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Shruti Murthy
Survey- An Introduction & Objectives
• Latin: sur (over), videre (to see)
• a careful general or comprehensive view of
anything (v.)
• A detailed inspection or investigation (n.)
• Specifically investigations about populations

• To define…
Survey- any kind of observational/non-
experimental investigation involving
systematic collection of information.
ESSENTIALLY, a survey is…
• Observational study of any kind
• Brief operation/ long term surveillance / repeated
interviews or examinations
• Concerned with groups/populations
• Basic tool of research in a community
• Can be:
• For a particular end-result, e.g. a prevalence survey,
• By the use of a particular method, e.g. aerial survey,
• Combination, e.g. seroepidemiological.
Efficiency & Effectiveness
Planning & Evaluation of of health program
health programs

information about
New information about disease/health problem
disease/health problem
Surveys- An Introduction & Objectives

Classification of Surveys
Surveys differ:

– Purpose

– Coverage/scope

– Method of administration

– Objectives

– Time Dimension (longitudinal or cross-sectional)



Descriptive Analytic

Cross- Longitudinal Group-based Individual-based

sectional -Ecological -Cross-sectional
-Trend -Case-control
E.g.: morbidity surveys -Cohort
household survey


Census Pilot At Risk Sample

-Tangible Survey Survey -Tangible
Large Scale Survey, National Sample
Census, For high risk
Complicated Survey for TB
groups 1958 - ICMR
population of a
-Intangible -Intangible
Public opinion
Attitudes of
parents of same
• Opinion Poll Survey- views of community on specific topic

• Morbidity Survey – quantum of disease (Baseline & Evaluation)

• Descriptive & Analytical Surveys

• Nutritional Survey- nutritional status of a community

• Entomological Survey- vectors of diseases- (type & role)

• Feasibility Survey- acceptability of new food/ test/ programme

• KAP Survey, Evaluative Survey, etc

Method of Administration

Written Oral Electronic

-Mail -group interview -mail
-Drop off -phone survey
-Group-administered -public
Health Survey: Examples
• Demographic & Health Surveys- Standard &

• Others- KAP, Panel, Benchmark, Specialized, Biomarker

• Key Indicator Surveys- family planning, maternal
health, child health, HIV/AIDS, and infectious diseases.

• Specific Indicator Surveys- HIV, Malaria, etc.

• Service Provision Assessment

Surveys- An Introduction & Objectives

Classification of Surveys

Survey Method
Survey Method

• Designing Surveys

• Conducting Surveys

• Analyzing Survey Results

• Reporting Survey Results

Survey Method…
Designing the survey
• Reliability & validity
• Once designed, almost impossible to change
• Factors:
– Population
– Sampling
– Survey tool & research question-logical link
– Question
– Bias
– Administrative
Survey Method…
Conducting the survey

• How to conduct- administering the tool

• Factors:
– Convenient time
– Time frame
– Method of administration of the survey tool
Survey Tools

Written Oral Electronic

-Mail -group interview -mail
-Drop off -phone survey
-Group-administered -public
Survey Method…
Analyzing the survey results
• Processing
– Regular editing
– Charts & graphs

• Analyzing
– T-test, matched T-test, correlation, ANOVA, etc
Survey Method…
Reporting the survey results
• No established format

• Formal report- synopsis

• Informal- In conferences/ seminars/
departmental meetings
• Visual representation of results
Stages of a survey
1. Formulate the objectives
2. Planning & Execution of methods:
a. The Study Population (whom?)
Define & Select
Representative Sample
b. Variables (what characteristics to measure?)
Select & Define
Scales of measurement
c. Data Collection
Direct observation/ documentary resources/ interviews/ questionnaires
Detailed procedures & questions?
d. Data Recording & Processing
Analysis Plan, techniques for recording and processing
Surveys- An Introduction & Objectives

Classification of Surveys

Survey Method

Data Collection Tools

Data Collection Tools

• Observation
• Interviews

• Self administered questionnaires

• Documentary sources DATA!

• Combination of the above

Data collection tools…

• Use of techniques using
– Simple visual observation
– special observation: clinical examination,
biochemical/microbiological observations, etc.
• Structured or unstructured
• Systematic • Less systematic
•Investigator knows •Investigator merely
• What to observe observes
• How to record e.g.:socio-cultural
Data collection tools…

• ‘A tool for data collection with predetermined
questions to be filled in by respondent.’
• Used when
– Many people, & scattered
– Additional data gathering
• Self-administered/ schedule
• Mailed/ computer-assisted/ electronic
• Open ended/ close ended
Some close ended questionnaires:
– Dichotomous questions
– Double barrel questions
– Cafeteria questions
– Rank order questions
– Rating questions – e.g. scale of 0-10
– Calendar questions
– Filter questions
Some close ended questionnaires:
Data collection tools…

• ‘a conversation between interviewers and
interviewees with the purpose of eliciting certain

• Exchange ideas, elicit information about a wide area

• Face-to-face / Phone /Computer-assisted

• Structured or unstructured
• Video, audio recording, response sheet,
unstructured notes
Consensus method
• Survey opinions of a panel

Discussion in
• In-between IDI & FGD specific phases

Nominal Group Technique- silent generation of ideas in

writing, round-robin feedback of ideas, Serial discussion & vote,
discussion of vote, final vote

Delphi Method
Delphi Technique
• “Project Delphi”- cold war
• Accurate information doesn’t exist/ impossible to get

Typically Consists of: family of techniques

• An expert panel;
• a series of rounds in which information is collected from
• analysed and fed back to them as the basis for subsequent
• an opportunity for individuals to revise their judgments on
the basis of this feedback;
• some degree of anonymity for their individual contributions.
Documentary Sources
• Clinical records

• Medical Audit- normative / empirical standards

• Hospital Statistics

• Death Certificates & Mortality Statistics

• Notifications- notifiable diseases

• Registers-people with specific disorders

• Health diaries & Calendars- patient diaries

• Census data

• Others- medical certificates, sick-absence records, medical insurance

records, police records, school records, etc.
Surveys- An Introduction & Objectives

Classification of Surveys

Survey Method

Data Collection Tools

Strengths & Weaknesses

• Relatively inexpensive (especially self-administered surveys)

• Describe the characteristics of a large population

• Administered from remote locations

• Very large samples are feasible- statistically significant results

• Many questions can be asked about a given topic

• Standardized questions-measurement more precise

• Standardization -similar data can be collected from groups

• High reliability easy to obtain

• Standardization- questions general enough to be
minimally appropriate for all respondents, possibly
missing what is most appropriate to many

• Inflexible

• Large response to be ensured

• Information bias
Reliability & Validity
• Less valid, more reliable

• Less valid
- Only approximate indicators of real feelings (close-ended)
- Even less in electronic surveys

• More reliable
- standardized formats
Ethics & Response Rates
• Ethics in e-surveys
– Issue of concern
– Confidentiality vs. anonymity
– Sample representativeness
– Inference- who answers for whom?

• Response rates- gradually dropping

Surveys- An Introduction & Objectives

Classification of Surveys

Survey Method Selection

Data Collection Tools

Strengths & Weaknesses

• Describe what a survey is and the various stages of the
• Differentiate between various types of survey
• Identify an appropriate target audience to sample
• Identify the most common mistakes in survey design to
improve your results
• Recognize the importance of pre-testing surveys
• Review the process for launching a survey
• Recognize the major steps to follow to summarize survey

Survey method selection…

Population Issues
• Can the population be enumerated? E.g. homeless-
telephone/mail surveys- impossible

• Is the population literate? Adult illiteracy/very young-

questionnaires ruled out

• Are there language issues? multiple versions

• Will the population cooperate? immigrants/ HIV

• What are the geographic restrictions? Widely
dispersed- personal visits impossible
Survey method selection…
Sampling Issues
• Contact Information available about sample
• Who are the respondents?
• Can they be found? Busy/travelling/
night shifts

• Can all members of population be sampled?

Incomplete sampling frame/migration

• Are response rates likely to

be a problem? Most difficult problems
Survey method selection…

Question Issues
• What types of questions can be asked? Open/closed
ended questionnaires? Personal questions?

• How complex will the questions be? sub branches

• Will screening questions be needed?

• Can question sequence be controlled? Anticipating
follow up questions ? Is a sequence impossible to predict?

• Will lengthy questions be asked? Can you expect a

subject to sit long enough for a phone interview?

• Will long response scales be used? Multiple choices

in phone interviews?!
Survey method selection…

Content Issues
• Can the respondents be expected to know
about the issue? Not updated with news/ newspaper/ TV?!

• Will respondent need to consult records? If yes-

inconvenient & uncomfortable for the interview/interviewer?

Surveys- Selecting the survey method
Survey method selection…

Bias Issues
• Can social desirability be avoided? ‘looking good’ in
other’s eyes!

• Can interviewer distortion and subversion be

controlled? Interviewer’s preconceptions/ beliefs

• Can false respondents be avoided? Written

mail/electronic survey tools

Surveys- Selecting the survey method
Survey method selection…
Administrative Issues
• Costs

• Facilities

• Time

• Personnel

Surveys- Selecting the survey method

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