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Breakdown of visitors to Hong Kong 2000 ‐ 2010

Year Total Visitors  Visitors from % of Mainland

for the year  Mainland China  Chinese Visitors
2000 13,059,500 3,785,800 29%
2001 13,725,300 4,448,600 32.5%
2002 16,566,400 6,825,200 41%
2003 15,536,800 8,467,200 54.5%
2004 21,810,600 12,245,900 56%
2005 23,359,400 12,541,000 53.5%
2006 25,251,100 13,591,300 54.5%
2007 28,169,300 15,485,800 55%
2008 29,506,600 16,862,000 57%
2009 29,590,000 17,956,700 60.5%
2010 36,030,331 22,700,000 62%

IVS Scheme (Individual Travellers Scheme) introduced in 2003 by the Mainland Chinese Government  to allow
individual travellers from 48 cities in China to visit Hong Kong for up to 7 days

Top 5 Visitor Attractions in Hong Kong

1. The Peak
2. Avenue of Stars
3. Mongkok Markets (day and night markets)
4. Ocean Park
5. Disneyland
Breakdown of visitors to selected Asian Countries and Cities 2010

Country or City Number of visitors in 2010
Hong Kong 36,030,331
Macau 24,970,000
Malaysia 24,600,000
Thailand 15,800,000 *
Singapore 11,638,663
South Korea 8,500,000 *
Taiwan 5,567,277
Philippines 3,520,000

Source of information:‐ Hong Kong Tourism Board and respective Country Tourism Boards.

* hard fact figures are hard to come by for these 2 countries, Thailand in particular where political instability
causes major fluctuations in tourist arrivals.

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