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Empathy and Bodhicitta

An excerpt from teachings by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, December 26 - 30, 2000, Serenity Ridge Retreat
Center, Nelson County, Virginia.

It is important to have empathy in order to cultivate bodhicitta. Empathy is the feeling, 'May these
people not suffer.' When you see a person suffering, and think, 'May this person overcome suffer-
ing,' that is the core of the experience. ... And in order to feel that, you have to relate well to your
own suffering. Other people may see suffering and they couldn't care less, or they don't notice it or
feel anything about it. That means they aren't relating deeply to their own suffering. ... When you
have a deeper relation to your own suffering and you see other people suffering, you immediately
respond with empathy because you know what it is. With clear empathy you will have more bod-

We have the four lines [of the Bodhicitta Prayer] here. Basically, the last line says, 'May I also
enter into this path and into this practice in order to help all sentient beings.' Why do we want to
help all sentient beings? Because they are suffering. So recognition of suffering is important.
When you look at fancy magazines, it looks like all the models, the furniture, and the electronic
things are so nice. It doesn't look like there is much suffering there. It looks like there's so much
fun there. ... But when you go behind appearances, there is a lot of suffering. Over time, those
who are beautiful become old and infirm, maybe not even able to stand up. ... So it is important
not to be deluded by appearances. It is important to recognize that there is suffering.

... ‘May I reach enlightenment in order to help sentient beings. May I achieve realization, may I
have power with the clear purpose to help other people.' You look at a situation and at other peo-
ple, and you really want to help. But there is nothing you can do. You can have empathy, nying
gye, and there is nothing you can do. So you practice to develop more knowledge, more healing
powers, more realization, so that you can help. If you have more, you can give more. Your focus is
toward your practice and your intention is to help other people.


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