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Year 6 has been a very inspiring year and I am pretty sure my peers would agree with me as it has

brought to gather groups of different people together and so on.


Units of inquiry

Exhibition (Push ourselves)

Looking at people’s different perspectives I can now know that what you actually think may not be the
only solution, and it makes me impatient to wait for a perspective that might be different or maybe
helpful in a situation. For our units of inquiry I learned a lot of stuff such as how we should share our
planet, how the world works and where we are in place and time. I specifically said these units as they
were my favorite ones as I learned a lot from these cool units. In the Year 6 exhibition this year my
group and I did ours about waste of food in our NIST community. We found out a lot of mind changing
facts and put it into our Prezi presentation. After awhile a few kids started getting frustrated and
stressed as there was so much pressure on them, but in the end we all showed our parents and peers
that we are willing to make this a difference.

What I need to get better at:

Finishing homework

Bringing my P.E kit

I have some problems finishing my homework since a young age but I can never stop, I think that I am
too lazy and I hope that I can do something better in the next few years to come. This problem is pretty
recent, I only started forgetting my P.E kit last week but now I keep on forgetting as it gets bigger by the
day, I hope this problem will stop before it gets too wild.

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