Hotel Rwanda

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Spyropoulos, 1

Andréa Spyropoulos

Ms. Burke


April, 28, 2011

Hotel Rwanda: Why are people so cruel?

In Hotel Rwanda, Paul’s friend asks him “Why are people so cruel?” In hotel Rwanda, the Tutsis are

being harassed and massacred by the Hutus. The Hutus fire genocide bombs killing several Tutsis for no

reason at all but the feeling that the Hutus are in power, putting the Tutsis down. Paul, a Hutu, has a

wife who is a Tutsi and refuses to watch his family die. Paul sacrifices his life to save his family and

friends and is seen as a trader to the Hutus. But, why are people so cruel and want to create such a


Fights start by choice. They start when a person chooses to do the wrong thing to feel like they have

power and to feel like they are in control, like what the Hutus did to the Tutsis. The fights escalate and

sooner or later, people are physically hitting each other with their fists. The fighting gets out of control

and suddenly there are bombs being dropped and people getting hurt. When people fight, they do not

think about what the right thing to do really is, they think about getting back at the person or people

they are trying to hurt. If one person from the Hutus stopped fighting, really thought about what they

were doing, and helped the Hutus realise that what they are doing is wrong, the fighting could’ve

stopped. Not one person really thought about what they were doing to the Tutsis, and everything got

out of control.
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When things get rough and escalate more and more, it’s better to think about what the right thing to do

is before things get out of control. A fight like what happened to the Tutsis shouldn’t have to come

down to people getting killed. All that people have to do is think about what the right thing to do is.

People are not born cruel, people are cruel by choice.

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