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Course Number & Course Title: CO255, Microprocessor Lab

Credits: (0-0-3) 2
Semester/Session & Year: IV, 2008-09
Course Instructor’s Name: Mr. B. R. Chandavarkar
Department: Computer

Syllabus Structure:

Part I: 8086 Programming

A. Programs for simple calculations
B. Programs using string instructions
C. Programs using Procedure
D. Programs using Stack
E. Programs using macros
F. Programs using BIOS and DOS interrupt
Part II: Interface Programming
A. Programs on 8255 interfacing
B. Programs on 8253/8254 interfacing

Part I: 8086 Programming

A. Programs for simple calculations

1. Write an 8086 ALP to find sum and average of ‘n’ integer numbers.
2. Write an 8086 ALP to find the factorial of a number.
3. Write an 8086 to find GCD of 4 unsigned 16-bit numbers.
4. Write an 8086 ALP to find LCM of 2, 16-bit unsigned numbers.
5. Write an 8086 ALP to print ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers.
B. Programs using string instructions
1. Write an 8086 ALP to compare two strings using string instructions
and display appropriate messages.
2. Write an 8086 ALP to reverse a given string. Display the reversed string and
check whether it is a palindrome.
3. Write an 8086 ALP to search for the sub string in the given string, print the
number of occurrences and positions of the sub string.
4. Write an 8086 ALP to search for the sub string in the given string, delete only
the second occurrence and display the result.
5. Write an 8086 ALP to search for the sub string in the given string, replace all its
occurrences with another string of same length as sub string and display the
C. Programs using Procedure
1. Write an 8086 ALP to generate the first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers using recursion.
2. Write an 8086 ALP program to find the largest and smaller number from the
array of numbers.
3. Write an 8086 ALP to perform the following conversions:
a. Decimal to Binary
b. Decimal to Hexadecimal
2. Write an 8086 ALP that reads a list of numbers and makes a count of
a. Even and Odd numbers.
b. Numbers grater than 10.
5. Write an 8086 ALP to ‘n’ elements in a given array in ascending order using
a. Selection Sort
b. Bubble Sort
c. Insertion Sort.
D. Programs using Stack
1. Write an 8086 ALP to find the factorial on ‘n’.
2. Write an 8086 ALP to compare two strings without using string instructions and
display appropriate messages.
3. Write an 8086 ALP that reads a list of numbers and makes a count of
a. Even and Odd numbers.
b. Numbers grater than 10.
2. Write an 8086 ALP to perform the following conversions:
a. Decimal to Binary
b. Decimal to Hexadecimal
c. Decimal to Octal
5. Write an 8086 ALP to search for given key in an ‘n’ number of elements using
linear search.
E. Programs using macros
1. Write an 8086 ALP to find square of a number.
2. Write an 8086 ALP to multiply content of AX by 10 without using multiply
3. Write an 8086 ALP program to find the largest and smaller number from the
array of numbers.
4. Write an 8086 ALP to perform the following conversions:
(i) Binary to Decimal
(ii) Binary to Octal
(iii) Binary to Hexadecimal.
5. Write an 8086 ALP that reads a list of numbers and makes a count of
(i) +ve and –ve numbers.
F. Programs using BIOS and DOS interrupt
1. Write an 8086 ALP to display the horizontal and vertical position of the mouse.
The positions are updated when the mouse is moved around. Program exits
when the left mouse button is pressed or ‘q’ is pressed.
2. Write an 8086 ALP to read password and validate the user. For this there should
be a file containing valid users and their passwords, the entry made by the user
must be compared with this file.
3. Write an 8086 ALP to accept a file name, if present user should be allowed to
rename, delete according to his choice.
4. Write an 8086 ALP to read your name from the keyboard and display it at a
specified location on the screen in front of the message What is your name?
You must clear the entire screen before display.
5. Write an 8086 ALP to read the current time and date from the system and
display it in the standard format on the screen.
6. Write an 8086 ALP to get the screen width (no of cols) using BIOS
interrupt, and calculate the no of rows from the appropriate word
location in BIOS data area, and clear the screen using BIOS interrupt.
7. Using BIOS routine, write an 8086 ALP to find memory size of the PC you
are using. Using appropriate message, the display should indicate memory
size in Kilo bytes using 4 hex digits. Also check the result with the
appropriate word in BIOS data area using debug/codeview.
8. Write an 8086 ALP to display the command line parameters, and the total
length of the parameters using DOS interrupts.
9. Write an 8086 ALP which checks whether the printer is online. If it
is online, print a message on the printer using DOS interrupt, else
display printer status on CRT.

Part II: Interface Programming

A. Programs on 8255 interfacing
1. Using 8255 in Mode 0 with port A configured as input.
2. Using 8255 in Mode 1 i.e. strobed input/output with port A configured as
strobed input port.
3. Using 8255 in Mode 2 i.e. strobed bidirectional bus – output mode.
4. Using 8255 in BSR Mode.
B. Programs on 8253/8254 interfacing
1. Using 8253 in Mode 0 i.e. interrupt on terminal count.
1. Using 8253 in Mode 2 i.e. Divide by N counter.
2. Using 8253 in Mode 3 i.e. Square wave generator.
3. Using 8253 in Mode 4 i.e. Software triggered mode.

All students should complete,
 23 programs from Part I, selecting any from A, B, C, D, E and 08
programs from F. (Follow the weekly planning)
 06 programs from part II selecting any 3 from A and B. (Follow
the weekly planning).
 According to the weekly planning all students should submit the
Lab file on or before the mentioned date.
 Being absent in the Lab session without prior permission will be
credited 0 marks for that lab session.
 Being absent for more than 3 lab sessions in the semester has to
take the permission from the DUGC to enter the Lab.
 If any student remain absent because of guanine reasons (with
prior permission) should complete the experiments within the
allotted week and should submit the Lab file on or before the
mentioned date.

Method to write Lab file…

Program No. (Including group no.):
Important instructions used along with the explanation:
Program (should be written on plain paper): comments for each instruction.
Output: (printout)
Conclusion (What they learnt and their personal experience):

Course Incharge

B. R. Chandavarkar

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