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Emotional Intelligence
Definition Hallmarks
• Self awareness – The
ability to recognize and Self-confidence, realistic
understand your self assessment, self-
moods,emotions and deprecating sense of
drives, as well as their
effect on others humor
• Self regulation – The Trustworthiness and
ability to control or redirect integrity, comfort with
disruptive impulses and
moods, to think before ambiguity, openness
acting to change
• Motivation – A passion to • Strong drive to achieve,
work for reasons that go optimism, even in times of
beyond money or status.
failure, organizational
A propensity to pursue commitment
goals with energy and
persistence • Expertise – in building
• Empathy – The ability to and retaining talent, cross
understand the emotional cultural sensitivity, motto
makeup of other people is only service to clients
Skill in treating people and customers
according to their emotional
• Social skill – • Effectiveness in
Proficiency in leading change,
managing persuasiveness,
relationships and expertise in building
building networks and and leading teams
an ability to find
common ground and
build rapport
Self – leadership : The ultimate
leadership task
• All change is self-change
• Listening is absolutely essential to change –
hear and art.
• Change requires self-leadership ( walk the
Knowing yourself
Four lessons of self-knowledge
• You are your own best teacher
• Accept responsibility – blame no one
• You can learn anything you want to learn
• True understanding comes from reflecting
on your experience
Edgar Schein (1992) 5 ways leaders
embed and transmit organizational
• By what they pay attention to, measure and
• By their reactions to critical incidents and crisis
• By deliberate role modeling, coaching and
• By their choice of criteria for allocation of reward
and status
• By their choice of criteria recruitment, selection,
promotion and excommunication.

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