University Grant Commision 222

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A critical study of NPEGEL ( National Program for education

of girls at elementary level) with special reference to its

impact on retention, Academic Achievement and Perception
towards Girls education in Uttar Pradesh.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The specific objectives of the
evaluation are to:
• To assess whether the objectives of the NPEGEL are being met in Primary
Schools, which have been operationalised.
• To assess the availability and quality of Incentives and facilities provided
under NPEGEL.
• To Study the category wise enrolment of girls and reasons there of, in
Primary Schools.
• To assess the Impact of NPEGEL on the attendance and retention of girls
enrolled and effort made towards the same.
• To assess status of the quality of learning (Pace/achievement levels) as
Impact of NPEGEL.
• To assess the effect of Incentives and facilities on the teaching learning
process in Primary Schools for girls.
• To investigate the parental/ teacher/ community’s perception regarding
functioning and effect of NPEGEL?
• To find out whether effective processes for mobilization of dropout girls in
the EBB were undertaken by State/district SSA programmers to maximize
awareness of girls Education.
• To investigate the extent to which facilities provided under NPEGEL are
being utilized.
• To elicit triangulated opinion of teachers, parents and girls regarding
impact of incentives / facilities provided under the scheme.
• To highlight state specific good practices which cold be disseminated.
• To suggest up to a maximum of items in which the design of the present
need to be changed with well-based justification.

ftyk leUo;d ¼ckfydk½ gsrq lk{kkRdkj vuqlwph

csfld f'k{kk vf/kdkjh@ftyk leUo;d ¼ckfydk½
gsrq ,u0ih0bZ0th0bZ0,y0 ls lEcfU/kr n`f"Vdks.k
,u0ih0bZ0th0bZ0,y0 ds rgr izznÙk lqfo/kkvksa ds izfr
vfHkHkkod n`f"Vdks.k ekiuh
,u0ih0bZ0th0bZ0,y0 ds vUrxZr iznÙk lqfo/kkvksa ds
lEcU/k esa ckfydkvksa gsrq iz’ukoyh
,u0ih0bZ0th0bZ0,y0 ds izHkkodkfjrk ds lEcU/k esa
f’k{kd@ladqyizHkkjh n`f"Vdks.k iz’ukoyh

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