The Christian Messenger: Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

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The Christian Messenger

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

115 W. Fifth Ave.
Lancaster, OH 43130
740-654-0626 – e-mail:

MAY 31, 2011


Senior Minister
Beginning June 15th, I will offer a new five week elective on
(740-550-9882) Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall entitled: “HALF
David Tingler TIME”. It will begin at 6:30. Feel free to bring a friend as we
Associate Minister seek to discover how to make the best of the rest of our lives. I
would highly recommend you picking up a copy of this Bob
Glen Shady Buford book so you can get more out of the class. What legacy
Youth Minister do you want to leave behind? For what do you want to be
(740-438-5257) remembered? This class will encourage you and hopefully
propel you on a new course so you can enjoy the best years of
Sunday Services your life. Join us!
1st Worship
8:00 a.m.
2nd Worship
10:30 a.m.
Bible School
Someone will be at a table in the parlor this Sunday to take
Evening Worship
reservations for anyone wanting to attend the North American
Christian Convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 5th thru 9th.
This will be for one day only.
The date and cost will be available on Sunday.
Sunday School 46
1 Morning Worship 85
2nd Morning Worship 61
Worship at Round Lake 18
Total Morning Worship 164
Evening Worship 23
Family Reunion (05/25) 36
Weekly Budget $ 4,471.00
Budget Received $ 2,961.75
Blood pressure check-ups Graduation Lunch $ 20.00
will be taken this Sunday Reach Out on Campus $ 100.00

At the Table 1st Tom Puckett, Dick Shumaker

Please join us… Serving 1st
G. Lambert, R. Ayers,
J. Baker, D. Brown
At the table 2 Tom Puckett, Nick Hinson
….to celebrate the graduation of
Serving 2nd G. Lambert, N. Tomlinson,
Joe Hoagland R. Troutman, Taylor Dean, N. Rudolph
Saturday, Pastor of the Week Tom Puckett
June 4, 2011 PM Deacon George Lambert
3:00 – 5:30pm.
in the fellowship hall of the Offering Counters Team 4
1ST Worship Don and Judy Gardner
Also 2nd Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson
….to celebrate the graduation of
Jenna Thompson GREETERS
Sunday, 1ST Worship Thea Kallenberg, Judy Smith
June 5th, 2011 2nd Worship Dick & Marg Shumaker
4:30 – 8:00pm NURSERY
in the fellowship hall of the Sunday School Laura Wersell, Reta Conrad
church. 2 Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson
Preschool Helper Carolyn May
Early Elementary Helper Thea Kallenberg
Upper Elementary Helper Becky Hoagland
….to celebrate the graduation of
6-8th Grade Helper Delores Payne
Patrick Hinson st
Visitor Center 1 Worship Judy Gardner
Visitor Center 2nd Worship Debbi Hoagland
June 11, 2011
2:00 – 5:00pm SECURITY
in the fellowship hall of the church 1st Worship David Will
Bible School Paul Hoagland
2nd Worship Mike Cooper
Evening Worship Jim Puckett
“Lord, to whom shall we
The Old Cottage Restaurant
go? You have the words
157 W Main Street
of eternal life.” John 6:68
will give you 10% off your order on Sunday,
for lunch, if you bring in a copy of your
church bulletin.

KEENAGERS JUNE EVENT: On Elders will meet

Wednesday, June 29, we are going to Thursday, June 9, at 6:00pm
Greenville, Ohio. In Greenville, we will
tour the KitchenAid plant and visit their Carriage Court Service
outlet store. (The plant tour requires that all Sunday, June 12 at 2:00pm
participants wear shoes that cover the
entire foot. No open toes or heels.) We Oversight Meeting
will, also, be visiting the Garst Museum Sunday, June 12 at 7:00pm
which features the Annie Oakley and
Lowell Thomas collections, as well as
other historic items. Cost for travel and
admissions is just $14 per person. Lunch
will be extra. (If you are paying by check,
please make it payable to the church.) We
will be departing at 7:00am and returning
by about 7:00pm. A sign-up sheet is
posted. If you have signed on, I would
appreciate your payment at your first Dorcas Society Ladies Picnic
convenience Tuesday, June 21st
THE WILDS:. On Wednesday, July 27, 12 o’clock noon
we will be visiting the wild animal exhibit. at Linda Daubenmire’s home
Due to restricted tour hours, our departure
for this trip will be 6:30am. Cost per JUNE 8, 2011 – 6:00 P.M.
person will be $21, excluding lunch. There VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
will be more details available next month.
WEDNESDAYS: We have just two weeks IF YOU CAN USE GLUE OR A
remaining in our current study of 1 KNIFE THEN THIS IS THE
Corinthians. We will complete these SERVICE PROJECT FOR YOU!
lessons on June 8 and, then, take a brief We will meet at the church in the
summer break. Classes meet at 10:00am basement to paste and cut out
and 6:30pm. silhouettes for the sanctuary to be
SUNDAY EVENINGS: Over the next transformed into Main Street. See
several weeks we will be focused on Tom Puckett for any additional
passages from the Psalms. information.
6/05- Why the World’s Falling Apart (Ps.2)
6/12 – It’s Tough Being Human (Psalm 8)
6/19 – Dealing with Discouragement (Ps. 11)
6/26 – Where Are the Answers (Psalm 19)
NOTE: Communion is available at these
evening gatherings.
SERVING SCHEDULE – June 12, 2011

At the Table 1st Fred Griffith, Glen Shady

D. Rose, R. Coats
Serving 1st
R. Conrad, D. Gardner
At the table 2nd Fred Griffith, Ned Tomlinson Our deepest sympathy is extended to
Serving 2nd D. Rose, N. Hinson, P. Hinson Anna Lockhart and Joanna Cooper on
D. Taylor, D. Thornton the death of Joanna’s father, Joe
Pastor of the Week Fred Griffith
Lockhart. Our thoughts and prayers
PM Deacon Dale Rose
are with you and your families.
Offering Counters Team 5

1ST Worship Brenda Hines
2nd Worship Sue Tingler

1ST Worship Larry & Jane King
2 Worship Larry & Phyllis Bussey
NURSERY Happy Anniversary to Bill and Jean
Sunday School Laura Wersell, Thea Kallenberg Venrick who are celebrating their 60th
2nd Worship Courtney Beiter
wedding anniversary, Friday, June 3, 2011.
Preschool Helper Debbie Cooper
Early Elementary Helper Nancye Rose Congratulations!
Upper Elementary Helper Larry King
6-8 Grade Helper Mike Cooper
Visitor Center 1st Worship Geri Jaynes
Visitor Center 2 Worship Debbi Hoagland

1st Worship Dan Brown
Bible School Carmel Marsh
2nd Worship Tom Puckett
Evening Worship Jim Puckett

The Celebration Singers, (our own Nancye Rose is a
Thy word is a
member), present “Red, White & You – United We lamp to my feet
Stand” featuring The Lancaster Community Band and and a
Military Color Guard light unto my
Sunday, June 12, at 7:00pm path.” Psalm
Crossroads Ministry Center
2095 W Fair Avenue, Lancaster
“A Note from brAd….”
Hello everyone! Allow me to make you aware of a few things. The first being…

 Our church wedding policy. Before I ever came to Fifth Avenue, the church had
spent time preparing a document which details exactly what is expected out of
potential couples in order to be married at FACC. It includes information about who
can be married in the church building, scheduling of counseling sessions, staff
participation, expected fees, etc….It also addresses the issue of those who currently
live together. More specifically it reads: “Couples, who are currently living together,
or pregnant, must acknowledge and be repentant of their sins and live apart prior to
the wedding being scheduled.” I totally support this policy. When people call and
ask us to be married here, before we accept their request they receive a wedding
policy form from us and must be in total agreement with it. We make no exceptions
to this policy. I simply inform you of this in case you or someone you know wishes to
someday be married in our building.
 Curious 404 will begin June 12th in room 209. (old choir room) The class focus will be
on “Discovering My Life Mission.” This 3-4 week elective will not only help you
discover your mission but it will introduce you to Global Missions in general and their
importance thereof. I do hope you’ll join me. It is necessary to commit to each of the
4 weeks.
 Those who bought tickets to the June 8th Reds game in Cincinnati will need to meet at
the church building by 9 a.m. As noted before, in addition to your ticket price, we
said we would also have fuel costs. Your initial registration fee included that into the
price of the ticket. We are charging $5 per person for this fee. You should still receive
a small refund the day we leave. You should plan to bring additional money for food
and drinks at the park. We do not plan to stop to eat on the way home. You should
go to the Reds website to see what you are permitted to carry into the park as far as
drinks and food goes. If you have any questions concerning this trip, call me at

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend remembering those who have sacrificed
for this country and around the globe. I also hope you took time to create some great
memories with family and friends. I would love to see everyone back this Sunday at FACC as
we rejoice together the life of our risen Lord.

Brad, Eph. 3:20-21

Our Prayer Requests

Don Gardner Daniel Queen Jim Puckett Lois Wilson Pat Brown
LaQuita Davis Tim Wykle Jen Oehrtman Joe Lockhart”s family Mike Souders
Myrtle Campbell Judy Smith (Crestview) Leann Perdue Mark Miller, Jr. Barbara Benadum
Angie Payne Wanda Dickson (Crestview) John Hoy Pete & Markele Kandra Wilma Wilson
John Swartz Jeane Goldfarb (home) Our Troops Gladys McCoy Millie Hoy
Dorothy Herman Matthew Engler Joplin Tornado victims Unspoken
Children of God...
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not
turn from it." -- Proverbs 22:6


SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2011
Every person who plans on helping in Vacation Bible
School is encouraged to come to this meeting. We
are going to go over the basics for the week, answer
questions and get pumped up for this awesome
outreach. Please bring any type of dish for the meal.

VBS Helpers Still Needed June 20 – 24, 2011

VBS is quickly approaching and many people have stepped Meal at 5:00pm
up already to teach classes, prepare food, do crafts, and
accomplish the many other things that need to be done for Classes – 5:30 – 8:15pm
this awesome week. Now we need people to fill in the gaps.
Our major need is for classroom helpers. So if you think you
can hang out with some crazy kids for a week, do the
activities they are doing, and help keep them focused, then
we need you to step forward to make our Vacation Bible Prayer Concerns
School the best it can be. Please call the church office in the  75 kids at VBS!
coming weeks to let us know if you are able to help in this
way.  Glen and Jessica
We are going to actually bag the food ourselves and send it off to
 That God would
Haiti through Lifeline Christian Mission. Lifeline will bring all the
supplies here, we just need to provide the workers. The food provide the
bagging is going to be taking place on June 23rd in the Fellowship workers so that
Hall. It will start at 4:30pm and continue until all 2 pallets of food we can get the
are bagged, boxed, and ready to go. This is the same week as VBS
food sent to Haiti
week, and we are doing this because Lifeline will be our VBS
missionaries and we want to give the kids an opportunity to take
part in an amazing act of service. So from 6:00-7:30pm the kids and
workers from VBS will be joining the effort to help get this done.

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