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S e n a t o r t h e H o n.

J o e L u d w i g

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Senator for Queensland

Statement from Senator the Hon Joe Ludwig – Four Corners

This evening the Four Corners program aired evidence of animal welfare mistreatment in
Indonesian facilities.

I was shocked by the footage and the treatment of the animals involved.

I have ordered an immediate investigation into the footage by the Department of

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and have asked them to provide me with all available
options in response to the evidence.

I have tonight directed the Department to implement a moratorium on the installation of

any new Mark I restraint boxes, as seen being used in the footage. This will apply to the
instalment of any new boxes with Commonwealth funds across global markets.

Further, I have asked the Australian Chief Veterinary Officer to coordinate an independent,
scientific assessment of the on-going appropriateness of both the Mark I and Mark IV
restraint boxes.

Finally, I have requested a thorough briefing on all of the legislative and regulatory
responses available to me for responding to evidence of animal mistreatment, including
the banning of trade to specific facilities or destinations.

I asked industry at the beginning of this year for proposals on how welfare outcomes could
be improved, particularly after animals arrive in importing countries. I am currently
considering these proposals. It is clear that industry reforms to animal welfare standards
have not gone far enough or been fast enough and much more needs to be done.

Media contact: Elliot Stein 0400 082 352 or 02 6277 7520

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