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1. would you like to study or live in another country? Which country? Explain your
2. did your family move from another town or village? Tell me the story

3. Do you or does a member of your family have any allergies? What are the
4. Do you have a healthy life? What do you do to take care of yourself?
5. A friend of yours broke his leg during a school trip. Tell us when and how (Use
past simple and continuous).

6. What do you use the computer for?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having technologies in our lives
8. How have computers changed teenagers’ lives?

9. Compare your town with another town or city you have recently visited.
10. Compare your life with the life your parents used to have when they were your

11. Parents and children often quarrel. Describe a quarrel you have ever had with
your parents and explain how you sorted it out.
12. Imagine I’m your mother and I don’t allow you to go on a campsite with your
friends this summer. Try to convince me to change my mind.

13. Look at the picture and describe it in terms of colours, meaning, structure, etc.
What message does it convey?

14. Are you consumer-wise? How do you control your spending?

15. What type of shopper are you? Do you consider yourself a shoppaholic?
16. If you were an adult, how would you control your children’s spending?

17. What would you change in your life if you could change something?
18. Would you buy in a fair trde market if there were one in Pilar? Why/ Why no?
19. What type of NGO would you join and why?
20. Would you go naked into the street? Why/ why not?
21. What would your perfect holiday be like?

22. What will you life be like when you are 30?
23. What will the world be like in 2050?
24. What will your life be like when you go to university?

25. Are you eco-friednly? What do you do for the environment?

26. Which environmental problems affect you?

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