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- All continents have vast area of exposed Precambrain rocks- SHIELD. Extending outwards from
shield- PLATFORM, beneath more recent rocks (layers of sedimentary rocks).
- Shield/platform form CRATON- stable core/nucleas of a continent. Many rocks within craton are
strongy deformed, intruded by plutons, altered by metamorphism. Experience little/no
deformation since end of precambarian.
- Canadian shield- exposed part of north American craton, NORTHEAST Canada/Greenland-
subdued topography, numerous lakes, exposed Precambrian rocks, thin covered places with
glacial deposits. Beyond- rocks limited to areasof deep erosion- CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT of
- Each smllaer unit constitute north American crator- independent mini continent later assembled
to larger craton.
- Most common rocks of archean age- complex consisting of granite/gneiss, latter being high-
grade metamorphic. Greenstone belts- rock succession- tells tectonic activity during Archean.
Has 3 MAJOR UNITS: lower, middle (volcanic rocks), upper (se4dimentary) low grade
metamorphism/origin of mineral chlorite give volcanic rock GREEN COLOR.
- Volcanism responsible for volcanic units in greenstone belts – ultramafic lava flows rare in rocks
younger then Archaen= earth’s radiogenic heat production has decreaed/near-surface temps
aren’t high enough for ultramagic magma to reach surface.
- Sedimentary rock minor component in lower part of greenstone belt- increasingly abundant
toward top (greywacke, sandstone, volcanic fragments)-small-scale graded bedding, cross
bedding- deposition turbudity currents account for greywacke-argillite successions.
- Some sedimentary rocks- delospition in delta, tidal flat, barrier island, shallow amrine
- BIF (banded iron formation are found in greenstone belts)
- MODELS rely on archean plate movement- back-arc maginal basin- first open/then close. An
stage of extension takes place when back-arc basign opens, during time
volcanism/sedimentation places (episode of COMPRESSION occurs as it closes)
- Greenstone belt- synclinal form as it folds/faults.

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