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OG-NAY-2011 12:13 Original Application Ne. 826/209 Shri Nurondra Kureer Gupta, : Vs \ MIO, Defenos & 3 Ors. Ves Coram: Hon'ble Shri Jag: ‘Singh, MemberGt) ' Hon’ ble Shri R. C, Joshi, Member (A) ai ‘Tribunals Order. Dated 200222018 : es \ OS Tpbptieant in eersons ; 4 : respondents by Shei VS. magurkar, tearne® \ covnsels : \ . ents 0 \ 2. tieazned’ counsel °F tae, , responce 2 Anaeeuction from ht, ‘polis. Sameer’ Vs :Pendee states that che cost imposed on the szenpohdente. for now-compliance wth the “‘ebeections. of this Teibuaal's order daved 04,03:2010 4s being released after the sanction from wuntacry of ‘Defence. | The said sanction has Dees plzendy’ granted and the--anount of Rs. 25,000/- as directed ‘by this ‘tribunal by order dated 11.03.2021, a'be paid’ to the applicant within a period of 10 ‘rom today. Similarly, the learned counsel for ( respondents ‘states that he has filed an affidavit Gated.08,04.2011 signed by shri! Pradeép Kuma, Defence | Secretary, Governnenit of India. In the said’ affidavit, it ig stated by the ‘contimfior; that the whole issue is | paingzecomsidered in, cosisuMtation with _ various also stated by Shri Pradeep Kumar that the issue is clé one and requires deep thinking baforé” any decision is faten Gn the representation of the ‘applicant, Ja \ paragraph’ 16 of the. affidavit, the contemnor, shri Pradeep Kunar has also tendéred unbonditional spotosy for the’ delay being caused ia disposing of. the. representation in compliance with this Tribunal's oxder dated 04.05.2010. a After hearing the learned counsel for the applicant and Lt, Col. Sameer. V. Peridse,’ the Tribuna) is-of the view that the respondents should be granted further two wonthd time. todo the needful in the matter” © by-passing. appropriate final orders.. Accordingly, the to implement the directions of this Tribunal's gated 94.03.2010 ,s ‘extended ti11 30.06.2011 and personal appearance: (Of! Shes Pradeep: Kumar is Aispeiiged. with en “oy ext ave ae hearing, ; f ‘gist RE Case: ‘aa 12.07.2012. Tet’ a copy’ of this order be; sent: to. thie. Q aefuby sent at Shei N. . Gapta, applicant in person, Direot Cental Acinisitaive da, \ 1 HQ. Sonhera Command, Pune eat O01 Bombay Bench | hoa : | | *T 2, Shri VS. Masurtsr, Counsol for tho respondents, i Ny sci, 20'd _ pLigl (10e-ABH-90

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