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Chemical Sector

Chemical sector of India is one of the oldest industrial sectors in India. It has contributed
significantly towards the phenomenal growth of Indian industry and economy.The chemical
sector of India directly or indirectly acts as a supplier of many of the commodities of daily use. It
is extremely scientific in its approach and facilitates the provision of many of the important
chemicals which are the basic materials for end-products like paper, leather, paint, varnish,
textile, and so on. The chemical sector in India stands as the keystone of the agrarian and
industrial development which provides support for other industries.

The chemical sector of India is one of the major industries in the Indian economy. It is estimated
to be worth around US$ 35 billion, which is almost 3% of the country's gross domestic product.
The investment in chemical sector of India is around US$ 60 billion. It generates employment of
about 1 million. The chemical sector of India provides around 13-14% of total exports and its
total imports are about 8-9%. It is ranked 12th globally and 3rd in Asia. The per capita
consumption of chemical industry products in India is .01% of the global average. It has
transformed itself into an innovative and successful industry from being merely a chemical
producer once upon a time.

The chemical sector in India constitutes of small and large companies. There is a spree of
restructuring activities in the chemical sector. With the emphasis on branch building,
environmental friendliness, and product innovation, the chemical sector has increasingly moved
towards customer orientation. Though India revels in the ample supply of basic materials, it
would have to improve on the technological aspects and the capabilities of proper marketing to
confront the global competition.

The industries using chemicals as raw materials:

Dye Industry

Pesticides Industry

Pharmaceuticals Industry

Paper Industry

Detergent and Soap Industry

Paints and Varnishes Industry

Plastic Industry

Cement Industry

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