May 26 2011 Pagasarri

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Published by DEIA, May 26, 2011


Returning from Madrid from a collaboration, several meetings and the

Music Award’s Event still in my mind. Just before coming to Bilbo I notice
the slopes of Pagasarri and I discover the leafiness and the coloring of a
spring in its complete effervescence. Passed a few days I decide to take a
stroll around there.

The mountain Pagasarri belongs to Ganekogorta's mountain mass that,

with its 1,000 meters of height, which is a natural border between the
territories of Bizkaia and Araba. In the trajectory I can clearly see that the
Paga is alive and vitality becoming the lungs of such a frantic city like
Bilbao. In an article they commented that this area lodges surprisingly a
rich fauna that, without a doubt, revalue’s the surroundings with
residents like the Aesculapius snake, the peregrine falcon or the sparrow
hawk among others. With a burning sun on top I continue my walk throw
the intense green grasslands and seeing some more and more privileged
sights thinking about how difficult it is to me to believe that animal
species so savage may inhabit a place so near to a dense urban nucleus
like Bilbao than it seems that it would have to have lost his ecological
value, as if the same went by human patterns.
Nature does not circumscribe only to distant and paradisiacal places.
Animal and vegetal species, that now seem ecological treasures for us,
thousand years ago it did not populate our lands exemplifying that nature
is somewhat lively, changing, that evolves and develops itself for

parameters, I would even say, we are unaware of

in great measure. Before sparrow hawks, falcons, etc were species that we
only could see in books or visiting very distant and argental areas. Today,
even in surroundings so humanized like the Pagasarri, we can enjoy them.

Let's not get carried away always of pessimistic and alarming messages,
true it is that not all is good but it is not less true that we achieve bigger
things. I believe that we have to learn from the animals, because only they
get carried away by their instinct, for what they need and what they are.
And they always CORRECT. Maybe someday even we will learn, right?

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