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Date: 1 March 1992 No: 42ZV-1(0)


This publication describes the preferred This is the first issue of CAAP 42ZV-1,
method of complying with the directions and will remain current until withdrawn or
given under Regulation 42ZV of the superseded.
CARs for the control of aircraft mainte-
nance, to the operator of aircraft used REFERENCES
for regular public transport operations . This publication should be read in con-
The information in this publication is ad- junction with Civil Aviation Regulation
visory only. The Civil Aviation Regula- 42ZV.
tions set out the legal requirements that
must be complied with in relation to the
subject matter of this publication. There
may be a number of ways of ensuring Copies of this publication may be ob-
that the requirements of the CARs are tained from:
met. This publication sets out the Civil Aviation Authority Publications
method that is preferred and which ex- Centre
perience has shown should, in the ma- P.O. Box 1986
jority of cases, ensure compliance with Carlton South
the regulations. However, before using Victoria 3053
the information in this publication the Telephone (008) 331676
user should always read the CARs listed (008) 334191
in the reference section below to ensure (03) 3422000
compliance with the legal obligations of
Fax (03) 3474407
the CARs.
Regulation 42ZV of the CARs require
1.1 The manual may be titled and di-
the certificate of registration holder of a
vided into volumes as the operator de-
class A aircraft to employ a person to
sires provided all volumes cover the ap-
control the maintenance of the aircraft
plicable sections of this publication.
(Maintenance Controller) and to produce
a manual (Maintenance Control Manual) 1.2 The manual should, for ease of
describing how that control is to be ef- amendment, be in a loose leaf format
fected. The manual and the mainte- and include provision for the following:
nance controller are to be acceptable to (a) preliminary pages which address
the Authority. This publication describes the following areas:
the contents of the Maintenance Control (i) identity of the Certificate of
Manual and the requirements to be met Registration holder or op-
by the applicant for the position of erator;
maintenance controller.

CAAP 42VZ-1(0) Maintenance control manual

(ii) the aircraft to which the (n) if applicable, an MEL for each
manual applies; aircraft, associated maintenance
(iii) amendment procedures and control procedures or a ref-
and identification of erence to those procedures;
amendments; (o) reliability programs including
(iv) record of amendments; trend monitoring, condition
monitoring or life extension pro-
(v) list of effective pages for
gram procedures;
each section of the manual;
(p) procedures related to:
(vi) an index;
(i) permit to fly applications;
(b) the responsibilities of all persons
involved in the control and per- (ii) approval of permissible un-
formance of all activities related serviceabilities;
to the maintenance of the aircraft (iii) distribution of the manual
and, if necessary, by means of and amendments to per-
an organisational chart the inter- sons and organisations
relationship of the responsibili- who require the manual
ties; and acknowledgement of
(c) details of the maintenance con- the incorporation of
troller; amendments;
(d) a register of manual holders or a (iv) the submission of major
reference to where such a regis- defect reports;
ter can be found; (v) changes to the system of
(e) a system of maintenance for maintenance; and
each aircraft, or a reference to (vi) if applicable, the submis-
that system; sion of statistical returns;
(f) identity of the maintenance re- (q) a register of persons holding
lease; authorisations employed by the
(g) maintenance records procedures; Certificate of Registration holder
or the operator and the scope of
(h) maintenance release procedures;
those authorisations or a refer-
(i) procedures to ensure that all per- ence to such a register;
sons involved in any activity re-
(r) procedures to be observed for
lated to maintenance of the air-
the receipt, storage and use of
craft have access to the current
aircraft components and materi-
edition of any documents re-
als including control of:
quired to perform that activity;
(i) traceability of items, their
(j) procedures to ensure on-going
records and documenta-
compliance with all applicable
airworthiness directives;
(ii) shelf lifed components and
(k) procedures to ensure compliance
with the weight control require-
ments of CAO 100.7; (iii) storage conditions; and
(l) investigation of all defects of (iv) if applicable, components
which the Certificate of Registra- and materials for use in
tion holder or operator becomes maintenance outside Aus-
aware; tralian territory;
(m) system of surveillance to ensure (s) identity of employees and posi-
that the Certificate of Registration tions who have been delegated
holder's and the operator's re- or appointed as authorised per-
sponsibilities are satisfactorily sons for the purpose of exercis-
being performed; ing certain powers of the CARs

Maintenance control manual CAAP 42ZV-1(0)

and the procedures for using (a) the control of all maintenance
those powers; either scheduled or unscheduled;
(t) a pilot maintenance schedule for (b) the development, organisation
each aircraft type for which pilot and supervision of all activities
maintenance is approved; and procedures specified in the
(u) training programs for all mainte- maintenance control manual;
nance staff as required by (c) the transfer of maintenance rec-
Regulation 214 of the CARs; and ords to a new Certificate of Reg-
(v) other procedures as directed by istration holder; and
the Authority. (d) the investigation of all defects
1.3 The normal procedure for the identi- raised by the aircraft’s mainte-
fication of amendments to a mainte- nance organisation.
nance control manual is for the amend- 2.4 The following details of the mainte-
ment to: nance controller will be entered in the
(a) be identified by an amendment maintenance control manual:
number and date; (a) current position or title within the
(b) include an amended list of effec- organisation;
tive pages for each section af- (b) date of appointment;
fected; (c) business and after hours tele-
(c) identify each amended page by phone numbers; and
amendment number or date; (d) duties and responsibilities.
(d) identify the change, usually by
means of a black vertical line or
letter 'R' in the margin adjacent to
that change; and
(e) be forwarded to all holders of
copies, including the appropriate
airworthiness office, for incorpo-
ration into their manuals.

2.1 The Maintenance Controller must be
acceptable to the Authority and will be
responsible to the Certificate of Regis-
tration holder for all functions required
by the maintenance control manual.
2.2 To be acceptable to the Authority
the maintenance controller must:
(a) be in possession of relevant
maintenance qualifications; or
(b) demonstrate a broad range of
experience relevant to the re-
sponsibilities; and
(c) have adequate knowledge of the
applicable regulatory documents
and the operator’s maintenance
control manual.
2.3 The maintenance controller is to be
responsible to the Certificate of Regis-
tration holder for the following functions:


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