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Mr. Linehan Honors U.S.

History Final
Essay 2
A- Marbury vs. Madison
-Start of Judicial Review~Courts right to determine if congress violates constitution
-Declared Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional
-Evened out the checks and balances of the branches of government
B- Invention of Cotton Gin
-1793, Eli Whitney
-Quickly separated the seed from the cotton
-Allowed for growing and selling of cotton on a larger scale
-Expanded southern economy westward
-Cotton became the linchpin of southern development & most important export
-Reenforced the agrarian social order
C- Election of Andrew Jackson
-Represented the common man, well liked in north & south
-Upheld the supremacy of federal over state law
-Tariff of 1828 raised taxes on wool
D- The Louisiana Purchase
-Strengthened idea of Manifest Destiny
-Ensured political stability for years to come
-Removed French from North America
-Gained right to trade through New Orleans
-Land was chiefly agricultural
-Ensured the agrarian character of the US
-Doubled size of US
-Extended the Sphere
-Possibility of overland travel to Pacific Ocean achieved

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