.

The selected candidates go through a medical checkup as well. After that,

they are engaged in a 3 months service-training program. This enables
them to be acquainted with all the functions in the bank.

Chart No. 3.1.

Source: (on-line) available http://

3.2.3. Training and Development

Training enables the employees to explore their potential; development

polishes that talent and skill, as well as it seeks the opportunities to use
their expertise professionally. Their approach aims to ensure that all
employees are clear about what they are expected to achieve, their
personal development goals, and their contribution to business
performance. They work alongside employees to support career growth.
This includes personal development planning, strengths identification,

Institute of Management Studies 41

Standard Chartered Bank

mentoring and structured learning and development is encouraged for all

staff and is essential to enhance and develop their employee capabilities.

SCB exercise two kinds of training and development programs for the

a. Initial training

b. On the job training

Training before service is given to the staff at preliminary period i.e.

immediately after the appointment of fresh candidates. The time is 16
months for theory-related topics such as banking operational disciplinary
courses and 3 months for operational practice.

In-service training is offered to employees on the job to familiarize them

to newest expertise and technique of business. Training courses are
presented which include lectures, movies, diagrams, and reading materials
about latest system and equipment. This training is facilitated three or 4
times during entire service of the workers. The duration varies from 3 days
to 3 weeks.

3.2.4. Motivation

Motivation refers to forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person’s

efforts. A highly motivated person will work hard towards achieving
performance goals. With adequate ability and understanding of the job,
such a person will be highly productive. Diverse techniques are exploited
at SCB for the motivation and performance appraisal of employees. The
procedures are as follows:

a. Promotion

Institute of Management Studies 42

Standard Chartered Bank

Promotion is chiefly on the base of capability, aptitude, talent and

performance of the employees. Bank has a performance management
system that aims to provide an objective view of employee performance.
A standardized process and performance management tools are used to
ensure objectivity across the bank.

b. Medical Allowance

Bank provides medical allowance to the employees on production of

medical certificates by employees showing that they have paid. Bank
provides a certain percentage to the employees.

c. Punishment

Punishment may be conferred in case of misconduct by halting promotion

and bonus. It is an efficient means for improving the performance of the

d. Salary

Beside a basic pay scale bonus is given to employees if they achieve more
than their targets.

e. Inspection and Audit

Inspection teams are sent from time to time from main head office Karachi
to evaluate the performance of employees. Apart from this audit, reports
are also made annually on the performance of employees, which are sent
to the main head office that are helpful in promoting and appraising
employees thus a positive mean of motivation.

Institute of Management Studies 43

Standard Chartered Bank





“A department is a unique group of resources established by management

to perform some organizational task. Departmentalization is the process of
establishing departments within the management system.”5

Every organization is divided into definite departments. Each department

performs different kind of job and requires staff with specialized skill to
handle the particular job.

The Peshawar branch of SCB is comprised of several departments. The

division is made on the base of functions and job they perform. Hence, it
can be concluded that SCB has adapted to the policy of functional
departmentalization. The main departments at the SCB Peshawar branch
are mentioned below. The branch is divided into

1. Sales and service department

2. Priority banking department
3. Banking support unit
• Strong room
• Teller services

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Institute of Management Studies 44

Standard Chartered Bank

• Locker services
• Remittances
• Deposit
4. IT department
5. Credit card department

1. Sales Department
The job of sales department is to attract the customers to open account in
the bank. Sales department is headed by Mohammad Adil Khan (floor
manager). He mainly is responsible to look for the whole sales personal
along with the customer relation departments. Assisting the floor manager
are PFCs (personal financial consultants), direct sales representatives
(DSR), and customer relations officers (CRO) reporting to him. PFCs
report directly to the floor manager.

The main functions of the personal financial services sub-division are

account opening and closing, customer queries, deposits, filling out forms,
and other services related to accounts. There are four accounts managers
(AM) responsible for the account opening services and attending
customers when they make a visit to the bank. They too convince
customers for the banks varied product they are further responsible to look
for the activities of DSRs (direct sales representative). Every AM has a
group of DSRs who report to them. DSRs are mainly the runners of bank
they visit different peoples from various fields of life and motivate them to
open accounts with the bank. Apart from this sales department has also
one BFC, Banca financial consultant, who comes under sales department
and is responsible for selling insurance products. In the current branch,
Mr. Zulfiqar is BFC. In the SCB, main branch, priority banking

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department and customer relations department also come under sales


The main function of customer relation department is to provide customer

related services like helping customers in their problems, filling deposit
slips, balance enquiry, providing statements of accounts and many
services. Female interns are mainly employed there to help the CRO
(customer relation officer). In SCB, main branch there was only one CRO
(Miss Noor) therefore; interns were assisting her in her daily activities.
The basic responsibility of this division is to entertain customer queries
about account balances, ATM, chequebooks, certificates etc and provide
them with guidance.

2. Priority Banking Department

Priority banking is a special banking system offered to the upper class

customers of the bank. Since these customers are having accounts worth 3
million, therefore they are given separate special treatment, as they are
important source of capital to the bank. These priority customers have a
separate CRM who helps them in investing their capital in useful bank’s
products and is available to help them in bank. In the main branch of SCB,
the priority-banking department has two managers. Akmal khan Khattak is
CRM (customer relation manager) and Hashim khan both deal with
priority customers and come under reporting of the Branch manager.

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3. Banking Support Unit

The main branch has a BSU in which many activities are performed.
Cashiers and tellers are also part of it. Normally BSU is related to the
operations department and they carry out activities collectively. Entry in
BSU is not for everyone specific code is given to the workers of BSU to
enter in by putting the code. This dept is backbone of all activities of the
bank. BSU and universal tellers work in this division and they coordinate
the activities of the front office. This division deals with operational
issues. This BSU is also located in the cash section and only authorized
personnel can enter. Universal tellers do not handle cash directly. Instead,
they offer other services.

BSU has further many divisions but before going into details of sub
divisions let us have a quick review of basic functions of BSU

a. Receipt of all documents from PFCs for checking and

onward dispatch of such items for processing after signature
of the BOM

b. Remittances

c. Receipt of clearing/collection cheques and onward dispatch

d. Cheque book custody and deliveries

e. Issuance of counter cheques

f. Cheque book destruction

g. Marking of stop payment/cheques

Now we will have a look at the sub division of BSU department.

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a. Strong Room

All the money at the bank is kept in the strong room, which is located
within the cash department. Only authorized personnel are allowed inside
the department, and no one else.

b. Teller Services
Cashiers working in the BSU dept are called tellers. The department is
headed by a TSM. This department handles all physical cash. The
functions of this department are:

a. Cash transactions(all currencies)

b. Cash balancing

c. Custody and delivery of welcome packs

d. ATM servicing and attending to routine faults

e. Solving CDM related queries

c. Locker Services
The bank also offers locker service for the safe custody of valuables. The
locker service also falls in the BSU division. Lockers are provided to
customers who maintain an account with the bank. The fee varies with the
size of the locker.

Locker Rent

The rent of locker is determined by the Bank. Charges for year 2008 are:

• Small size lockers are rented for Rs. 4000 P.A.

• Large lockers are rented for Rs. 6000 P.A.

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d. Remittances

The remittances department transfers the funds from one bank to other
bank and from one place to another place.

In remittances department the collection take place. The SCB made

payment of only open cheques on the counter and prohibits the payment of
crossed cheques.

e. Deposit

Deposits are the main source of collection of money from individuals,

firms, and companies. They are although considered as liabilities of the
bank but the makes a bank’s financial position sound and stable. Banks
forward money to investors and earn profit on it. This Deposit Department
is responsible for the performance of the following jobs.

a. Dealing in account issues

b. Cheque book issuance

c. ATM Cards provision

4. IT Department

In Peshawar branch, the whole system is computerized and each computer

is linked with one another through networking. The programming
language that they have used is java and its database is at Karachi. The
database they use is developed by the bank for only their use known as
EBBS. The overall system is linked with the headquarters. The IT

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department at Peshawar branch is a restricted area and only the senior staff
is allowed inside.

Credit Card Department

This is a separate unit at the bank with a regional manager in Islamabad.
The credit card department of Peshawar main is located outside the bank
in Mall Towers. The cards department falls in to the consumer banking
division. In Peshawar, the bank has approximately 5000 credit card
members and to serve them is the responsibility of a credit and collection
executive that is also called customer services officer.

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Standard Chartered Bank




SCB has introduced various types of products to meet different class of

customer’s requirement. It offers accounts in Pak rupee as well as foreign
currencies. Standard chartered is committed to being a high performing
organization, which delivers excellent results and standards of service and
products to all our stakeholders. Standard chartered offers different kind of
services to its customers. The bank charges its customer according to the
schedule of charges. However, it also offers some complimentary services

Some of the products and services offered at SCB Peshawar branch are

5.1. Accounts
5.2. Lockers
5.3. 24 hours Banking
5.4. E-Statements
5.5. Priority Treatment

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Different kinds of accounts are offered by SCB. Accounts can be in

Pakistan currency or some foreign currency. Some of the currencies in
which accounts are available are

PKR Pak rupee account

USD U s dollar account
GBP Great Britain pound a/c
JYP Japanese yen account
EUR Euro account

Table No. 5.1.

Source: Broachers of SCB

Apart from the verity of currency accounts some of the other types offered
are below

a. Current account
b. Easy saver account
c. Xtra Mile Account

a. Current Account

A current account can be opened in Pak rupee or US dollars. An individual

Pak rupee account holder will also have access to 24 hours banking
through the banks money link ATMs, SMS banking, phone banking, free
of charge. It has the following features:

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a. Minimum balance requirement is Rs. 5000 per month

b. Welcome pack provided for its PKR accounts

c. Free 24 hours phone banking

d. Free 24 hours deposit and withdrawal facilities through ATM/

CDM network

e. Account can be accessed through any branch in Pakistan, every

branch is customer’s branch
b. Easy Saver Account

It is a type of saving account. It offers the dual advantages of earning

profit on daily balances with liquidity and having full access to your
money at any time. The profit on easy saver account will be calculated on
the minimum balance held in the account each month, every month for a
six-month period. The convenience of savings 24 hours a day by using the
personal account link ATM card, and by accessing phone-banking services
at the customer’s own preferred banking hours, is also provided.

Its features are:

a. Easy deposit and withdrawal from SCB anywhere in Pakistan

b. Minimum opening balance as low as PKR 5,000 and minimum

monthly balance requirement is 25,000.

c. Profit is credited to account on a six monthly basis in January and


d. Profit of 7% p.a. on all balances

e. Taxes and zakat are applicable

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c. Xtra Mile Account

“You enjoy the ride we will take you Xtra mile”

Now customers can open Xtra mile account and maintain an average
balance of 15000. They will get a debit card, which they can use at all fuel
stations across Pakistan. Account opening balance is 15000 only.

Apart from above mentioned accounts there are many different types of
accounts that are available but could not be covered due to shortage of


Lockers are provided to customers who maintain an account with the

bank. The fee varies with the size of the locker. At SCB, safe keeping
service is also provided to customers. To acquire a locker,

a. The customer must attach a copy of ID card with the locker rental
b. He must be an account holder at the bank.

5.2.1. Locker rent

The rent of locker is determined by the bank. New charges for year 2008

a. Small size lockers are rented for Rs. 4000 p.a.

b. Large lockers are rented for Rs. 6000 p.a.

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“Your business does not stop, neither do we”

SCB provides 24 hours banking facility to its customer through every

possible and convenient means their customers can think of. Some of the
means of 24 hours banking are


b. Phones banking

c. SMS banking

d. Internet banking

e. Standard Chartered alerts

a. ATM / CDM

SCB’s branches are open 9 am to 5 pm but customers can have cash

withdrawals and deposit facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through
ATM and CDM. Through ATM cards, the banking has been made very
easy for the customers because they can have access to their account
anywhere at any time.

b. Phone Banking

Customers can carry out the transactions through phone. With phone
banking services now, customers can avail following facilities

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• Balance inquiries

• Transactional details

• Cheque book request

• ATM cards replacement request

c. SMS Banking

SCB offers SMS banking through this customer can check balance and
last five transactions on the go. SMS alerts can also be activated and get
informed on every transaction.

d. Internet Banking

“You like to bank in your own time we provide you instant access online”

Online, real time access to account can be done. Online banking is an

internet banking service that allows customer to access your bank from the
comfort of customer’s home or office. Though online banking facility
customer can do following tasks

• Account information, updated balance of account and keep

track of transactions.

• Buy mobile prepaid cards online

• Check cheque status online

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• Download or request online statements

• Order free cheque books

• View all your accounts and credit cards in one window

• Pay credit card bills

• Transfer of funds online within Standard Chartered bank

• Email alerts can be activated and get informed about every


e. Standard Chartered Alerts

“Your banking activities are important our alerts keep you updated”

Receive free SMS and email alerts on your transactions. Stay informed
anywhere, anytime!

Customers can receive bank accounts alerts and credit card alerts. Any
deposit in account, withdrawal, transfer, or purchase on debit card can be
received through alerts.


Any customer with an e-mail can receive an e-statement and it is fast,

reliable, and ultra efficient and it is designed to minimize paper work and
to maximize convenience. Customers can receive advice through e-mail

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free. This offers customers 24-hour access to their financial standing.

Customers receive e-statements as often as they have specified in their
account opening forms. No bank charges are involved. All anyone needs
to get started is an e-mail address. The e-statements can be delivered to
more than one e-mail address.


“You have banking needs we will give you priority”
As an exclusive program of personalized banking for those who wish to
get more benefits out of their bank. SCB priority banking caters to the
banking and investment needs of successful individuals who are busy with
work and family commitments. Priority banking offers privilege and
preferred financial solutions tailored according to the individual needs of
the priority customer. Individual attention as well as international banking
and investment opportunity is offered to meet the current and future needs
of priority customers. Besides providing unique financial planning service,
that provides customized solutions for the financial needs, investment and
risk profile, and priorities in life of customers.

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Standard Chartered Bank





Critical analysis of an organization discovers its potential areas of

improvement and evaluates its performance of the past period. It identifies
the possible solutions to problems faced inside the bank and gives an
insight of the opportunities, which can be exploited to reap benefits. The
critical analysis is divided into 2 parts financial ratio analysis and SWOT

The financial analysis is divided into two parts one is comparative analysis
of the financial statements and other is ratio analysis of the bank based on
its national performance. The different ratios calculations are taken from
the semiannual financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2009
and June 30, 2008.

The SWOT analysis comprise of the strengths it has, the weaknesses that
are a part of it, the opportunities that it can exploit and the threats it faces
from competitors. However, it encompasses generally the Peshawar main

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The financial analysis is based on comparative analysis of the financial
statements and ratio analysis of the bank, based on the financial


The relationship of one item to another expressed in simple mathematical

form is known as a ratio.6 Ratio analysis of the bank shows how the bank
is performing in the competitive market for a certain period. Different
ratios analyze the bank’s capability. Varied relations are drained based on
this examination.

Financial ratios have their own importance in analyzing the firm’s

performance. An increase or decrease in one ratio does not mean anything
superior or terrible it is always linked to another one that is more
important. Considering the example of higher interest, if the bank wants to
have most of the deposits of the market, it has to offer higher interest rates.
This would bring the deposits, thus deposits will increase, but on the other
hand, it will have to pay higher interest as well, thus decreasing the profit

Financial ratio analysis involves the use of various financial statements.

These statements do several things. First, the balance sheet summarizes
the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity of a business at a moment in time,
usually the end of a year or a quarter. Next, the income statement

(on-line) Available

Institute of Management Studies 60

Standard Chartered Bank

summarizes the revenues and expenses of the firm over a particular period,
usually a year or a quarter. While the balance sheet represents a snap shot
of the firm's financial position at a moment in time, the income statement
depicts a summary of the firm's profitability over time.

In this report, half-yearly statements of 2008 and 2009 are analyzed and
compared. Balance sheet and profit and loss account are given at the end
in annexure one and two.


This ratio indicates how much a company’s revenue is eaten up by

expense, sales, asset investment, and equity.

a. Gross Profit Margin

This ratio measures the margin of gross profit in the overall sale. The rest
of the margin represents the portion occupied by the cost of services.


Gross profit margin = gross profit/ sales

2008 = 31.97%

2009 = 40.91%

Graphical Representation

Graph 6.1.

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Standard Chartered Bank

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009


SCB has been able to increase the level of gross margin from 31.97% in
2008 to 40.91% in 2009. The ratio means that SCB has earned Rs. 0.31
and 0.40 against sales of Rs.1 in 2008 and 2009 respectively. The higher
the ratio the better is the cost controls compared to its sales revenue. If we
look at the sales revenue volume, it is almost the same and there is hardly
any difference or improvement during the one-year period. The increase in
gross margin is because of the decrease in cost of services.

b. Return On Assets

The return on asset ratio indicates how much income each rupee of asset
will generate on average. It shows the efficiency of the investment of


Return on assets = net income / total assets

2008 = 2.81 %

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2009 = 2.56 %

Graphical Representation

Graph 6.2.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009


This ratio indicates a low-income generation for each rupee of assets but it
is a normal figure for commercial banks. The ratio tells us that SCB is able
to earn 2.81% and 2.56% on single rupee investment in capital in the year
2008 and 2009 respectively. From the values, we can see that SCB’s
return on assets has decreased showing that in 2009 the investments were
not efficient compared to 2008. This decrease can be due to management’s
inefficiency in controlling costs or decrease in net profit.

c. Return On Equity

This ratio indicates how much rupees were generated from each rupee
investment by the shareholders. The net profit is the ultimate result of the
operations of the firm. After all the claims are satisfied, the net profit is the

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share of the owner of the capital. The prime objective of the owner of the
capital is to earn profit and if the firm is not able to achieve that objective,
the firm is useless.


Return on equity = net income / common equity

2008 = 42757140/ 38715850 = 11%

2009= 4398915/38715850 = 11.3%

Graphical Representation

Graph 6.3.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009


This ratio tells us how much income will be generated for each rupee of
investment made by the owners. From the above figures, we can see that
the owners of the bank will get more return on equity in 2009 as compared

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to 2008. It is a very high return for shareholders and thus too much
attractive for investors.


Liquidity ratio indicates how quickly and easily a company can generate
cash for its needs. They compare short-term obligations to short-term or
current resources available to meet these obligations. From these ratios,
much insight can be obtained into the present cash solvency of the firm
and the firm's ability to remain solvent in the event of adversity. Some of
the ratios used to identify liquidity of firm are following

a. Current Ratio

Current ratio compares the current liabilities of the bank with its current
assets and measures the bank's ability to pay its current liabilities out of its
current assets. The owner would like to have a low level of current ratio
because current assets are supposed to be less productive. On the other
hand, creditors would like to see a higher level of the liquidity ratio
because it is a guarantee for them that their loans will be paid to them
when they come due.


Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities

2008 = 0.86

2009 = 0.83

Graphical Representation

Graph 6.4.

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Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009


The current ratio of SCB Pakistan was 0.86 in the year, 2008 and has
decreased to 0.83 in 2009. There is no significant change. This means that
for single rupee of current liability bank has less than a rupee of current
assets. The bank is able in the short run to pay its current liabilities with its
current assets. SCB needs to improve its current ratio.


Debit ratios measure how much a company owes to others. The financial
analyst uses the debt ratio to assess the relative size of a firm’s ability to
pay off the debt.

a. Debt To Asset Ratio

It shows the proportion of assets financed by liabilities.


Debt to total asset ratio = total debt / total asset

2008 = 221860038/264617178= 83.8%

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2009=243548342/287538157= 84.7%

Graphical Representation

Graph 6.5.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009


These values show that in the year 2009 SCB has financed assets form
liabilities more as compared to equity. The difference between the two
figures is nominal. This means that for each Rs. 1 invested in the total
assets of the Bank, the creditors have brought Rs. 0.83 and Rs. 0.84 during
the years, 2008, and 2009 respectively.

This ratio states to what extent the firm assets are financed through
debt. A low debt ratio would indicate that we have sufficient assets to
cover our debt load. Creditors and management favor a low debt ratio.

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b. Debt To Equity Ratio

This ratio shows the relationship between the debt and equity in financing
the assets of the bank. The SCB debt to equity ratio shows that the
contribution of liabilities in financing the assets is much higher than
owner's equity. The bank has Rs 221 million contributions from liabilities
against Rs 38 million contributions from owner's equity in 2008. In 2009,
the total liabilities were 243 million against equity of 38 million.


Debt to equity ratio = total debt / equity

2008= 221 million/ 38 million = 5.87

2009= 243 million/ 38 million = 6.3

Graphical Representation

Graph 6.6.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009

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Debt to equity ratio shows that firm has increased its creditor-supplied
fund in 2009 as compared to 2008. This means that for each Rs. 1 brought
by the shareholders, the creditors have brought Rs. 5.87 and Rs.6.3 during
the years 2008 and 2009 respectively, to finance the SCB. The lower the
debt to equity ratio the lower the financial risk for the creditors and vice
versa. The debt to equity ratio of Bank has inclined in the year 2009 as
compared to 2009. A higher ratio shows great risk for creditors in case of
insolvency and is not a good sign in case of attracting and satisfying the


Activity Ratios also known as the efficiency or turnover ratios, measures

how effectively the firm is using its assets. This shows the efficiency of
management in utilizing its resources in generating sales and collecting
a. Asset Turnover Ratio

This ratio tells the relative efficiency with which the bank utilizes its
assets to generate sales. Wholesale Banking delivered a strong broadly
based performance across all geographies, products, and customer


Asset turn over = sales / total assets

2008 = 0.1 or 10%

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Standard Chartered Bank

2009 = 0.05 or 5%

Graphical Representation

Graph 6.7.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009


The asset turnover ratio of SCB has decreased to 5% in 2009 as compared

to 10% in 2008. The reason behind is that the assets have increased but the
income has decreased. A decrease in asset turnover ratio means that firm’s
assets are not utilized efficiently.


Comparative statements are useful to the analyst because they contain not
only the data appearing on single statement but also information necessary
to the study of financial and operating trends over a period of years. These
statements bring out more clearly the nature and trends of current changes

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affecting the enterprise; they indicate the direction of movement with

respect to financial position and operating results.
A comparative balance sheet shows the assets, liabilities and owners
equity of a business as of two or more dates. Changes are important
because they give an indication of the direction in which a business and its
financial characteristics are developing. A comparative income statement
shows the operating results for a number of accounting periods.

a. Total Assets

There has been an increase in total assets in the year 2009 as compare to
2008 i.e. assets have been increased from 264 million to 287 million.

Graph 6.8.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009

b. Profit before Tax

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The year 2008 and 2009 has been not very successful for standard
chartered bank profit before tax is 2,084,561 (2008) and due to
economical recession decreased in 2009 i.e. 295,081 (in 000).

Graph 6.9.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009

c. Net Revenue

Net revenue is also decreased from 1,311,249 to 205,253 of 2008 and

2009 respectively.

Graph 6.10.

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Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009

d. Earnings per Share

Basic diluted earnings per share decreased from 2008 to 2009 i.e. 0.34 to

Graph 6.11.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009

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e. Loans and Advances

The loans and advance given to other companies as well as customers

have been also decreased from 125 million to 123 million.

Graph 6.12.

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009

f. Net Investments

Total investments given by bank as collateral or held by bank for the year
2008 and 2009 are 29 million and 66 million respectively.

Graph 6.13.

Institute of Management Studies 74

Standard Chartered Bank

Source: Half-Yearly Report of SCB 2008 & 2009


An analysis indicating towards the organizations strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threat is termed as SWOT Analysis. Such an analysis is
very important for the management in retaining the strength, overcoming
the weaknesses, capitalizing over the emerging market opportunities, and
carving ways to successfully tackle with the threats and ultimately
converting them in the strengths for the organization.

SCB has some unique factors like being the oldest bank of the area, which
adds to its worth. Its foreign background and the look of multinational
institutions create appeal for people.

The SWOT analysis provides information that is helpful in matching the

firm's resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which
it operates.

“A skill or capability that enables an organization to conceive of and
implement its strategies”

SCB benefit from a few points, which ultimately makes its backing,
strengthened. Some of these points are as follows:

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Standard Chartered Bank

1. Reputation
SCB is a renowned bank all over the world. Its branches are spread across
all the continents. It is the oldest foreign bank in Pakistan as well. In
Pakistan, it has a wide network of branches. This enables customers to
make transaction easily inside and outside of the country. This old
presence of SCB in the region makes its reliability and its name is
generally considered a name of quality and trust. As far as NWFP is
concerned, the SCB brand is the most powerful and distinguished name in
the region is banking sector.

2. Upper Class Clients

Most of the customers of the bank are high-class people with huge
deposits. SCB has become a status symbol because it is a foreign bank.
SCB believes in maintaining fewer customers with big deposits. Thus, it
would make the staff’s job also easier so that they can provide
personalized services to their high-class customers.

3. Competent Human Resource

SCB believes in hiring active and inspired candidate. Experience is not an
important requirement for recruitment. Along with that bank has a good
test and training schedule for the recruited candidates to select the best
among them. At SCB Peshawar branch, most of the management has
communication skills in local as well as foreign languages. The timings of
the bank are strictly observed by the staff. All the staff members are
supposed to reach the bank at the specified time. Being punctual is a
normal practice at SCB. Even the interns were not allowed to leave early
or come late.

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Standard Chartered Bank

4. Atmosphere Of Branch

The atmosphere of branch is professional and there is a healthy

competition between the employees. The higher authorities are easily

5. Diversified Product Line

SCB offers a wide range of products to its customers to suit their needs. It
offers various kinds of accounts from local to foreign currency in different
profit and interest ratios. Its credit and debit cards are also valuable to the
customers as they can be used in more than 10,000 outlets across Pakistan
providing ease to its customers.

6. ATM Network

ATM is also a valuable service, which offers 24 hours facility to the

customers to withdraw money from any one-link ATM machines. ATM of
SCB is available at every city of Pakistan.

7. Online Bank

The bank has established the EBBS system, which stands for electronic
basic banking system. It has made all the branches of the SCB online,
which means that they are interconnected with each other and in full

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coordination. Since it is a foreign bank, it gets benefit of being in touch

with the latest technologies.

8. Security

The data is highly secured in the bank as no one can send mails outside the
banks as the system is centrally locked. Even USB cannot be connected to
the computer thus; the data stored is highly secured.

Security cameras are also attached and linked to the central head office
Karachi and the regional head of the bank has facility to connect anytime
to the cameras to check what is going on in the branch.

9. Cash Deposit Machine

SCB is the first bank in Pakistan to introduce the technology of CDM i.e.
Cash deposit machine. From this machine, customers can deposit 30 notes
of any denomination at a time. They simple need to enter their account
number and insert their money. It will be automatically added to the

10. Handsome Stipend

Interns at SCB are paid a handsome stipend per week. They normally are
provided with support and encouragement, which has its effect on their
performance. It motivates the interns to work efficiently because they

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know that they would be appreciated and paid for their efforts. The stipend
is given to the interns at the end of internship program.

11. Location Of Bank

Location of any organization is very important. SCB main branch is

located at hub of Peshawar sadder region. This provides a competitive
edge to the bank.

12. Priority Banking

The priority banking centers of the bank offer an unmatched where the
customer receives highly privileged services in a highly elegant
environment. It gives the chance of experiencing new standards in
banking. Designed especially for those who appreciate only the finest
things in life, Priority Banking offers the very highest levels of
personalized banking to match customer’s unique status.

13. 24 Hours Banking

Banking through phone, SMS, internet, ATM, email etc has been made
easy by SCB and this ease of connection with one account is biggest
strength of the SCB.


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“A skill or capability that does not enable an organization to grow”

Weaknesses, like strengths are a part of almost every organization. These

weaknesses points out the potential areas of improvements and make the
organizational behavior intelligent. A cumulative effort to overcome these
flaws makes success possible.

During internship program the weakness I witnessed and are visible were

1. Old Building

The poor condition of building poses a great threat to the bank’s outlook.
The Peshawar main branch is an old building, though the bank has tried to
give a new look to it but still the employees are at risk. Even during
internship program, a mishap occurred when the ceiling of the bank fell
down but fortunately with no injuries. The building is centrally heated and
air-conditioned but during summers, there was a lot of suffocation in
branch due to nonworking condition of the generators.

2. No Parking Area

The Peshawar main branch has no particular parking area. It is a great

problem for employees as well as for the customers as the vicinity of bank
is very congested. In peak hours there is a lot of rush outside the branch.
This cause many problems to the customers.

3. Few Cash Counters

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There are only three cash counters in the main branch among which one
counter is for foreign currency, because of which the customers have to
stand in long queues waiting for their turn. However, the bank has CDM
for deposits and drop box facility for cheques but mostly customers are not
content by them.

4. Under Staffed Branch

The main Peshawar branch is understaffed because of which customers

have to wait for long time. Presence of only one CRO who is responsible
to listen to all customers, solve their queries, fill deposit slips, provide
account statements and balance enquiry etc are all the work done by one
CRO which most of the time result in irritation for both CRO and
customers. Similarly, operations department, which deals with cash, is
also understaffed resulting in overtime by employees until 9 pm. The
burden of work escalates the tension of the staff members. This also gives
rise to bad mood and irrational behavior amongst the employees with each

Thus, several departments are over loaded with extra work. This
overburdens the employees, which leads to frustration and anger,
provoking several other problems. This problem is explained in detail in
the later part of the report.

5. Low Salaries

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For a multi-national bank with such a posh and expensive image in

Pakistan, the compensation package offered to employees is very
disappointing. Salaries at the Peshawar branch are low and so are the
fringe benefits offered, which are not satisfactory.

6. Nepotism

Nepotism was observed on part of the manger as well as the top

management towards some staff members and even the interns.

7. Employee Teams

However, the environment of branch is professional but still there are

some groups of employees giving favors to each other and backbiting is
normal practice in branch among these groups.

8. Careless Attitude

Most of the time the organizations work under the logo of customer is
always right but in SCB main branch customers are ignored, because of
laid-back attitude of some of the employees, their work is delayed, and
due to too much work burden, the phone of the bank is kept engaged to
avoid customers call for balance enquiry. Some employees also provide
account information to customers without proper confirming the
customer’s identification. This may pose serious security problems.
Secondly, the bank applies the status policies intensely. Clientele with
small deposits are not given proper attention and consideration. The upper
class clients with large deposits are shown opposite behavior and

Institute of Management Studies 82

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courteousness. This discriminatory behavior of employees is surely


Last but not the least the bank employees show irresponsible behavior
while making use of bank resources at times. Stationary, for example is
wasted in abundance.

9. Poor Internet Links

Sometimes due to technical error the links are down of whole bank which
result in problems for the customer because it is an online bank and cannot
do anything unless and until the links are working which result in wastage
of whole day.

10. Employee Selection Process

However, SCB claims to have an organization structure which is very

strong but still there are some drawbacks in it. It claims to offer jobs and
internship on purely merit basis but this is not the true case. Proper tests
and interviews are conducted but still preference and special attention is
given to the people who have strong references or who have a large
account in the bank. This policy does not suit the reputation of the bank.

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11. No Female Staff

The first thing one notice on walking into the bank is the lack of female
employees. At present, the bank employs two female personnel, all the rest
being male. This does not fit well with the international image of the bank,
giving out the negative impression that the bank policy might be
discriminatory, when it comes to human resource utilization.

12. Lack Of Advertisements

SCB lacks behind in advertisements, they only use direct selling as their
strategy and are missing verity of ways of marketing.

13. Lack of Customer Seating

Due to lack of customer, seating most of the customers have to stand and
wait for their turn. On busy days especially on Monday, mostly the bank is
crowded and some customers have to stand or leave come later.

14. Absence of Prayer Room

In Cantt branch there is not a single prayer room. Officers are seen in
different places offering their prayers and there is no proper arrangement
for female staff.


“An area in the organization that, if exploited, may generate high


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Opportunities, when exploited properly reap profits and earn success.

They are usually a matter of time. They are to be sought, picked, and made
use of, before anybody else gets up and do so. It is just about being smart
and accurate. SCB also have some opportunities it can utilize and obtain
good market position. Some of the opportunities SCB can make use of are
hinted below.

1. Attract Customers
The group from its survey and analysis of it companies has found out that
there are many companies that are not satisfied with its current bank, so
SCB with its superior service quality and long working hours can capture
those customers.

2. Investment In Agriculture Sector

To invest in those sectors which are given less importance i.e. agriculture,
small and medium enterprises and of the entire range of retail products

3. New Market

The greatest opportunity for the business sector that has manifested itself
in present times is of course, the development of the Afghan nation. A
peaceful and developed Afghanistan will present tremendous opportunities
for all types of businesses. Peshawar, due to its strategic geographic
position will no doubt play a crucial role in this economic development,
making it an ideal spot for banks to invest in. NWFP is the place where
the majority of purchases for the Afghan reconstruction are made,

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meaning that a lot of capital is being circulated in the region. A bank like
SCB has the experience and resources to take full advantage of an
opportunity of this magnitude. In addition, SCB can venture out to be one
of the first banks to be established in the post war Afghanistan.

4. New Products for Travelling Customers

With the globalization of the world, large numbers of Asian students are
going abroad to study or to work. This is also true in Pakistan where every
year hundreds of students leave for foreign countries to study. To take
advantage of this development, SCB should concentrate on developing
products and services, which will be especially beneficial to traveling
students, taking advantage of this relatively new market segment. A
lending program can also be developed for students going abroad for
higher studies.

5. Conversion Facility

Bank can also implement the conversion facility for example if the ATM
receives the request for payment of amount in dollars then it should pay
the customer in Dollars.

6.3.4. THREATS

Threats are the unseen, futuristic, probable events that can occur and prove
dangerous in consequences. Every organization is faced by some category
of threats in its operations and functions.

The prevailing condition indicates the following as the possible threats.

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1. War Situation In The Province

The growing tension in Pakistan and especially in NWFP since the start of
war on terror, has reached an unstable point now. The increase in bomb
blasts has leaded the business activities to a gradual cease. The so-called
war on terror would prove hazardous to the economy of the country.
Especially in north and south of the province, the conditions are worse.
Swat branch is closed due to these war situations.

2. No New Investments

Due to current war like situation, investors will be blocked. Several

countries have already asked their citizens to leave the territory of
Pakistan. In such circumstances, new investors and customers will not be
coming anymore to Pakistan for investment. This is one dangerous threat
that is showing very much its presence on the atmosphere of Pakistan.

3. Poor Law And Order Situations

The government must maintain the law and order situation in order to
attract foreign investor. The suicide bomb blasts in all over Pakistan and
daily blasts in Peshawar created an atmosphere of being unsafe amongst
the customers residing. Incidents like these enormously affect the
economies of countries. If the foreign investor will not feel safe in
Pakistan, then why is it possible that he will invest money here? SCB
seems to lose a number of possible foreign clients because of the uncertain
law and order situation prevailing inside the country.

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4. Competition In The Market

New banks are entering the banking industry, which are providing same
services at lower rates thus posing a threat to the customers of the bank.
They are also giving salaries, which are more as compared to the SCB,
hence the bank has to face completion to keep their employees and attract
new ones as well. SCB also faces competitors in the market. Citibank and
Abn Amro bank are already online. These two banks also enjoy sound
financial backing and come from a rich background. Also working are
other foreign banks like bank Alfalah, emirates bank and Faysal bank.
Bank Alfalah proposes serious threats to SCB in its auto loans market.
Various domestic banks like MCB and others have also shown
improvements. To survive amongst all these competitors, SCB needs to
keep in touch with modern technology, keeping flexible and customer
oriented policies, and adopting the latest trends of banking.

5. Global Recession

Economy is one of the major external factors influencing the existence and
functioning of a business entity. The economic situation in the year 2008
was dark. With global recession, and War on Terrorism, the business
sector scenario was bleak. There was uncertainty in global markets and
consumer confidence was badly hurt. Due to such calamities, business at
banks also slowed down and the rate of bad debts went up, as many
businesspersons went bankrupt. Even today, in the year 2010, the world is
still not out of the danger zone as far as the economic recession is

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concerned and the business sector might take a long time in getting back
on its feet.

6. Threats Of Substitutions

The threat of substitution is always there as any business, which can

attract the money of the bank customer, is a threat, especially the
government bonds.

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“Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it
the least.”

Recommendations suggest improvements in areas, which have room for

polishing and progress.

Criticizing several factors at SCB Peshawar branch does not mean that
these aspects are permanent flaws of the branch. Instead, it is intended that
these mistakes be removed. For the confiscation of these errors, certain
recommendations are forwarded.

7.1. Extension of Branches in NWFP

There are only four cities in NWFP in which SCB is present, which is not
enough so I recommend that branches should also be opened in cities like
Nowshera and northern regions to accommodate the large number of its

7.2. Check on Employees Activities

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During my internship I observed that employees miss-use the bank’s

resources (e.g. telephone calls were made by the officers frequently for
hours for personal use) so I recommend to have a strict check on them.

7.3. Advertisements
The first thing that SCB needs to do is to prepare for the tough
competition impending, especially the arrival of a formidable competitor
such as Citibank. SCB at Peshawar needs to increase its advertising budget
and be creative and diligent in promoting its brand. It should start putting
up billboard signs; advertise in electronic and print media. The bottom line
is that SCB should no longer take its superior position and image in the
market for granted because soon new and better will be appearing in
NWFP. It must vigorously market itself and introduce new products to
stay at top.

7.4. Appointment of More Female Staff

There are only two female employees in the bank, which needs to be
increased because the female customers would feel more at ease talking to
a female than a male.

7.5. Proper Guidance of the Less Educated Customers

When the customers enter so they cannot read the different boards in the
bank so they stand in the wrong queue due to which a lot of time is wasted
so I recommend an officer to be on duty to guide these people properly, to
fill up slips for them etc.

7.6. Increase Number of Cash Counters

The bank should increase the number of cash counter, as this is main
branch and centrally located which is the reason it is approached by all

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customers whether they are customers of the branch or not, this results in
long queues. To avoid it the bank should calculate the time consumed by
the customers in the bank along with the cost of making a new cash
counter. The new cash counter is cost must balance the waiting time of the
customer and the over burden on the employees.

7.7. Employee’s Behavior with the Customers

The bank staff should be properly educated about the customer’s value.
The bank should use the marketing approach and customer satisfaction
should be taken into account. There should be no status discrimination
between customers. The bank staff should be courteous to all customers. A
customer is fascinated and brings other customers to the bank if the
service is efficient and courteous.

7.8. Enough Space for the Customers

Customers, waiting for their turns, should be provided with proper seating
arrangements. Often it was visible that during peak banking hours many
customers use to stand anywhere they wanted to. This created stress for
the employees as well as other customers waiting for their job being done.
A specific place should be reserved for the customers by placing chairs
there. The staff should politely tell the customers to be seated until their
work is ready. This would ease the job of the employees as well as clients
will not bear the pain of being standing still and waiting.

7.9. Training and Development

Those employees who are not aware of the banking practices they should
be sent for on the job trainings instead of those employees who are well

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trained and they need a break from their daily activities instead of going to
learn something.

7.10. Job Rotation

The employees in the bank are only concerned about what their job is.
They do not know what their other collogues are doing. So whenever any
collogue is absent it creates problems for the employees and customers
too. As no one else, know how to perform the activities of their fellow
employee. To avoid such a situation it is important to train all employees
through job rotation so that the banking activities continue in a normal

7.12. Revival of the Charges

Most of the potential customers cannot fulfill the high balance

requirements and high service charges. Bank should revise its policies on
charges for services it provides. This will result in more satisfied and
trustworthy relationship between clients and employees. Locker charges
are very high, due to which half of the bank’s lockers are unsold.

7.13. ATM Network Problem

I have found some problems with ATM network. Many customers have
complaints that their requests placed on ATMs do not carry out. ATM
cards are usually trapped in the machines and the customers are asked to
come the next day to pick them. The ATM cards should be given back to
the customers on the spot, as it is not a difficult or a time consuming task.
It gives a lot of trouble to the customers.

7.14. Fair Employee and Interns Selection

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Candidates should be considered a merit for selection instead of their

references. Bank administration should give proper training to the interns.
They should educate them about the purpose of all the functions they

7.15. Encourage Team Work

The bank should be more participatory and team oriented. Departments

and employees should not be separated from each other. All employees
need to feel that they are part of one whole and they need to work as a
group. Employees need to understand that their personal goals and those
of the organization should match so that when they work to make the
organization a success they will know that they are also pushing their own
goals forwards.

7.16. Internship Program

One expects a bank like SCB to be more professional and better organized
than other banks in the region. However, when it comes to interns, the
bank is irresponsible as compared to its competitors. There is a lack of a
proper internship program and interns are trained in very discouraging
manner. They are not taken seriously enough and are often neglected or
given boring tasks just to get them out of the way and keep them busy.
This is a very wrong of attitude for a professional bank like SCB to adopt.
It needs to develop a proper and standard training program for interns and
make sure that the trainees get a thorough understanding of the bank and
its functions.

7.17. Work Burden

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There is a lot of works load on each employee, specially the junior staff.
Usually, the CRO’s job is related with operations and customers relations.
However, here in SCB they are also given targets to bring in new
accounts. Due to this, they cannot attend the customers properly. In
addition, their work is sometime delayed which causes the dissatisfaction
among customers. CRO represents the whole organization so if their
attitude is not good then whole organization’s impression is inferior.

7.18. Centralization

Due to centralization, customers are facing problems. The head office is in

Karachi and everything is approved from there. Before centralization, the
account would be opened immediately and check books given on the spot.
Now it takes at least two days for an account to start functioning and the
check takes 5 to 6 days. It is recommended that steps should be taken to
overcome this time delay. Some authority must be given to the branches.

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Analyzing the bank’s performance in several departments and evaluating

the strengths and weaknesses leads to some proposals. The implications of
this suggestion are a more important issue. SCB main branch is generating
profits and is targeting the market efficiently with its energetic young sales
force. Its location at the centre of business sector in Peshawar is also
adding to its easy accessibility by customers. Thus, the outlook
requirements of the bank are almost complete. The place for improvement
in the bank is inside.

The underlying problem of several other problems that was observed

during the internship period was that SCB is and “understaffed” bank. It
has enough vacant room for new employees. This hitch is the root cause of
many other problems. The situation that was taking shape of this inability
is as follows:

Over Burdened Staff

The under staffing directs to unfair work distribution. Several employees,

gets load of work, which is beyond their capacity. This leads towards
errors and irregularities in their work. They very clearly wanted assistance
in their work, so that their burden can be shared. Some of the tasks would

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not even complete even still working for 4 hours after the bank working
hours had ended.

Poor Customer Service

Efficient, competent, and proficient customer service specifically at the

counters and down the line in an organization shows its benefit and
compensation later. The understaffed situation at SCB led the employees
to adopt aggressive attitude with clients. Customers would not be listened
with concentration and modesty. It was visible that often some customers
would roam around with deposits, cash or visa payment slips, they wanted
to be filled properly. This basic reason behind this was the extra load of
work, which did not allow the employees to indulge in unnecessary
talking. Ultimately, it was giving rise to the poor customer service.

Action Plan

Thus, now when the basic area of problem is identified, the understaffing,
several measures can be taken into account to deal with this problem.
There are three plans, which are suggested for dealing for this problem.

a. Longer Duration Internship Program

(For students)

This will be a short-term plan. The short-term plan is devised for students
who would be given the chance to serve in the bank for a limited period.

The bank normally offers an 8 weeks internship program. During this

period the employees of the bank helps the interns to understand various
procedures regarding different departments. After the coaching and

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teaching of these 6 or 8 weeks, the interns is able to comprehend most of

the functions of the bank and he or she is able to follow the appropriate
procedures, which is to be followed for the completion of that function.
Therefore, at a time when an intern learns most of the jobs and can prove
more beneficial to the bank than before, he is supposed to leave. The bank
can set a particular quota for long internship duration. Many graduates
after the completion of their degree roam around and wander uselessly.

The bank can introduce a long internship program for its own benefit as
well as these graduates. To keep the normal interns unaffected, it can
reserve a special quota for these kinds of long duration interns. The
selection can be made in the local branches. A specific date can be set for
interviews and the applicants may be chosen on merit. The bank can offer
a six months or a year internship program. The bank can make a promise
that at the end of the program it can give a recommendation report about
the applicant. To get good recommendation on this kind of a report the
applicant will be motivated and will work hard. This will help him in
getting experience as well knowledge about the delicacies of practical job.
Most of the organization requires earlier experience in the field, thus SCB
can be helpful in developing the youth into a positive direction as well.
Since the name of SCB already means quality, this will build many
people’s career in good organizations. The bank will benefit in the shape
of obtaining a motivated and energetic employee and that also at a lesser
cost than the normal employees obtain. The cost would be less because
since these would be fresh graduates seeking experience and
recommendation, hence they can take as interns. They can be paid the
interns stipend and the main purpose of these interns would be to achieve
experience and recommendation, not salary. Thus, they can prove

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economical workers for the bank. They would prove useful because after
the initial 2 months period the applicant will be aware of the banks
policies, he can be of great use to the bank. He will also be more devoted
towards the customers, to win their recommendations and sympathies.
More customer-devoted staff will improve the bank’s image also. If the
worker shows extraordinary performance, the bank can also take him as a
permanent employee. Since his last one-year’s performance and his
attitude towards fellow colleagues and customers will be proofs of his
ability or inability, the bank will find it easier to decide about him.

b. Contract Staff

(For fresh graduates)

The bank can also employ contract workers also. If the bank wants to be
careful in choosing a better lot among the pool of candidates for its
operations, it can offer contract seats. Contracts seats will be for applicants
who will be employed on contract basis. This program will be different
from the long internship program, as the above program will be just meant
for fresh graduates and new applicants who will get recommendation and
will be paid the interns stipend. However, full salary will be paid to
contract workers. This program will include other banks personnel as well
as experienced people. This can be a sort of brain drain technique that the
bank can use. This will bring experienced, energetic, and capable
employees to the bank, which can work hard and share the responsibilities
of the other workers. As they will be on contract basis, so if the bank, after
the completion of the contract period wants them to leave, it can exercise
the liberty to ask them to leave. Alternatively, if the bank considers them

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worthy and wants to take use of their expertise, it can reassign them some
job as well.

c. Training And Development

(For permanent employees)

This plan would be designed for the permanent employees of the bank, so
that they can prove beneficial to the bank in future. This program would
include picking up the most competent employee amongst the employee
and sending him for further training and higher studies about the bank
policies. Now the question arises that how can he be of any use to solve
the problem of understaffing. The answer is that a more efficient, able,
experienced and motivated employee can handle the job of several
persons. The bank can select amongst the employees based on the
performance the employees show and on achieving targets.

When a selection about an employee is made, thus he will be sending for a

period to get training and education. More emphasis is to be given to the
sensitivities and delicacies involved in the operations of different
functions. He would be taught specifically the policies about the bank, the
broader goal the bank want to achieve and the ways of cumulative efforts
that are required. His appointment is to be made rotational, thus he would
work in other branches too and would understand the inner environment of
the branches, and he will work in. This will help him in dealings in future.
This kind of training program would enable the employee to understand
the whole banking structure precisely. When returned to the branch, he
can be of great use as his expertise on many issues will be authentic and
accurate. The bank will bear all the expenses that are to be made during

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the training program. The employee in return is to be made bound to stay

with the bank for over a period.

This practice will create a more motivated, efficient and skillful staff. In
addition, it will produce a competitive and healthy environment. A skilful
employee would be more efficient and productive. Hence, his expertise
would replace any additional employee place. This indirectly will replace
the expenses; the bank has endured during the training and development

The above plan if implemented can produce better results for the bank.
The short-term plan would save the bank from unnecessary costs. The
long internship program is economical as well as beneficial. Similarly, the
contract workers can be experienced workers, whose expertise of
invaluable to the bank. The long-term plan would surely cost a little, but
the bank can reap its fruitful benefits in the end.

Wrapping Up

Though 2009, has not been a year of significant progress

Still it has achieved a number of strategic goals. In 2009, SCB made a

number of acquisitions and alliance complementing organic growth. Most
recently, it entered into an agreement to acquire Union Bank Limited.

This will give SCB competitive advantage in its chosen markets. In its
unique position as an international bank with strong franchise, Standard
Chartered combines an in-depth knowledge of local markets with global
product expertise to offer effective financial solutions. The bank

Institute of Management Studies 101

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capitalizes on its onshore presence across Asia, Africa, and the Middle
East to offer customers convenient and reliable access to the widest range
of currency markets, to date local market information, country-specific
global risk management strategies, and customized capital raising and
liquidity management solutions.

With 150 years of emerging market experience, SCB’s in-depth

understanding of the local market is unrivaled by most other financial
institutions, especially in the currencies of Asia, the Middle East and
Africa. It is able to meet the needs of local corporate, multinational
companies, development organizations, investment and financial
institutions, and central banks around the world.

Understanding that each customer’s needs are unique, Standard Chartered

customizes Client Solutions for risk management, yield enhancement,
liquidity management, and debt financing.

Innovative Client Solutions standard chartered leverage a global

perspective to develop creative and effective financial solutions based on
its in-depth local market knowledge and understanding of its customers’
needs. One-Stop Range of Products and Services it has a full range of
foreign exchange and risk management solutions to meet the needs of
clients across the world.

It serves both Consumer and Wholesale Banking customers. Consumer

Banking provides credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, deposit taking
and wealth management services to individuals and small to medium sized
enterprises. Wholesale Banking provides corporate and institutional clients
with services in trade finance, cash management, lending, securities
services, foreign exchange, debt capital markets, and corporate finance.

Institute of Management Studies 102

Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered is well established in growth markets and aims to be

the right partner for its customers. The Bank combines deep local
knowledge with global capability.

The Bank is trusted across its network for its standard of governance and
corporate responsibility as well as its commitment to making a difference
in the communities in which it operates.

SCB believes that good governance and good performance reinforces

each other.

In the past year, there has been an intensified focus on regulation in the
financial services industry and it is working even more closely with
regulators around the world.

Institute of Management Studies 103

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Name Of Person Designation Department

M. Adil Khan Floor Manager Sales Department

Mr. Akmal Khan Customer Relation Priority Banking

Khattak Manager Section
Mr. Mughes Ahmad Accounts Manager Sales Department

Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmad Banca Financial Sales Department

Mr. Zeshan Locker In Charge Operations
Miss. Mehwish Teller Operations
Miss. Noor Ul Ain Customer relations Sales department

Institute of Management Studies 104

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1. Van Horne, James c. In addition, Wachowicz, jr., john m., (1998).

Fundamentals of financial management. Tenth edition. USA:
prentice hall, inc

2. Dale Kennedy, Ralph and Yarwood McMullen, Stewart. (1973).

6"'Edition, Financial Statements; Form, analysis, and interpretation.
Illinois: Richard D. Irwin Inc.

3. Bateman, Thomas S. and Snell, Scott A., (1996). Management

Building Competitive Advantage. Third Edition. USA: Richard D.
Irwin, Times Mirror Higher Education Group, Inc.

4. Standard chartered (2009). Brochures. Peshawar branch.

5. Standard chartered (2008 & 2009). Semiannual reports.

6. Hamid, Sannya, “internship report on standard chartered”,

department of business administration, IMS, session 2008

7. (On-line). Available. Http://

8. (On-line). Available. Http://

Institute of Management Studies 105

Standard Chartered Bank

9. (On-line). Available. Http://

10. (On-line). Available. http://


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