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V The property or quality by which organisms are

classified as female or male on the basis of their

reproductive organs and functions.

V the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral

characteristics of organisms that are involved in
reproduction marked by the union of gametes and
that distinguish males and females
V Typical:
~ The cells of a female body contain two X chromosomes ( XX )
~ The cells of a male body contains one X and one Y chromosome
( XY )

V ñtypical:
In rare case, there are problematic exceptions.
V dor Example:
Combinations like XXY or XYY or XXX.
Individuals born with these exceptional chromosome
combinations have various problems of physical
development or are infertile
The female body has ovaries (female gonads or sex glands
The male body has testicles (male gonads or sex glands)

In rare case, ovarian and testicular tissue is found in the same

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