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James K.


Ms. Walzack

Pre-IB US History (Hour 4/5)

17 October 2010

Review Questions 1-3

1) When examining the government laid forth by the founding fathers, it is vital to examine the

influential of the Grecian democracy, English Bill of Rights and the Roman Republic. The

Grecian democracy, while old, is probably the most influential of all. It provided the basic

structure for the state governments throughout the newly created United States. Part of this basic

state structure included basic rights for all people. It is the English Bill of Rights that provided

the specific template for the rights outlined by the states. These rights included basic

humanitarian rights for all people under governmental control. With an area as vast as the United

States, they needed an empirical example of how to properly enforce these laws. For this, they

looked towards the Roman Empire, which used the concept of an elected ruler controlling each

state government which in turn controlled the people. The Roman’s had relatively no problems

with this type of structure and it worked well for many generations. It is with these necessities in

mind that the United States founding fathers created the government that is revered throughout

the globe today.

2) The Articles of Confederation (AoC) really exemplified the people’s fear of a strong

centralized force controlling them. They were designed to have a loose control.

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