Amorc - Vs - Clymer 1933

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IN THE Superior Court SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA “GUILTY” is the Verdict of the // Judge in this case / IRA ROSICRUCIAN Se iE. CALIFORNIA. fF Of Special Interest To Alll Freemasons, Theosophists, Rosicrucians, and Members of [ Fraternal Organizations. f @ A VICTORY AGAINST tie Gaal Hagges a ah Ai Hi : pith He ‘ tL Ee a = See — me cule Conspiracy been ie Seperor Thirteen Years of Vili, aoe ‘Pabitcation, AMORC. (Batters wattion, Sept, 1968. sox) Department of ‘Clymer, Philesopnicn! Fubshing Co, Pentsyivania; ‘Mrs. Max Heindel, Roslerucian Fellowsblp, California; Albert E. Smythe, ‘Theosoplcs! Publisher, Canads; Alfred H. Saunders, Story Writer, New York; ‘Miss Myrtle Crane, Stanley Daines, E, E. CONSPIRATORS eRe The Rosicrucian Brotherhood, known ts court action against the false, i Thomas, W. P. Pease and Geo. L. Smith, R throughout the world as AMORC, This pamphlet authorized by ‘eanembled at « National ‘fm San Jose, California, July, actions of — ‘been proud of the fact that at no time in ite hhatory covering many centuries has it ever been Involved in any scandal, nor criticized for sny of its moral, ethical, or business practioes. The or fgunization bolng ‘on-soctarian, non-commercial, ‘and freo from all of the peculiar auporstitions land extromely fanatical ideas common to n great ‘any so-called philosophical movements, bas en {Joyed aa excellent reputation. AAs a Darimads or. [Benization it bas never Been involved tm legal ‘suite of any ling, and in every community where branches of toe organization exist tt nas bad the Iighoet respect of the civ authorities, {Im America the organization has always bad a leon report from the Better Business Bureaus, Jocal end national, and from the various morcan- {ile nancial, and advertising agencies, Tao news. ‘epers and magazinca of America havo beon 2- ‘eeally kind tn the past twenty-five years in r0- gerd to tholr vory frequent roporta of Roslora- flan activities, ‘Brery stringent method has been maintained toy the executives of the organization, national and International, to prevent any cause for critl- cal comment, for the reputation of the organiza tion has alway been considered one of its valued assets. ‘Thronghout the world the organization owas and maintains much valuable property, ‘many ballaings and structures for its e¢ucationa, ‘elontite, and mumanitarian activities, and the ‘prominent positions im the businesa and social ‘World eccupioa by the principal omeers end mem- ‘Dera of the erganizction have constituted an asset Jalousty regerded by the organization. twas Docause of these facte that the con- spirators hopes to attract a groat deal of atten- ‘Yon to thelr campaign and to appeal to te lower inctinets of human nature to revel im a possible expose of an organization enjoying good ‘epute, Therefore, each of them, individually, and ‘asa collective group, stooped to the lowest forma fof wilifeation and untruth. ‘The fallure of the conspiracy to actually anate dilate the Rosicrucian Organization through the ‘various forms of eampalgn conducted by then ‘month after month and year after year tempted them to resort to the most extreme measures and the most unheard-of processes of injury. Not only did they seek to havo the editors and pub- Ushers of the leading newspapers of North 141 America publish untruthful comments about the oficers and the general activites of the Brothor- ‘aood, but they attempted to influence the adver~ tising departments to refuse to accept the many advertisements used by the organization from ‘weok to week, and month to month in the leading, ‘publications of America, After newspapers and magazines conducted in- vestigations, even to the extent of having thelr representatives call at the national headquarters of the Brotherhood and learn of the falsity of the attacks, the conspirators sought to ave the ‘United States Post-Ofice take aation againat the “Broterbood. After a long and careful inquiry made by the Post-Oftice Department, no action was taken, and the conspirators then turned thelr attention to other Federal Departments, including the De- ‘partment of Justice, the Department of Income ‘Tax Returns, etc, Hven the Canadian Department ‘of Customa Duties and Tarits waa fovoled under false claims made by the conspirators, with mo aval, Finally, pamphlets were printed and cireutated and mailed to the leading oficers of the various Grand Lodges of diferent fraternal tons existing In America with the plea that thea fers advise their members to withdraw from the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. After each and every one of these methods of attack falled, or was frustrated by investigators, the conspirators ‘Decame more bitter. ‘NEWSPAPER INVESTIGATIONS Among the many Snvestigations made to d= ‘termine the trathfulneas or tntrathfulness of the attacks made by the conspirators were those ‘made by the special bureau of the “New York “Times,” and “Minneapolis Journal” Other news Papers made independent Investigations as did such magazines as "Liberty," “Time” and many ‘more of the bighest class. ‘The result of these ‘investigations was that the edvertising of the Brotherhood wes continued, and the attempta of ‘the conspirators wore defeated. ‘Despite the continuous favorable reports made Dy newspapers, magazines, and other investiga tors, however, the general public, unable to make such investigations, was belng misied by the con- tinuous flow of letters, printed pamplitets, cle clara, and unsigned communications that were being sent throughout the country. ‘This resulted (51 {THE EVIDENOE SUBMITTED: ‘The evidence aubmitted at this trial was of two forms: (a) Many hundreds of pieces of printed fand typewritten seurrious mattor tesued by the ‘conspirators and mailed from Canada or other ‘Port-Ofice In order to avoid the American Postal Tucisdiction, and (6) documents, charters, legal papers and records signed and sealed by eminent Persona in America, and foreign lands, including ‘American Counetlors and Ambassadors in foreign citing; refuting each and every ous of the sour lous charges mado by the conspirators, The evidence against. the conspirators was over ‘whelming, and the evidence in support of every fone of the contentions and claims of the Roel feruclan organization was equally overwhelming. ‘CONSPIRATORS REFUSE TO ANSWER ‘Asthough each and every one of the conspir- tore was named in the complaint and should Ihave put im appearance at the trisl or had legal ‘representation to defend himaelt, oly one leading, coneplrator, George L. Smith, appeared for trial. Te was in Bie ome that the shori found nearly ‘2 thousand oarboa copies and other coples of the ccarreapondence that ied passed betweea the com ‘plratora slong with much other evidence to ‘prove that the conspiracy was well-organized for 16) — the purpose of unfairly and unjustly injuring an organization for personal satistaction of some Kind. Tn mplte of the fact that the conspirators ‘aimed to have proof of every atatoment they ‘bad medo in tte attacks, and calmed that they ‘would weleome w court Inquiry, they were unable to bring even a slogle scrap of paper before the court as evidence of any one of the enarges ‘nds by them, and when questioned as to why they made certain statements or wrote certaln letters or published certain derogatory comments, ‘the anawer was, “Erafuse to answer because my fanawer may tend to incriminats mo of felony.” ‘Tocir boasted readiness to prove tele charges fagalast the Brotherhood, and their willingness to stand by every statement they had made in the twelve yours of attack, was entirely Ineking dur ing the trial {THE JUDGE'S DECISION Tn rendering hls decision the Judge stated that if the Roslerucian Brotherbood had sougat a large sum of money ax rocompanse for the dam ‘ager accrued through the activities of the coo spiratom, be would have been ready to set these Gamager at a very large mum. All that the Brotherhood sought, however, was a permanent ‘injunction against the conspirators end this to- {ination the Judge granted with a serious rebuke {Yo each af them. Twas revonlod during the trial that a oumber cof the conspirators wore attempting to organize [8 soclety oF movement to rival mo Kesteructan 4. "That the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ros ‘erucian Brotherhood, AMORC, duly incorporated and chartered as a ‘pon-profit, educational, scl- 17

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