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Comparative Politics is a branch of Political Science and it makes comparison the politics and politics system of
states to find similarities and differences and to understand these systems, to answer some questions regarding to
the politics. The best example of this, I think, is to compare to Turkey and Brazil. Brazil is a tropical country
which is located in South America, in the middle of South America. Brazil is known by people in Turkey with
Rio Carnival, Football and TV series. But Brazil started to be known with its economy and politics at the times.
Thus Brazil is being accepted as a power which rises in the world, like China and Russia. Of course, this
situation is being followed by Turkey like other the World states.

Turkey is following the economic miracle of Brazil. And the statesmen wonder this miracle and the question,
how did Brazil succeed to become a developing state? I want to mention a miracle in front of the statesmen’s
eyes before I pass to answer this question. In 1915 Greek occupied İzmir and in 1918 the Armistice of Mudros
and these occupations increased. A leader, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his friends firstly saved the county from
the occupation and Ataturk started to do his economic, politic, cultural and social miracles with his reforms.
Now our states wonder the Brazilian miracles instead of our miracles (!)

OK, how did Brazil succeed to become a developing state? The answer of this question is the leader of Brazil,
Luiz İnancio Lula da. In short, Lula. He became a reality a miracle in Brazil. He solved economic problems in
Brazil and made the economy of Brazil bigger. Now Brazil is being talked with its economy by the world.
Everyone says that Brazil will be rising power in the future with Russia, India and China. And of course, their
languages will be important. In fact this situation brought an idea to my mind, a politician strategy. We consider
for a while. China is a country in the Far East of the World. Brazil is a country in the Far West of the World.
And Russia is a country in the Middle of the World. Of course, if Turkey made its economy bigger and it
become rising power, Turkey may be a linkage country between these countries. Now for a while let’s bring the
map of the world to our eyes and consider this situation. We will see a triangle which its diagonals are Russia,
China and Brazil; and the entire world.

In XXI. Century new rising powers were started to be seen. Turkey is one of these. But essential these powers
are Russia, China and Brazil. I don’t know if Brazil will be able to go on getting stronger with Dilma
economically and politically or what Russia and other great powers think about my mind. Although it’s an irony
that the statesmen wonder and follow the miracle in Brazil with concern instead of the miracle of Turkey in the
past, this miracle is a good material for political scientists and the scientists who are interested in comparative
politics (comparativists).


The Department of International Relations

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