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Notice of Meeting and Agenda

Economic Development Committee

Tuesday 31 May 2011 at 10.00am
in the City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh

1 Order of Business

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as
urgent for consideration at the meeting.

2 Declaration of Interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have
in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda
item and the nature of their interest.

3 Minute of Economic Development Committee of 8 March 2011

(circulated) – submitted for approval as a correct record

4 Deputations – if any

5 Motions

5.1 Motion Remitted from the Council of 3 February 2011 – By

Councillor Burgess – “Remade in Edinburgh”

“That the Council:

Welcomes the initiative to set up ‘Remade in Edinburgh’ a project for a

reuse and repair centre in Edinburgh.

Notes that the centre is intended to be a community-led project,

housing social enterprises, that will recycle and repair household
goods, offer repair skills to residents, create jobs and provide repaired
and refurbished goods to be bought by the public.

Recognises the innovative nature of the project and that, by

highlighting repair skills, will be diverting waste from landfill and
helping the Council meet recycling targets, achieve its Single
Outcome Agreement and comply with the Climate Change Act.
Further notes that a sister project in London, Remade in Brixton, has
been able to become operational partly due to the support of the local
council, which provided free suitable building space in the form of a
set of disused garages.

Is also aware that there is presently disused and abandoned space in

central Edinburgh which is currently incurring a maintenance cost to
the Council.

Understands that Remade in Edinburgh intends to submit funding

applications in February to the Jubilee People’s Millions and the
Climate Challenge Fund to enable it to renovate premises and provide
for staff and workshops and that interested parties can contact the
project through

Believes that the project could be a flagship Repair Centre for

Scotland, which other cities could learn from and replicate.

Therefore agrees, where practical, to provide start-up advice to

Remade in Edinburgh and particularly in its search for suitable

Note: Councillor Burgess has been called for this item.

5.2 Motion Remitted from the Council of 10 March 2011 – By

Councillor Hinds – Blindcraft

“Council notes:

The continuing efforts of Trades Unions and Save BlindCraft to secure

the future of BlindCraft.

That Community the Union is planning a march from the BlindCraft

factory to the Scottish Parliament on 10 March 2011.

Council offers its support to the campaign and calls on the Scottish
Government to respond positively.”

Note: Councillor Hinds has been called for this item.

5.3 Motion Remitted from the Council of 28 April 2011 – By

Councillor Burgess – Edinburgh Local Currency

“That the Council:

Welcomes the initiative to set up an Edinburgh local currency.

Recognises the innovative nature of the project and notes that it is

intended to be a community-led project, that will develop a local paper
or possibly electronic currency for Edinburgh residents to use in local
independent shops. The potential benefits including: strengthening
the local economy; raising awareness of the importance of local trade,
building community identity and reducing the city’s carbon footprint.
Further notes that a local currency in Brixton, the Brixton Pound, is
strongly supported by Lambeth Borough Council which has pledged to
promote its use internally and throughout the local businesses and
organisations with whom they hold relationships.

Understands that the Edinburgh Local Economy Group organised a

successful Edinburgh Local Economy Day on Saturday 9 April to
assess the interest of a local currency in Edinburgh.

Notes that the next step could be to run a pilot scheme, similar to
Greener Hawick, asking residents and local shops supportive of the
idea to pledge they would use the currency.

Believes that the project could be the first urban (whole-city) local
currency project in Scotland which other cities could learn from and

Notes that interested parties can contact the project through .

Therefore calls for a report on the possible benefits of a local currency

to local economy and environment, including how it could strengthen
local communities and reduce poverty, and proposing a strategy for
supporting community groups in their efforts to establish an Edinburgh

Note: Councillor Burgess has been called for this item.

6 Economic Development Service - Progress Against the Three Year Plan

(1 February 2011 to 31 March 2011) – report by the Director of City
Development (circulated)

7 Employability and Skills Progress Report – report by the Director of City

Development (circulated)

8 Enterprise and Innovation Progress Report – report by the Director of City

Development (circulated)

Note:- There will be a short presentation by the Young Enterprise Project.

9 Physical Development Support Progress Report – report by the Director

of City Development (circulated)

10 Destination Edinburgh Progress Report - report by the Director of City

Development (circulated)

11 The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 2011-12 – report by the Director
of City Development (circulated)

12 Edinburgh Canal Strategy: Draft for Consultation – report by the Head of

Legal and Administrative Services (circulated)
13 Development Activity Bulletin 2010 – report by the Head of Legal and
Administrative Services (circulated)

Alastair Maclean
Head of Legal and Administrative Services


Councillor Buchanan (Convener) Councillor Milligan

Councillor McKay (Vice-Convener) Councillor Munro
Councillor Brock Councillor Rose
Councillor Chapman Councillor Rust
Councillor Coleman Councillor Snowden
Councillor Elliott-Cannon Councillor Dawe (ex officio)
Councillor Hart Councillor Cardownie (ex officio)
Councillor Lowrie


1. If you have any questions about the agenda or meeting arrangements,

please contact Morris Smith, email: /tel:
0131 529 4227 or Blair Ritchie, e-mail /tel:
0131 529 4085 at Committee Services, City of Edinburgh Council, City
Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ

2. The agenda, minutes and public reports for this meeting and all the main
Council committees can be viewed online by going to . Elected members and officers of the
Council can also view them by going to the Orb and clicking on Council
papers online.

3. A copy of the agenda and papers for this meeting will be available for
inspection prior to the meeting at the main reception office, City Chambers,
High Street, Edinburgh.

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