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MyEcodial L 3.

User guide
April 2008
Table of Contents

My Ecodial L..............................................................................................................................................3
Using My Ecodial L....................................................................................................................................4
Run and quit the software..........................................................................................................................6
Description of the window..........................................................................................................................7
Display or hide a part of the window........................................................................................................10
Key to symbols........................................................................................................................................11

Creating a project....................................................................................................................................13
Create a new project................................................................................................................................13
Set the electrical characteristics of the network.......................................................................................14
Select the installation standard................................................................................................................16
Set the general characteristics of circuits................................................................................................17
Save a project..........................................................................................................................................19
Close a project.........................................................................................................................................20
Modify a project.......................................................................................................................................21
Open a project.........................................................................................................................................22
Import a project........................................................................................................................................23
Open an old project.................................................................................................................................24
View and set the summary information....................................................................................................25

Creating the network...............................................................................................................................27

Create the network..................................................................................................................................27
Put an electric circuit in the diagram........................................................................................................28
Select a group in the Macro-components library......................................................................................29
Standard diagrams..................................................................................................................................30
Logical check on the network...................................................................................................................32
Network modifications..............................................................................................................................33
Find a component in the diagram............................................................................................................34
Modify the description of a circuit.............................................................................................................35
Reset an electric circuit............................................................................................................................37
Renumber the network............................................................................................................................38
Resize a set of busbars or busbar trunking.............................................................................................39
Unlock a project.......................................................................................................................................40

Calculating the network..........................................................................................................................41

Network power sum.................................................................................................................................41
Pre-size the network................................................................................................................................44
Calculate the network step by step..........................................................................................................45
Update network calculations....................................................................................................................48
Calculation standard................................................................................................................................49

Using the results......................................................................................................................................51

View the single-line diagrams of equipment............................................................................................51
View calculation results...........................................................................................................................53
View power-sum results...........................................................................................................................54
View the cable book.................................................................................................................................55
Print a project...........................................................................................................................................56
Print the current diagram.........................................................................................................................59
Export a project........................................................................................................................................61
Select the type of annotation...................................................................................................................63
Select the characteristics of network components...................................................................................64
Select the page format and the sheet model...........................................................................................67

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Select a printer.........................................................................................................................................69
Set up the front page...............................................................................................................................70
Set up the page header and footer..........................................................................................................73
Set up the general information.................................................................................................................75

Additional tools........................................................................................................................................77
Circuit-breaker association guide.............................................................................................................77
Compare circuit-breaker tripping curves..................................................................................................78
Product guide...........................................................................................................................................81
Customise the Tools menu......................................................................................................................83

Notes on using windows..........................................................................................................................85
Drawing tools...........................................................................................................................................86
Select/unselect drawings.........................................................................................................................88
Copy graphic elements............................................................................................................................89
Move graphic elements............................................................................................................................90
Resize drawings while maintaining the proportions.................................................................................92
Resize drawings......................................................................................................................................93
Move drawings to front or back................................................................................................................94
Group and ungroup drawings..................................................................................................................95
Rotate drawings.......................................................................................................................................96
Draw geometric shapes...........................................................................................................................97
Put text in the drawing...........................................................................................................................100
Modify text in the drawing......................................................................................................................101
Select the characteristics for drawings..................................................................................................102
Select the characteristics for text...........................................................................................................103
Select line caps......................................................................................................................................105
Display or hide the grid..........................................................................................................................106


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My Ecodial L

My Ecodial L is software used to assist in designing low-voltage networks and includes:

 a diagram editor using standardised components,
 calculation functions that comply with standards NF-C 15 100 and UTE-C 15 500.
My Ecodial L offers a number of additional functions: project management, detailed calculation results,
printer configuration, product searches in the data base, association of circuit breakers for discrimination
and cascading, comparison of tripping curves. It can also be used to import a project created using
another program (XML format) and export diagrams and calculations in a number of formats. The
exported files can be used in other programs (e.g. word processing, drawing programs).
My Ecodial L can be used to design networks with the following general characteristics:

voltage 220 to 690 V

frequency 50 or 60 Hz
system earthing TT, TN or IT
sources Up to four identical transformers or generators (two sets of sources
can be created, one for normal operation and the other for backup)

Loop networks are not covered.

See also

Key to symbols

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Using My Ecodial L

Preparing a project

 Create the project.

 Set the electrical characteristics of the network.

 Select the installation standard.
 Set the general characteristics of circuits.
It is also possible to modify a project, open an old project or import a project
created using another program.

Remember to save your work on a regular basis.

Create the diagram

 Draw the network.

2  Check that it is logically consistent.


 Calculate the power sum.

3  Calculate the network: step by step or pre-sizing.

Network modifications

It is possible at all times to modify and reorganise the diagram of the network

4 and to fill it out by adding geometrical shapes and text, using the drawing

It is then necessary to update the calculations.

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Using the results

Once the network has been calculated, it is possible to:

 view the calculation results, the power-sum results and the cable book,
 view the single-line diagrams of equipment,
 print the current diagram,
 print or export the project.

Additional tools

The tools supplied with the software may be used to:

 check discrimination between circuit breakers by checking their tripping
 view the possible combinations (cascading, discrimination) between circuit
 view all the available circuit breakers and busbar trunking systems (BTS)
using a product guide.

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Run and quit the software

Run the program

1. In the Windows task bar, click Start, All Programs, then select the Schneider
Electric – My Ecodial L folder.
2. Click My Ecodial L.
3. If the Global characteristics dialog box is displayed, set the electrical characteristics of the network
and click OK (or By Default).
If the Global characteristics dialog box is not displayed, it is possible to access
the characteristics via the General characteristics command in the Parameters
menu. For more information, see Set the electrical characteristics of the network.

Quit the program

1. In the File menu, select Quit or press [Alt+F4].

2. If the latest modifications have not been saved, a message asks if you want to save the project.
 Yes, to save the project and quit the program. If the project was never saved before, the standard
dialog box for file saving is displayed.
 No, to quit the program without saving the modifications.
 Cancel, to return to the project.

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Description of the window

Certain parts of the window may be hidden.

The size of certain parts of the window, notably the network tree (4) and the drawing zone (5), can be

1. Title bar

The title bar indicates the name of the program and of the current project.
It contains the standard control buttons used to minimise, maximise, restore and close the window.
When the window is not displayed full page, it can be moved by clicking the title bar and dragging it to the
desired position.

2. Menu bar

The menu bar contains drop-down menus listing the commands used to run the program.
Certain commands may also be accessed:
 by a combination of keys (indicated to the right of the command in the menu),
 via a button in the toolbar.

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3. Toolbar

The buttons in the toolbar offer rapid access to the most frequently used commands. Explanatory text is
linked to each button. It appears when the mouse cursor is positioned on the button for a few seconds.
The toolbar can be hidden.

4. Network tree

This zone on the left-hand side of the screen presents a tree-structure view of the network. It is possible
to select two view levels:
 The detailed level (the Display all circuits box is checked) shows the sources, equipment, the
circuits and the components of the circuits. The various elements are identified by their name and
their functional name.
 The simplified level (the Display all circuits box is not checked), in which the circuits are hidden
and the elements are identified by their name alone.
The Network tree and the network diagram (6) are interactive. When an element in the Network tree is
clicked, the same element is automatically selected in the diagram and vice versa, and any changes
made in the diagram are immediately shown in the Network tree as well.
The circuit detected as faulty after calculation are shown in red.
The height and width of the zone can be modified.

5. Network drawing zone

Diagrams are drafted in this work area. A number of page sizes and formats are available.
For each electrical component information is displayed in the form of attributes in the diagram. Four types
of annotations are proposed.
Certain components may be displayed on a blue background. They are parts of the network that cannot
be modified if the project is locked. For more information, see Open an old project.
A colour code indicates circuit status:

Blue Circuit selected

Circuit detected as faulty after calculation (if the calculation-annotations

function is activated, the Calculation error message is displayed)

Circuit not calculated or properly calculated (if the calculation-annotations

function is activated, the calculated information is displayed)

Blue These parts of the network cannot be modified if the project is locked. For
background more information, see Open an old project.

A number of tools are available for the diagram:

 a library of macro-components (6) for rapid drafting of electrical circuits,
 a library of graphic shapes (7) that may be used to complete the diagram,
 a grid used to align the graphic objects,
 a zoom to enlarge parts of the diagram.

The height and width of the zone can be modified.

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6. Macro-components library

This library contains the ready-to-use electric circuits that can be selected to rapidly draft diagrams. The
electric circuits are divided into groups. Only one group can be displayed at any one time, but it is easy to
shift from one group to another by clicking the buttons at each side of the library.
The zone can be hidden and moved.

7. Decor toolbox

The toolbox contains the tools required to draw geometric shapes and handle the graphic elements.
The toolbox can be hidden and moved.

8. Status bar

The status bar indicates, from left to right:

 a description of the command selected in the menu bar or the toolbar,
 the coordinates of the mouse cursor in the drawing zone.

The status bar can be hidden.

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Display or hide a part of the window

Display → Toolbar
Display → Status bar

Display → Macro-components library

Display → Decor

To increase the size of the drawing zone, it is possible to hide certain parts of the window when they are
not needed:
 the toolbar (3)
 the macro-components library (6)
 the decor tools (7).
 the status bar (8)

Display or hide a part of the window

In the Display menu, select the command corresponding to the part to be displayed or hidden.
A check mark is displayed opposite the command when the item is displayed.

See also

Description of the window

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Key to symbols

The table below presents the special symbols and page setting using in this document.

Symbol or page setting Meaning

Display This presentation is used for the names of commands, menus and
the fields in the various dialog boxes in the program.

This symbol draws attention to additional information, tips, short-cuts

and useful options.

Caution, pay careful attention to the information signaled by this


Edit → Copy Ctrl+C This presentation is used at the top of certain pages to identify the
command(s) discussed. The example here means that the Copy
command is available:

: in the toolbar,

Edit → Copy : in the Edit menu,

Ctrl+C : by pressing simultaneously the [Ctrl] and [C] keys.

data entered This presentation is used for the information that must be entered.

[Enter] Keys are presented between brackets (here the Enter key).

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Creating the project

Creating a project

Create a new project

File → New Ctrl+N

1. In the File menu, click New.

2. If the Global characteristics dialog box is displayed, set the electrical characteristics of the network
and click OK.
If the Global characteristics dialog box is not displayed, it is possible to access
the characteristics via the General characteristics command in the Parameters
menu. For more information, see Set the electrical characteristics of the network.
3. For subsequent operations, see Using My Ecodial L.

See also

Save a project
Close a project
Modify a project

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Creating the project

Set the electrical characteristics of the network

Parameters → General characteristics → Network

This command is used to set the electrical characteristics of the network, e.g. the network voltage,
frequency and the system earthing arrangement. It is recommended to select the network characteristics
at the start of the project. If these characteristics are modified in an existing project, the project is reset
and the network must be recalculated.
The network characteristics cannot be modified in a locked project. For more
information, see Open an old project.

Set the electrical characteristics of the network

1. In the Parameters menu, select General characteristics. A submenu is displayed, select Network.
2. A message requesting confirmation is displayed, click Yes to continue. The Global characteristics
dialog box is displayed.
3. Select or modify the network characteristics, then click OK.

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Creating the project

Global characteristics dialog box

Global characteristics This table presents the electrical characteristics of the network.

Click this button to access the technical documentation concerning the

It is possible to modify the data displayed in the fields on the right-hand side of
the table. Depending on the situation:
Click the information that you want to modify, then enter the new value.

If the button is displayed, the characteristic must be selected from a list.

Click the button, then select the desired value in the displayed list.

If you wish to save the characteristics just set up as the default characteristics
for future projects, click this button instead of the OK button.

Display the global When this option is selected, the dialog box is displayed each time the program
characteristics with starts and for each creation of a new project.
each new project

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Creating the project

Select the installation standard

Parameters → Installation standard

This command is used to select the desired installation standard.

The installation standard cannot be modified in an existing project.

The selected installation standard remains selected until it is modified.

Select the installation standard

1. In the Parameters menu, select Installation standard. A submenu is displayed.

2. In the submenu, select the desired installation standard.

A check mark is displayed opposite the selected installation standard.

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Creating the project

Set the general characteristics of circuits

Parameters → General characteristics → Circuits

This command is used to customise the composition of the circuits that are displayed in the macro-
components library (6). For each circuit, it is possible to select components and the electrical
characteristics of the components.
The new configuration can be saved as the default configuration for use in future projects.

The circuits already positioned in the drawing zone are not modified

Configure circuits

1. In the Parameters menu, select General characteristics. A submenu is displayed, select Circuits.
The Circuit default values dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Circuits list, click the type of circuit to be configured.
3. Select the characteristics of the circuit components.
4. Click OK to confirm.

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Creating the project

Circuit default values dialog box

Click the type of circuit to be configured. The circuit diagram is displayed
below the list.

Components This zone lists the properties of the components of the circuit selected in the
Circuits list. The properties are displayed in one or more tables, each table
corresponding to a component in the circuit. The type of component is indicated
at the top of the table.

Click this button to access the technical documentation concerning the

displayed type of component.
The type of component is dimmed if only one option is possible. Otherwise, it is
possible to click another option.
Click the arrow, then select the desired option in the displayed list.
It is possible to modify the data displayed in the fields on the right-hand side of
the tables. Depending on the situation:
Click the information that you want to modify, enter the new value, then press

If the button is displayed, the characteristic must be selected from a list.

Click the button, then select the desired value in the displayed list.

If the button is displayed, a selection guide is available to assist in

selecting the characteristic. Click the button, the selection guide is displayed.
Select the desired values in the various lists, then click OK.

All characteristics When this option is selected, all component characteristics are displayed in the
tables. When it is not selected, only the main characteristics are displayed.

If you wish to save the characteristics just set up as the default characteristics
for future projects, click this button instead of the OK button.

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Creating the project

Save a project

File → Save Ctrl+S

File → Save as...

The Save as command can be used to create a new project on the basis of an existing project.

Save the current project

In the File menu, click Save.

If the project has never been saved, the dialog box for the Save as command is
displayed so that you may enter a name for the project.

Save a project for the first time or rename a project

1. In the File menu, click Save as. The standard dialog box for file saving is displayed.
2. Enter the name of the project, then click Save.

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Creating the project

Close a project

File → Close

This command is used to close the project without quitting the program.
1. In the File menu, click Close.
2. If the latest modifications have not been saved, a message asks if you want to save the project. Select
the desired option.

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Creating the project

Modify a project

1. Open the project to be modified.

2. Make the modifications and then update the calculations.
3. Save the modifications.

Save the modified configuration using a new name if you do not want to overwrite
the original configuration.

See also

Using My Ecodial L
Import a project
Open an old project
Close a project

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Creating the project

Open a project

File → Open… Ctrl+O

Open a previously saved project

Click its name at the bottom of the File menu.

Open a project

1. In the File menu, click Open. The standard dialog box for file selection is displayed.
2. Select the project that you want to open, then click Open.

If a project is already open and the latest modifications have not been saved, a
message asks if you want to save the project. Select the desired option.

If the project was created using an old version of the software, a message is
displayed. Select:
- Yes to open the project and recalculate it.
- No to open the project without recalculating it. The existing part of the project is
locked and cannot be modified or recalculated, but it is possible to add extensions.
- Cancel to cancel the command.
For more information, see Open an old project.

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Creating the project

Import a project

File → Import XML

This function imports a project created using another program (e.g. a diagram editor) in order to run the
calculations with My Ecodial L.The project can then be exported with the calculations.

This function is optional and is perhaps not available with your version of the

Import a project

1. In the File menu, click Import XML. The standard dialog box for file selection is displayed.
2. Select the project to be imported (*.XML) and click Open.

See also

Network power sum

Calculate the network step by step
Export a project

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Creating the project

Open an old project

When a project created using an old version of the software is opened, there are two possibilities.
 You can open the project and recalculate it. The network can then be modified without any particular
 You can open the project without recalculating it. In this case, the existing part of the network is locked
and cannot be modified, but it is possible to add circuits. If necessary, the locked part can be unlocked
at any time.

Concerning locked projects


 The locked circuits are displayed on a blue background in the network diagram (5).


 It is possible to add circuits to a locked project. The new components are not locked and can be used
without any particular limitations.
 It is possible to modify the length of busbars and busbar trunking (BTS) that are locked.
 It is possible to display the characteristics of circuits that are locked, but they cannot be modified. They
cannot be moved or deleted either.
 The general characteristics of the network cannot be modified.
 The network cannot be renumbered.


 Following a network extension, the power sum must be run, but the source cannot be modified. If the
latter is not suitable, a warning message is displayed when the power-sum window is opened. It is
necessary either to eliminate outgoers or to unlock the project and modify the source.
 Following a network extension, it is possible to pre-size the network, update the calculations or
recalculate the network. In a step by step calculation, it is not possible to modify the characteristics of
locked circuits. The network is completely recalculated, including the locked part, but the calculation is
run as if all circuits were set to manual.

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Creating the project

View and set the summary information

File → Summary

This command is used to:

 View information on the project: filename, name of the directory (folder) where the file is located, date
the file was created, date of the last modification.
 Save the following information: project title, version number, name of the author, comments.

View and set the summary information

1. In the File menu, click Summary. A dialog box opens.

2. Enter the desired information.
3. Click OK to confirm.

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Creating the project

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Creating the network

Creating the network

Create the network

Creation of the network consists of drawing the network diagram in the drawing zone (5).
The diagram can be easily drafted with the ready-to-use electric circuits available in the library supplied
with the program. Simply place in the drawing zone the circuits present in the Macro-components
library (6). It is also possible to reuse parts of diagrams saved in standard diagrams.

A grid is available to assist in aligning the drawings and a zoom can be used to
enlarge the diagram.

At all times, it is possible to run a logical check on the network being created.

See also

Network modifications

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Creating the network

Put an electric circuit in the diagram

It is easy to create the network diagram with the ready-to-use electric circuits in the library supplied with
the program. Simply place in the drawing zone the circuits present in the Macro-components library (8).

Put an electric circuit in the diagram

1. Display the group containing the desired electric circuit and click the circuit.
2. The circuit is displayed in the drawing zone, attached to the mouse cursor.
3. Move the mouse cursor to the desired spot for the circuit and click. The circuit is displayed in the
drawing zone and remains selected (displayed in blue). Click anywhere outside the circuit to unselect

It is not possible to interconnect two connection segments (e.g. two sets of


It is not possible to cut a circuit using a connection segment.

Circuits are always displayed vertically in the library. To position a circuit

horizontally in the diagram, click the Horizontal option before selecting the circuit
in the library.

A grid and a zoom are available to assist in aligning the drawings.

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Creating the network

Select a group in the Macro-components library

Feeder circuits
LV/LV transformers
Standard diagrams

There are a number of ready-to-use electric circuits that can be selected to draft diagrams. The electric
circuits are divided into groups, often called libraries, and displayed in the Macro-components library
(5). Only one group can be displayed at any one time, but it is easy to shift from one group to another by
clicking the buttons at each side of the library.

Each circuit can be used horizontally or vertically. Circuits are always displayed
vertically in the library, however, they can be positioned horizontally in the diagram
by clicking the Horizontal option at the bottom of the library.

The Standard-diagrams library remains empty until at least one standard

diagram has been saved and placed in the library.

It is possible to modify the composition of the available electric circuits. For more
information, see Set the general characteristics of circuits.

Select a group in the Macro-components library

1. Display the Macro-components library.

2. Click one of the buttons in the library. The corresponding group of circuits is displayed.

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Creating the network

Standard diagrams

Edit → Create a standard diagram...

Edit → Insert a standard diagram...
Edit → Delete a standard diagram...
Edit → Add a standard diagram to the library...

A standard diagram is a part of a diagram saved for later use in the same project or in another project.
To rapidly access the most frequently used standard diagrams, you can put them in the standard-diagram
library that is part of the Macro-components library. It is possible to decide which standard diagrams
should be displayed in the library and determine their position in the library.

Create or modify a standard diagram

1. Select the part of the current diagram to be saved in the standard-diagram library.
2. In the Edit menu, click Create a standard diagram. The Create a standard diagram dialog box is
3. Enter the name of the new standard diagram or click the name of an existing standard diagram if you
want to change its contents or designation.
4. Enter the designation of the standard diagram.
5. Click OK to confirm. The standard diagram is created or modified.

Delete a standard diagram

1. In the Edit menu, click Delete a standard diagram. The Delete standard diagram dialog box is
2. Select the file containing the standard diagram to be deleted. The drawing of the standard diagram is
displayed on the right-hand side of the dialog box.
3. Click OK. A message requests confirmation of the operation. Click Yes to delete the standard

Put a standard diagram in the network diagram

1. In the Edit menu, click Insert a standard diagram. The Insert standard diagram dialog box is
2. Select the standard diagram to be inserted. The drawing of the standard diagram is displayed on the
right-hand side of the dialog box.
3. Click OK. The standard diagram is displayed in the drawing zone, attached to the mouse cursor.
4. Move the mouse cursor to the desired spot for the standard diagram and click. The standard diagram
is placed in the diagram and its functional names are automatically renumbered.
5. Click anywhere outside the standard diagram to unselect it.

If the standard diagram that you wish to use is available in the Macro-
components library, simply proceed in the same manner as for other electrical

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Creating the network

Customise the standard-diagram library

1. In the Edit menu, click Add a standard diagram to the library. The Standard-diagram library
dialog box is displayed.
2. Modify the Library list using the Add, Remove, Up and Down buttons.
Add a standard diagram to the library
In the list under the Designation field, click the standard diagram to be added (or simply type in
its name in the File name field), then click the Add button.
Remove a standard diagram from the library
In the Library list, click the standard diagram to be removed, then click the Remove button.
Modify the position of a standard diagram in the library
In the Library list, click the standard diagram to be moved, then click the Up button to move the
standard diagram upwards in the list or click the Down button to move it downwards in the list.
3. When all the desired modifications have been made, click OK to confirm. The next time the standard
diagrams are displayed in the Macro-components library, they will include the standard diagrams
added to the Library list, in the defined order.

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Creating the network

Logical check on the network

Network → Logical checking F3

This command is used to check the validity of the network diagram. The checks listed below are run.

 Source configuration
The network can have three types of sources, transformers, generators and special sources created
by the user. The following configurations are authorised:
 The first set of sources is considered the normal source. All the elements in this group must be
identical (one to four transformers or one to four generators).
 The second set of sources is considered the replacement source. All the elements in this group
must be identical (one to four transformers or one to four generators).
 If a special source is used, all other types of sources may not be used.
 The network must have at least one source.

 Consistency of cross references

Each incoming cross reference must correspond to an outgoing cross reference.

 Problems with loops

Equipment can have only one incomer from the upstream equipment.

 Single network
A project may consist of only one network.

If you do not carry out the logical check on the network, it is run automatically prior
to network calculation.

Run the check

In the Network menu, click Logical checking. The result is displayed in a message.

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Creating the network

Network modifications

Once the network has been created, a certain number of modifications are possible.

There is a zoom to enlarge the diagram and a grid to assist in positioning graphic
elements in the drawing zone.

It is easy to find a component in the diagram using the Find command.

If the project is locked, the locked parts (blue background) cannot be modified.
Only added parts may be modified. For more information, see Open an old project.

Network modifications

It is possible to:
 add circuits to the network by copying the drawings,
 move circuits in the diagram,
 delete circuits from the network (the functional names are deleted with the circuits),
 modify the name and the description of the circuits making up the network,
 reassign to an electric circuit its default characteristics.

If numerous modifications are made in the diagram, it is possible to automatically

renumber the functional names of components in a logical order.

Diagram modifications

It is possible to:
 resize a set of busbars or a BTS,
 draw geometric shapes and enter text using the drawing tools. For more information, see Drawing
tools in the Appendices.

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Creating the network

Find a component in the diagram

Edit→ Find... Alt+F3

It is easy to find a component in the network diagram using its functional name.

Find a component

1. In the Edit menu, click Find. A dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the functional name of the component to be found.
3. Click OK to confirm. The diagram is enlarged and the component is automatically displayed.

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Creating the network

Modify the description of a circuit

Network → Circuit description... F4

This command is used to name the electric circuits that make up the network and to modify their contents.

Once a circuit has been modified, it is necessary to recalculate the modified part of
the network.

Locked circuits cannot be modified. For more information, see Open an old project.

Modify the description of a circuit

1. Click the circuit to be modified, then select Circuit description in the Network menu, or double-click
the circuit to be modified. The Circuit description dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the name of the circuit.
3. In the Composition table, make any necessary modifications in the circuit components.
4. In the Characteristics table, set the circuit characteristics.
5. Click OK to confirm.

See also

Update network calculations

Pre-size the network
Calculate the network step by step

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Creating the network

Circuit description dialog box

Name Enter the name of the circuit.

Composition This table lists the circuit components.

1. The first field on the left may be used to select a component. Click the arrow,
then select the component in the displayed list.
2. The next field may be used to modify the functional name of the component.
3. The Replacement option is displayed for certain devices. Check this option if
the device should be used as a replacement.
4. Other options may be displayed for the circuit breakers. Check the desired
options, for example Earth protection or Motor mechanism.

The Cascading and Discrimination options may be selected here.

Select the desired options.
Characteristics This table is used to set the essential characteristics of the circuit, those that are
required for network calculation.

Click this button to access the technical documentation concerning the

It is possible to modify the data displayed in the fields on the right-hand side of
the table. Depending on the situation:
Click the information that you want to modify, then enter the new value.

If the button is displayed, the characteristic must be selected from a list.

Click the button, then select the desired value in the displayed list.

If the button is displayed, a selection guide is available to assist in

selecting the characteristic. Click the button, the selection guide is displayed.
Select the desired values in the various lists, then click OK.

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Creating the network

Reset an electric circuit

Edit → Reset Ctrl+R

This command is used to reassign to an electric circuit its default characteristics.

Locked circuits cannot be reset. For more information, see Open an old project.

Reset an electric circuit

1. In the diagram, click the circuit to be reset.

2. In the Edit menu, click Reset. A message requesting confirmation is displayed. Click Yes to confirm
the operation.

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Creating the network

Renumber the network

Network → Automatic renumbering

This command is very useful for large networks. It is the means to automatically renumber the functional
names of the components. The functional names are reset and renumbered as indicated below.
 Sets of equipment are numbered from the source to the loads, following the network structure.
 In each set of equipment, components are numbered from left to right (busbars) or from top to bottom

Manually set numbers are not maintained.

A locked project cannot be renumbered. For more information, see Open an old

Renumber the network

1. In the Network menu, click Automatic renumbering. A message requests that you confirm the
2. Click Yes to confirm the operation. The new numbers are displayed in the diagram and in the network

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Creating the network

Resize a set of busbars or busbar trunking

Resize X & Y

It is possible to resize busbars and busbar trunking (BTS).

Resize a set of busbars or busbar trunking

1. Select the object(s) to be resized.

2. Click the Resize X & Y button. A black square is displayed at each end if only one object is selected,
six black squares are displayed if more than one object is selected. The squares are the resizing
3. Move the mouse cursor to one of the handles, the cursor becomes a double-headed arrow.
4. Click and hold the mouse button down.
5. Move the mouse. The selected objects becomes larger or smaller, depending on the movement of the
mouse cursor.
6. Release the mouse button when the objects are the correct size. The objects remain selected.
7. Click anywhere outside the objects to unselect them.

The selected tool is still active. To quit the tool, press the [Esc] key.

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Creating the network

Unlock a project

Network → Unlock

This command is available when the current project was created using an old version of the software and
was locked. It can be used to unlock the project and recalculate it. For more information, see Open an old

Unlock a project

1. In the Network menu, click Unlock. A message is displayed.

2. Click OK to unlock the project or Cancel to cancel the command.

Unlocking is permanent. It is not possible to undo the command, but it is possible

to create a backup copy of the project during the next step.

3. A second message is displayed. Select:

 Yes to create a backup copy of the project. The standard dialog box for file saving is displayed.
Enter the name of the copy, then click Save.
 No if you do not wish to create a backup copy. The project is unlocked and recalculated. On the
diagram (6), the blue background behind the locked circuits disappears.
 Cancel to cancel unlocking.

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Calculating the network

Calculating the network

Network power sum

Calculation → Power sum...

This command is used to calculate, for each set of equipment in the network, the currents carried by the
cables, the busbars and the busbar trunking systems, depending on load characteristics indicated for the
equipment and taking into account the selected load factor (Ku) and diversity factor (Ks). The program
calculates the power required from the source(s) and the power rating of the LV/LV transformer.

The load factor Ku is not taken into account in sizing the circuit, but is taken into
account when calculating the upstream equipment.

Run the network power sum

1. In the Calculation menu, click Power sum. A message requesting confirmation is displayed.
2. Click Yes to confirm the operation. The Power sum dialog box is displayed.

If the project is locked, the source cannot be modified. If, following a network
extension, the source is no longer suitable, a warning message is displayed,
proposing either to delete outgoers or to unlock the project. For more information,
see Open an old project.

3. In the Network list, click the equipment for which the power sum must be run, then enter the
characteristics of the selected equipment. The power of the source is updated depending on the
values entered.
4. Repeat step 3 for each set of equipment in the network.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

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Calculating the network

Power sum dialog box

Network This zone presents a hierarchical list of the equipment in the network and can be
used to select the equipment for which the power sum should be run.
The equipment displayed in red in the list is that for which the power and current
values have not been entered. As soon as this information is entered, the
equipment is displayed in black.
Click the equipment for which the power sum should be run.
Equipment characteristics may be modified directly in this list:
1. In the network tree structure, double-click the equipment to be modified. The
Circuit description dialog box is displayed.
2. Modify the characteristics, then click OK.

Current equipment This zone presents the characteristics of the circuits in the equipment selected in
loads the Network list.
It is possible to modify the displayed values. Depending on the situation:
Click the information that you want to modify, enter the new value, then press

If the button is displayed, the characteristic must be selected from a list.

Click the button, then select the desired value in the displayed list.

If the button is displayed, a selection guide is available to assist in

selecting the characteristic. Click the button, the selection guide is displayed.
Select the desired values in the various lists, then click OK.

Automatic phase balancing: This option is displayed at the bottom of the

Current equipment loads zone when the equipment includes single or two-
phase loads. When selected, the loads are automatically balanced.

It is always possible to manually modify the distribution of each load by

changing the value of the Distribution characteristic. The calculated
load current is that of the most heavily loaded phase.

Current equipment This zone presents the calculation results for the equipment selected in the
Network list. It is possible to modify the diversity factor Ks.
Enter another value and press [Enter].

Sources This zone lists the main information on the normal and replacement sources in
the network.
The voltage indicated at the top in parentheses is the source voltage set in the
global characteristics of the network.
Number of sources: number of normal and replacement sources in the network.
Calculated P per source: power calculated by the program, taking into account
the various factors indicated and equipment characteristics, as well as the
number of sources.
Chosen P per source: power rating proposed by the program for each source.
The proposal can be modified.
Click the arrow, then select another power rating in the displayed list.

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Calculating the network

Modify current This button may be used to modify the characteristics of the equipment selected
equipment... in the Network list.
1. In the network tree structure, click a piece of equipment and then the Modify
current equipment button, or double-click the equipment to be modified. The
Circuit description dialog box is displayed.
2. Modify the characteristics, then click OK.

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Calculating the network

Pre-size the network

Calculation → Pre-sizing

This function may be used to rapidly evaluate installation sizing on the basis of the main characteristics of
the network, where the other values used are default values depending on the current calculation
The various circuits are calculated starting with the first upstream element and ending with the last
downstream element.
During pre-sizing, access to results is not possible until the end of the calculations. If a problem occurs
during the calculation, the process is interrupted and a message indicates the element that caused the

Pre-size the network

If a logical check has not been run on the network, it is automatically carried out
prior to network calculation. Calculation is possible only if the network is correct.

In the Calculation menu, click Pre-sizing. A progress bar is displayed. A message informs when the
operation is finished.

If a problem occurs during the calculation, it must be solved and the calculation run

See also

Update network calculations

Calculate the network step by step
View calculation results

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Calculating the network

Calculate the network step by step

Calculation → Calculate step by step... F5

This command is used to calculate the various components in the network, circuit by circuit or for the
entire network.
The calculation determines the suitable electric characteristics and the devices, depending on the current
calculation standard. It is then possible to select another device and to modify the proposed
characteristics, and run the calculations again to check different combinations. When the result is
satisfactory, display the following circuit, run the calculation, etc., and continue in the same manner until
the last circuit in the network.
The calculated and non-calculated circuits are clearly identified in the network tree displayed at the top of
the dialog box. The calculated circuits are marked with a green flag and non-calculated circuits with a red
The circuits that have been calculated or not calculated are easy to identify in the network structure
displayed to the left of the dialog box. Calculated circuits are marked with a green check mark and any
non-calculated circuits are shown in red.

Calculate the network step by step

If a logical check has not been run on the network, it is automatically carried out
prior to network calculation. Calculation is possible only if the network is correct.

1. In the Calculation menu, click Calculate step by step. The Calculation dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the first circuit at the top of the network tree. It is not possible to calculate a circuit unless all the
upstream circuits have been calculated.
3. Click the Calculate button under the table of characteristics at the bottom of the Components section.
The calculation procedure starts. At the end of the calculation, the main results are displayed in the
Summary zone and complete results are displayed in the Details zone. If the circuit has been
calculated, a green check mark is displayed next to it in the network structure. If the circuit has not
been calculated, it is shown in red.
4. Click the next circuit in the network tree, then click the Calculate button again.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the circuits in the network have been calculated.
6. Click the Close button to close the dialog box.

To calculate the entire network in a single operation, click the Calculate all button
at the bottom of the dialog box. A progress bar is displayed. It is possible to
interrupt the calculation at any time by clicking the Cancel button.

If the project is locked, the characteristics of the locked circuits cannot be modified
and the calculation is carried out as if all the circuits were set to manual. For more
information, see Open an old project.

See also

Pre-size the network

Update network calculations
View calculation results

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Calculating the network

Calculation dialog box

Network tree structure This zone presents a hierarchical list of the circuits in the network and can be
used to select the circuit to be calculated.
The colour of the flag on the right of each circuit indicates the circuit status:
A colour code indicates circuit status:
The circuit is not calculated.

The circuit is calculated.

The circuit has been detected as faulty after


To select a circuit, click the circuit that you wish to calculate.

Components This zone lists the properties of the components in the circuit selected in the
network tree. The properties are displayed in one or more tables, each table
corresponding to a component in the circuit. The type of component and its
functional name are indicated at the top of the table.
The buttons to the left of the table correspond to the various components in the
circuit. They indicate the component type and functional name.
The table presents the characteristics of the selected component (the one with
the orange button).
To select a component, click the corresponding button. The button goes
orange and the characteristics of the selected component are shown in the
The type of component is dimmed if only one option is possible. Otherwise, it is
possible to click another option.
Click the arrow, then select the desired option in the displayed list.
It is possible to modify the data displayed in the fields on the right-hand side of
the tables. Depending on the situation:
Click the information that you want to modify, enter the new value, then press

If the button is displayed, the characteristic must be selected from a list.

Click the button, then select the desired value in the displayed list.

If the button is displayed, a selection guide is available to assist in

selecting the characteristic. Click the button, the selection guide is displayed.
Select the desired values in the various lists, then click OK.

When the value of a characteristic displayed in bold is modified, the

Manual option is automatically selected and the calculation is carried
out in check mode (see Manual below).

Manual: This option is displayed for certain components at the bottom of the
Components zone. It is means not to calculate the component characteristics,
but simply to check that the indicated characteristics comply with the
requirements of the calculation standard. For example, if you enter the size of a
cable and want the system to check that it is OK, then select the Manual option
before running the calculation. Otherwise, if you want the program to calculate
the size, do not select the Manual option.

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Calculating the network

This button is used to access the technical documentation concerning the

displayed type of component.

Calculate: Click this button to start the calculation for the selected circuit. All
upstream circuits must already have been calculated.

All characteristics When this option is selected, all component characteristics are displayed in the
tables. When it is not selected, only the main characteristics are displayed.

Summary This section shows the main results of the calculation selected in the network

Details This zone presents a detailed report on the calculation for the circuit selected in
the network tree. It is organised in three tabs:
Alerts presents the major remarks.
Results presents the main electrotechnical results of the calculation.
Details presents the detailed calculation results.
Click a tab to display its contents.

Calculate all
Click this button to start the calculation for the entire network.

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Calculating the network

Update network calculations

Calculation → Update calculations Shift+F5

This command is used to automatically update the calculations following minor modifications, when it is
not necessary to completely recalculate the entire network.

Update the calculations

If a logical check has not been run on the network, it is automatically carried out
prior to network calculation. Calculation is possible only if the network is correct.

In the Calculation menu, click Update calculations. A progress bar is displayed. A message informs
when the operation is finished.

If a problem occurs during the calculation, it must be solved and the calculation run

If the project is locked, the calculation is carried out as if all the circuits were set to
manual. For more information, see Open an old project.

See also

Pre-size the network

Update network calculations
View calculation results

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Calculating the network

Calculation standard

Parameters → Calculation standard

Currently, only one calculation standard (Cenelec) has been incorporated in the program.

Check the current calculation standard

1. In the Parameters menu, select Calculation standard. A submenu is displayed.

2. In the submenu, a check mark is displayed opposite the selected calculation standard.

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Calculating the network

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Using the results

Using the results

View the single-line diagrams of equipment

Network → View equipment...

This command is used to display the network equipment in single-line diagrams.

View the single-line diagrams of equipment

It is possible to select a set of busbars or a busbar trunking system in the network

diagram in order to display the single-line diagram of the equipment.

1. In the Network menu, click View equipment. The Equipment dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Equipment list, click the equipment to be displayed.

It is possible to modify the list of characteristics displayed by clicking the

Characteristics button.

3. Click the Close button to close the dialog box.

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Using the results

Equipment dialog box

Click the equipment for which the single-line diagram should be displayed.

Zoom Select a value in this list to increase or decrease the size of the diagram.
Click the arrow, then select the desired zoom level in the displayed list.

Graphic zone This is the area for the display of the single-line diagram of the equipment
selected in the Equipment list.
Under the diagram, a table presents the equipment characteristics. It is possible
to select the characteristics displayed by clicking the Characteristics button.
The diagram is presented with the selected sheet model.

Characteristics... Click this button to access the Characteristics dialog box in order to select the
characteristics to be displayed under the diagram and their order in the table.
1. Click the Characteristics button. The Characteristics dialog box is displayed.
2. Modify the Selected characteristics list using the Add, Remove, Move up
and Move down buttons.
3. When all the desired modifications have been made, click OK to confirm. The
list of characteristics displayed under the single-line diagram is updated.

<< Previous
If the equipment contains a large number of circuits, click the Next >> or <<
Next >> Previous buttons to see the next circuits or return to the previous circuits.

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Using the results

View calculation results

Calculation → Results → Calculation results...

1. In the Calculation menu, click Results - Calculation results. The Calculation results dialog box is
2. In the network tree structure at the left-hand side, click the circuit for which you wish to see the results.
3. When you have finished reading, click the Close button to close the dialog box.

To print the displayed information, click the Print button.

See also

Pre-size the network

Update network calculations
View calculation results

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Using the results

View power-sum results

Calculation → Results → Power sum

This command displays the power-sum results for each set of equipment.

1. In the Calculation menu, click Results and then Power sum. The dialog box Power-sum results is
2. In the network structure on the left, click the equipment for which the results should be displayed.
3. At the end, click the Close button to close the dialog box.

To print the displayed information, click the Print button.

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Using the results

View the cable book

Network → Cable book...

This command displays a summary of all the calculated cables in the project.

View the cable book

In the Network menu, click Cable book. The Cable book window is displayed.

Cable book

The Cable book window is made up of two tables.

The first presents a summary of the total cable lengths.
The second lists the cables in each circuit. Each line in the table corresponds to a circuit.

It is possible to increase the size of the window by double-clicking the title bar.

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Using the results

Print a project

File → Print/Export Ctrl+P

This command prints the contents of the project. It is possible to select the documents to be printed and
the language used.

Things to know before printing

The printout can contain a page header and footer, as well as a front page. For
more information, see Set up the page header and footer and Set up the front

Remember to select the type of annotation and the characteristics that should be
included in the printout.

The diagram is automatically printed with a sheet model. Remember to select a

sheet model and indicate the information for the title block via the general

Print the project

1. In the File menu, click Print/Export. The Print/Export dialog box is displayed.
2. It is possible to select the documents to be printed, the language in which documents are printed and
the margins.
3. Click the Print button to start printing.

See also

Select a printer
Print the current diagram

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Using the results

Print/Export dialog box

For more information, see Print a project and Export a project

Front page These options are used to select the documents to be printed or exported as well
as determine the page format for each document.
For each document to be printed or exported, click the corresponding option
Component list
and select the page format in the list on the right.
Calculation notes
Power sum
Cable book

Select the language for printing or export.

Margins... Click this button to set up the printing margins.

1. Click the Margins button. The Margins dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the values in millimetres for the margins on the Left, Right, Top and
Bottom of the page, then click OK to confirm.

Click this button to view page setting of the documents.

If the single-line diagram should be included in the folder, select the On-
screen diagram option, then select the desired page format.
Click the Preview button to view page setting of the diagram.

Click this button to start printing.

Export folder...
Click this button to export the documents in the RTF or DXF format.

Export ECD...
Click this button to export the documents in the ECD (SISpro building)

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Using the results

Print-preview dialog box

Zoom Select a value in this list to increase or decrease the size of the document.

One page / Two pages The name of this button changes when it is clicked. Use it to display one or two
pages of the document.

Print Starts the printing.

Close Quit the preview.

Pg: This field indicates the number of the displayed page. If there is more than one
page in the folder, use the vertical scroll bar to display the following pages.

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Using the results

Print the current diagram

Print the diagram

Click this button to directly print the diagram.

The diagram is automatically printed with a sheet model. Before printing,

remember to select the sheet model, set up the information in the title block via the
general information and select the type of annotation.

Print the diagram

Click the Print the diagram button in the toolbar.

See also

Print a project

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Using the results

Diagram print preview window

Print Print the diagram.

Next page Display the next page.

Prev. page Display the previous page.

One page / Two pages The name of this button changes when it is clicked. Use it to display one or two
pages of the document.

Zoom In The document is displayed larger. A number of zoom levels are available and the
button can be clicked several times.

Zoom Out Return to previous size.

Close Quit the preview.

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Using the results

Export a project

File → Print/Export Ctrl+P

File → Export XML

It is possible to export the current project in a number of formats for use in other programs. Several export
formats are available:
 The RTF format (*.rtf) is accepted by most word processors. All documents of the project can be
exported in this format.
 The DXF format (compatible with AutoCad®) is a graphic format. Only the single-line diagram, with the
annotations, is exported in this format.
 The ECD format can be used to export the list of devices and their characteristics for use in other
Schneider programs (SISpro building). This format can also be used in a spread-sheet program.
It is possible to select the documents to be exported (except DXF) and the language used.
On option, an additional format is available, the XML (.xml) text format that uses the XML syntax.

Things to know before exporting the project

The export can contain a page header and footer, as well as a front page. For
more information, see Set up the page header and footer and Set up the front

Remember to select the type of annotation and the characteristics that should be
included in the export.

A sheet model is automatically exported with the diagram. Remember to select a

sheet model and indicate the information for the title block via the general

Export the project in the RTF or DXF format

In the RTF format, the various project documents are exported in different files.

1. In the File menu, click Print/Export. The Print/Export dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the documents to be exported and the language used.
3. Click the Export folder button. The Export dialog box is displayed.
4. The name of the document to be exported is indicated in parentheses in the dialog-box title bar.
a. Indicate the name of the file to which you wish to export the document.
b. For the single-line diagram, select the export format in the Type field.
c. Click the Save button.
5. If other documents are to be exported, the Export dialog box is displayed again for the next document.
Start again with step 4 for each document to be exported.

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Using the results

Export the project in the ECD format

1. In the File menu, click Print/Export. The Print/Export dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the documents to be exported and the language used.
3. Click the Export ECD button. The Export ECD dialog box is displayed.
4. Indicate the name of the file to which you wish to export the project, then click the Save button.

Export the project in the XML format

1. In the File menu, click Export XML. The standard dialog box for file selection is displayed.
2. Indicate the name of the file to which you wish to export the project, then click the Save button.

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Using the results

Select the type of annotation

Display → View simple annotations

Display → View power-sum annotations

Display → View calculation annotations

Display → View discrimination annotations

For each electrical component, information is displayed in the form of attributes in the diagram. It is
possible to determine the information displayed by selecting the type of annotation from among the four
possible types.
 Simple annotations: Functional name + the name of the circuit
 Power-sum annotations: Functional name + power-sum information
 Calculation annotations: Functional name + calculation information
 Discrimination annotations: Functional name + discrimination information

Select the type of annotation

Click the desired type of annotation in the Display menu or click the corresponding button in the
toolbar. The selected annotations are displayed in the diagram.

A check mark is displayed opposite the selected command.

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Using the results

Select the characteristics of network components

Network → Component list...

This command is used to view the characteristics of the network components resulting from the
calculations and to select the list of characteristics for each type of component, notably for project printing
and export.

If characteristics are modified, it is necessary to recalculate the modified part of

the network.

View the characteristics of components

1. In the Network menu, click Component list. The Component list dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Components list on the right, click a type of component. It is possible to modify characteristics
in the table on the left.
3. For each type of component to be modified, start again with step 2, then click OK to confirm the

Set up the list of characteristics for printing or export.

1. In the Network menu, click Component list. The Component list dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Components list on the right, click a type of component, then click the Characteristics button.
The Characteristics dialog box is displayed.
3. Modify the Selected characteristics list using the Add, Remove, Move up and Move down buttons,
then click OK to confirm. The Component list dialog box is again displayed.
4. For each type of component to be modified, go through steps 2 and 3, then click OK to confirm the

See also

Pre-size the network

Calculate the network step by step
Update network calculations

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Using the results

Component list dialog box

Table of This table lists the characteristics of all the network components of the type
characteristics selected in the Components list. The components are identified by their
functional name and the name of the circuit of which they are part.
It is possible to modify the data displayed in the fields on the right-hand side of
the table. Depending on the situation:
Click the information that you want to modify, then enter the new value.

If the button is displayed, the characteristic must be selected from a list.

Click the button, then select the desired value in the displayed list.

If the button is displayed, a selection guide is available to assist in

selecting the characteristic. Click the button, the selection guide is displayed.
Select the desired values in the various lists, then click OK.

Click the type of component to be displayed in the table.

Characteristics... Click this button to access the Characteristics dialog box in order to select the
characteristics to be displayed and their order in the table. The characteristics
are printed and exported in the same order. For more information, see Set up the
list of characteristics for printing or export.

My Ecodial L © Schneider Electric 2008 Page 65

Using the results

Characteristics dialog box

Characteristics list List of available characteristics and not yet used. This list depends on the current
calculation standard.

Selected List of characteristics currently displayed in the Component list or Equipment

characteristics dialog box.

Add>> This button is used to add a characteristic to the Selected characteristics list.
In the Characteristics list, click the characteristic to be added, then click the
Add button. The characteristic is transferred from the Characteristics list to
the Selected characteristics list.

<< Remove This button is used to remove a characteristic from the Selected characteristics
In the Selected characteristics list, click the characteristic to be removed,
then click the Remove button. The characteristic is transferred from the
Selected characteristics list to the Characteristics list.

Move up These buttons are used to modify the position of a characteristic in the Selected
characteristics list.
Move down
In the Selected characteristics list, click the characteristic to be moved, then
click the Move up button to move the characteristic upwards in the list or click
the Move down button to move it downwards in the list.

If the list of characteristics just set up should be used as the default list for
future projects, click this button instead of the OK button.

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Using the results

Select the page format and the sheet model

Parameters → Diagram → Sheet model...

This command is used to select the size and layout of pages in the drawing zone, the number of pages
and the sheet model that will be printed or exported with the diagram.

It is possible to modify the sheet models using the sheet-model tool. For more
information, see the on-line help for the tool.

Select the page format and the sheet model

1. In the Parameters menu, select Diagram. A submenu is displayed, select Sheet model. The Sheet
model dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the page size and layout, as well as the desired sheet model, then click OK.

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Using the results

Sheet model dialog box

Page format This zone is used to select the size and the layout of pages.
6. Click the arrow, then select the desired size (A0 to A4) in the displayed list.
7. Click the desired page layout, Horizontal or Vertical.

Page The contents of the list depend on the size and layout selected in the Page
format section. It can be used to select the type of title block for the sheet model.
Click the desired title block.

Number of sheets Select the number of sheets that you need for the diagram, in terms of both the
total Height and Width. The drawing zone is limited to four A0 sheets, i.e. 64
sheets in the A4 format or 32 sheets in the A3 format.
Click the arrows to display the desired number of sheets.

If the drawing zone just set up should be used as the default drawing zone for
future projects, click this button instead of the OK button.

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Using the results

Select a printer

File → Configure printer...

This command is used to select a printer and set its configuration.

Select a printer

1. In the File menu, click Configure printer. The standard dialog box for printer configuration is
2. Select the desired options.
3. Click OK to confirm.

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Using the results

Set up the front page

File → Front page...

This command is used to set up the information printed on the front page of the project folder. The front
page may contain text, images and data fields. You may also select the characteristics for text and the

Set up the front page

1. In the File menu, click Front page. The Front page dialog box is displayed.
2. In the entry zone, type the text for the front page. It is possible to insert images and data fields using
the commands in the Edit menu and carry out page setting using the commands in the Format menu.
3. Click OK to confirm.

See also

Print a project
Set up the general information

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Using the results

Front page dialog box

Edit This menu is used to insert information in the front page.

Insert a file can be used to insert the contents of a file in the RTF or text format.
Click Insert a file. The standard dialog box for file selection is displayed.
Select the file that you want to insert, then click Open.
Insert a field can be used to insert information that is automatically updated,
such as the general information for the project, the current date or the number of
the page.
1. Click Insert a field. The Insert a field dialog box is displayed. It lists the
available fields. The fields corresponding to the general information are
presented as (Tab in the General information dialog box) Name of the
2. Select the field to be inserted, then click OK. If the information corresponding
to the selected field exists, it is displayed, otherwise the field code is
Insert a chart can be used to insert images in the BMP format.
Click Insert a chart. The standard dialog box for file selection is displayed.
Select the image to be inserted, then click Open.
Insert an object can be used to create a part of the front page using a Windows
application that accepts object linking. For example, you can create a table in the
front page using Microsoft Excel. If you wish to update the table at some later
time, simply double-click it. Microsoft Excel will automatically open and you can
then make the modifications.
1. Click Insert an object. A dialog box is displayed. It presents the types of
objects available on your computer.
2. Select the object that you want to create. The program corresponding to the
selected object is loaded.
3. Create the object, save it and quit the program. The system returns to the
front page.
Insert a page break may be used to start another page in the front-page
Click Insert a page break or press the [Ctrl+Enter] keys.

Format This menu is used for page setting.

To modify the type of characters, select the text to be modified, click Format,
then select the Font command. The Fonts dialog box is displayed. Select the
font, style (bold, italic, etc.) and size of characters.
To modify the format of paragraphs, select the text to be modified, click
Format, then select the Paragraph command. A submenu is displayed.
Select the desired justification, left, centre or right.

Entry zone This zone is used to enter or modify the text of the front page, similar to a word
processor. It is possible to use the commands in the Edit menu to insert
information and the commands in the Format menu for page setting.

If you wish to save the front page just set up as the default front page for
future projects, click this button instead of the OK button.

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Using the results

Click this button to print the front page.

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Using the results

Set up the page header and footer

File → Header/Footer...

It is possible to print information at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of each page in the project
documents. The page header and footer may contain text, images and data fields. You may also select
the page-setting for text and the paragraphs.

Set up the page header and footer

1. In the File menu, click Header/Footer. The Header and footer dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the Header option, then enter the corresponding text in the entry field. It is possible to insert
images and data fields using the commands in the Edit menu and carry out page setting using the
commands in the Format menu.
3. Select the Footer option, then enter the corresponding text in the entry field.
4. Click OK to confirm.

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Using the results

Header and footer dialog box

Edit This menu is used to insert information in the page header or footer.
Insert a field can be used to insert information that is automatically updated,
such as the general information for the project, the current date or the number of
the page.
1. Click Insert a field. The Insert a field dialog box is displayed. It lists the
available fields. General-information fields are displayed as follows: (Tab in
the General information dialog box) Name of the information.
2. Select the field to be inserted, then click OK. If the information corresponding
to the selected field exists, it is displayed, otherwise the field code is
Insert a chart can be used to insert images in the BMP format.
Click Insert a chart. The standard dialog box for file selection is displayed.
Select the image to be inserted, then click Open.

Format This menu is used for page setting of the page header or footer.
To modify the type of characters, select the text to be modified, click Format,
then select the Font command. The Fonts dialog box is displayed. Select the
font, style (bold, italic, etc.) and size of characters.
To modify the format of paragraphs, select the text to be modified, click
Format, then select the Paragraph command. A submenu is displayed.
Select the desired justification, left, centre or right.

Header Click this option to set up the page header.

Footer Click this option to set up the page footer.

Entry zone This zone is used to enter or modify the text of the page header or footer, similar
to a word processor. It is possible to use the commands in the Edit menu to
insert data fields and the commands in the Format menu for page setting.

If you wish to save the page header and footer just set up as the default page
header and footer for future projects, click this button instead of the OK

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Using the results

Set up the general information

File → General information...

This command is used to record information on your company, the project and the customer. This
information can then be inserted in fields in the page header and footer as well as in the front page of the
folder. Some of the information is also used in the title block of the sheet model.
Each modification made in the general information is automatically updated in the documents in each
position where it is inserted in a field.

General information contained in the sheet model

Project tab: Project number, Project name, Project description, Diagram name, Diagram
Customer tab: Customer Name

Set up the general information

1. In the File menu, click General information. The General information dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the tab corresponding to the information that you want to enter.
3. Click the information that you want to modify, then enter the new value.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to enter information on the other tab sheets.
5. When all the desired information has been entered on the various tab sheets, click OK to confirm.

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Using the results

General information dialog box

Project Each tab sheet contains a set of information.

Click a tab to display the contents.

Data zone This zone is used to enter the information.

Click the information that you want to enter or modify, then enter the new

If you wish to save the general information just set up as the default
information for future projects, click this button instead of the OK button.

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Additional tools

Additional tools

Circuit-breaker association guide

Tools → Association guide...

This tool is used to view the possible combinations between circuit breakers. Two types of association are
available, discrimination and cascading.
For example, it is possible to enter the characteristics of the upstream device and the program produces
a list of downstream devices that are compatible for cascading or discrimination.

Associate circuit breakers

1. In the Tools menu, click Association guide. The Discrimination and cascading dialog box is
2. In the Network frame, click the arrow and then select the desired voltage in the Voltage list.
3. In the Upstream frame or the Downstream connection frame, select the characteristics for the
upstream or downstream device.
4. Click the Find button. The products corresponding to the entered criteria are presented in the
Solutions frame. The number of solutions found is indicated under the table containing the results.
5. Click the Cascading or the Discrimination option to select the desired configuration. The list of
products displayed is updated.
6. When the necessary information has been obtained, click the Close button.

A page can contain up to 50 solutions. Use the vertical scroll bar to view the entire
page. If more than 50 solutions were found, use the Previous page and Next
page buttons to access the other pages in the list.

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Additional tools

Compare circuit-breaker tripping curves

Tools → Curve comparison...

It is possible to display the tripping curves of several circuit breakers for comparison purposes, to display
the discrimination limits and, if necessary, to modify the circuit-breaker settings.
If a network circuit breaker (calculated) is selected, its curve is automatically displayed as are the curves
of all the upstream circuit breakers, up to the normal source.

View the tripping curves of a circuit breaker

1. Select the circuit breaker for which you wish to view the tripping curves (the network must have been
2. In the Tools menu, click Curve comparison. The Tripping curves dialog box is displayed. It
presents the curves of the selected circuit breaker and of the upstream circuit breakers.
3. It is possible to modify the settings of the displayed curves and display the curves of other circuit
4. Click the Quit button to return to the main window. If the settings of one or more network circuit
breakers were modified, a message asks if you want to save the modifications. Click Yes if you want
to save the modifications.

If circuits are modified, it is necessary to recalculate the modified part of the


See also

Update network calculations

Pre-size the network
Calculate the network step by step

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Additional tools

Tripping curves dialog box

Curve display zone If a network circuit breaker is selected in the diagram, its curve and the curves of
all the upstream circuit breakers are displayed in this zone.
The curve of the selected circuit breaker is displayed in red. The other curves are
displayed in blue. It is possible to select a curve by clicking it, by clicking its name
or using the Select a curve button presented below.
A coloured triangle on the curve indicates the discrimination limit of the device.
The value is indicated to the left of the curves in a box.

Setting buttons When adjustments are possible for a device, the zone to the right may be used to
modify the values. The curve is modified to take into account the selected values.
Depending on the case, it is necessary to enter the value, select it in a list,
select an option or click buttons or to increment/decrement the value by
one (hold the [Ctrl] button down when clicking to increment/decrement by

Zoom Select a value in this list to enlarge or reduce the display.

This button is used to display the tripping curve of another circuit breaker.
Add a curve 1. Click the Add a curve button. A dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the circuit breaker whose tripping curve should be displayed, then click

Any added curves are not saved when the window is closed.

This button is used to delete a curve.

Remove a curve 1. Click the Remove a curve button. A dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the curve to be deleted, then click OK.

It is not possible to delete the curve of a circuit breaker that is part of

the network.

This button is used to modify the trip unit or the rating of a circuit breaker.
Modify the selected 1. Click the Modify the selected curve button. A dialog box is displayed.
curve 2. Select the trip unit and the rating, then click OK.

When a number of curves are displayed, click this button to select one of
Select a curve them.
It is also possible to click the curve or to click its name.
The selected curve is displayed in red, the other curves are displayed in blue.

Click this button to print the displayed curves and their settings.
Print the curves

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Additional tools

This button saves the displayed curves and their settings in RTF format. The
document includes the curve graph and the various settings in a table.
Save the tripping
curves 1. Click the Save the tripping curves button. The standard dialog box for file
saving is displayed.
2. Enter the desired name for the curve file and click Save.

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Additional tools

Product guide

Tools → Product guide...

This tool may be used to view all the available circuit breakers and busbar trunking systems (BTS) that
meet certain technical criteria such as the voltage or the short-circuit current.

Run the search

1. In the Tools menu, click Product guide. The Schneider products dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Products frame, click the type of product to be found.
3. In the Criteria frame, indicate the necessary characteristics for the product.
4. When all the search criteria have been set, click the Find button. The products corresponding to the
entered criteria are presented in the Results table.
5. When you have finished checking the data base, click the Close button to close the dialog box.

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Additional tools

Schneider products dialog box

Products This frame presents the tree structure of the product guide.
Click the type of product to be found.

Criteria This frame is used to enter the characteristics of the product to be found in the
data base. Depending on the situation:
Click the criterion that you want to enter, then type in the new value.

If the button is displayed, the value must be selected from a list. Click the
button, then select the desired value in the displayed list.

If the button is displayed, a selection guide is available to assist in

selecting the value. Click the button, the selection guide is displayed. Select
the desired values in the various lists, then click OK.

Click this button to start the search.

Results This table presents the products found in the data base. The number of solutions
found is indicated under the table.
A page can contain up to 50 results. Use the vertical scroll bar to view the
entire page.
If more than 50 results were found, use the Page up and Page down buttons
to access the other pages in the list.

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Additional tools

Customise the Tools menu

Parameters → Tools...

You can add commands to the Tools menu in order to run frequently used programs directly from

Customise the Tools menu

1. In the Parameters menu, select Tools. The Add an application dialog box is displayed.
2. Modify the Applications list using the Add, Delete, Move up and Move down buttons.
3. When all the desired modifications have been made, click OK to confirm.

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Additional tools

Add an application dialog box

Applications This zone lists the applications available in the Tools menu.

Command line This field indicates the file for the program selected in the Applications list and
its path.
To add an application, it is possible to simply enter the filename and the path in
this field, if you have the information. Otherwise, click the Add button.

Associated text This field indicates the text for the application that will appear in the Tools menu.

Arguments This field can be used to enter parameters required when the program is run.

Add... This button is used to add applications to the Tools menu.

1. Click the Add button. The standard dialog box for file selection is displayed.
2. Select the desired program. It is added in the Applications list.
3. If necessary, modify the text in the Associated text field. You can replace it
with a more explicit name.
4. Enter any additional parameters in the Arguments field.

Delete This button is used to delete applications from the Tools menu.
1. In the Applications list, click the program to be deleted.
2. Click the Delete button. The selected program is removed from the
Applications list. It is no longer displayed in the Tools menu.

Move Up These buttons are used to modify the position of an application in the Tools
Move Down
1. In the Applications list, click the application to be moved.
2. Click the Move Up button to move the application up in the list or click Move
Down to move it down in the list.

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Notes on using windows

Modify the space occupied by two zones on the screen

1. Position the mouse cursor on the line separating the two zones. The cursor becomes either or .
2. Click and hold the mouse button down.
3. Move the mouse. The line separating the two zones moves with the mouse cursor.
4. Release the mouse button when the line is in the right place.

Buttons used to minimise, maximise, restore and close the window

Maximise / Restore

Using toolboxes

Anchored or floating toolboxes

Toolboxes can be anchored (attached to the side of a window) or floating. Anchored toolboxes do not
have a title bar. If a floating toolbox is moved to the side of a window, it becomes an anchored toolbox.

To hide a floating toolbox, click its Close button.

Move a toolbox

To move an anchored toolbox, click its handle with the mouse and drag it to the desired position.
To move a floating toolbox, click its title bar with the mouse and drag it to the desired position.

Resize a toolbox

Floating toolboxes can be resized.

1. Position the mouse cursor on an edge of the toolbox. The cursor becomes a two-headed arrow.
2. Click and hold the mouse button down.
3. Move the mouse. The edge of the toolbox follows the mouse cursor.
4. Release the mouse button when the toolbox is the right size.

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Drawing tools

Toolbar (3)


Resize X & Y

Zoom in

Previous view

Full page (100%)

Display or hide the current grid

Decor (9).


Rotate 90°

Resize proportionally

Resize X & Y

Move to front

Move to back



Draw an ellipse

Draw a circle

Draw an arc

Draw a rectangle

Draw a line

Draw a polyline

Draw a polygon

Create text

Modify text

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Parameter menu (2)

Diagram → Drawing
Diagram → Text
Diagram → Arrows

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Select/unselect drawings


Selected drawings are bounded by a blue line, generally a dotted line.

Select a single drawing

1. Click the Selection button.

2. Click the drawing that you wish to select.

To select an empty figure (without a filling), click the edge.

Select adjacent drawings

1. Click the Selection button.

2. Click in the drawing zone and, while holding the mouse button down, move the cursor to include all the
desired drawings in the selection box.
3. Release the mouse button.

Select non-adjacent drawings

1. Click the Selection button.

2. Click the drawings that you wish to select, while holding the [Shift] button down.

Unselect all the selected drawings

Click anywhere outside the drawings.

Unselect drawings one by one.

Hold the [Shift] button down and click each drawing to be unselected. The unselected drawings
returns to their normal display, the others remain bounded by a dotted blue line.

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Copy graphic elements

Edit → Copy Ctrl+C

Edit → Paste Ctrl+V

1. Select the graphic elements that you want to copy.

2. In the Edit menu, click Copy.
3. In the Edit menu, click Paste. The graphic elements are displayed in the drawing zone, attached to
the mouse cursor.
4. Move the mouse cursor to the desired spot and click.

The copied elements remain in the clipboard until they are replaced by other data.
It is possible to position the same element a number of times.

Using the mouse

1. Select the graphic elements that you want to copy.

2. Press and hold the [Ctrl] key.
3. Click the selection and hold the mouse button down.
4. Move the mouse cursor to the desired spot and release the mouse button and the [Ctrl] key.

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Move graphic elements

Edit → Cut Ctrl+X

Edit → Paste Ctrl+V

1. Select the graphic elements that you want to move.

2. In the Edit menu, click Cut.
3. In the Edit menu, click Paste. The graphic elements are displayed in the drawing zone, attached to
the mouse cursor.
4. Move the mouse cursor to the desired spot and click.

The cut elements remain in the clipboard until they are replaced by other data. It is
possible to position the same element a number of times.

Using the mouse

1. Select the graphic elements that you want to move.

2. Click the selection and hold the mouse button down.
3. Move the mouse cursor to the desired spot and release the mouse button.

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Edit → Delete Del

1. Select the data to be deleted.

2. In the Edit menu, click Delete.

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Resize drawings while maintaining the proportions

Proportional resizing

This tool resized drawings, while maintaining their vertical and horizontal proportions.

Resize drawings

1. Select the drawing(s) to be resized.

2. Click the Proportional resizing button. Four black squares appear around the selected drawing(s)
(only two are displayed if a line is selected). The squares are the resizing handles.
3. Move the mouse cursor to one of the handles, the cursor becomes a double-headed arrow.
4. Click and hold the mouse button down.
5. Move the mouse. The selected drawings becomes larger or smaller, depending on the movement of
the mouse cursor.
6. Release the mouse button when the drawings are the correct size. The drawings remains selected.
7. Click anywhere outside the drawings to unselect them.

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Resize drawings


This tool is used to resize graphic objects vertically, horizontally or proportionally.

Resize drawings

1. Select the drawing(s) to be resized.

2. Click the Resize button. Six black squares appear around the selected drawing(s) (only two are
displayed if a line is selected). The squares are the resizing handles.
3. Move the mouse cursor to one of the handles, the cursor becomes a double-headed arrow.
4. Click and hold the mouse button down. To resize the drawings in a single dimension, click a handle in
the middle of a side of the bounding box. To resize the drawings proportionally, click a handle in a
corner of the box.
5. Move the mouse. The selected drawings becomes larger or smaller, depending on the movement of
the mouse cursor.
6. Release the mouse button when the drawings are the correct size. The drawings remain selected.
7. Click anywhere outside the drawings to unselect them.

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Move drawings to front or back

Move to front

Move to back

When a number of drawings overlap, the last drawing is in front of the others and partially hides them. It is
possible to modify the order in which drawings are stacked in order to view the hidden drawings.

Modify the order of drawings

1. Select the drawing(s) for which you wish to change the position.
2. Click the button:
 Move to front to position the selected drawing(s) in front of the others,
 Move to back to position the selected drawing(s) in back of the others.
3. Click anywhere outside the drawing(s) to unselect it (them).


Figures A, B and C were drawn in that order. C partially hides A and B.

Select B and click the Move to front button, B is positioned in front of C.

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Group and ungroup drawings



It may be useful to group a number of drawings and texts into a single object for easier handling. Groups
can be separated at a later time, if necessary.

Group drawings

1. Select the drawings and text to be grouped.

2. Click the Group button.

Ungroup drawings

1. Select the group or groups of objects to be separated.

2. Click the Ungroup button.

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Rotate drawings

Rotate 90°

1. Select the drawing(s) to be rotated.

2. Click the Rotate 90° button. The selected drawings are rotated 90°.
3. Click anywhere outside the drawings to unselect them.

If a number of drawings are selected, rotation takes place around the central point
in the bounding box.

If text is selected, it is rotated around the point on which it is aligned (left, centre,

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Draw geometric shapes

Click the desired button.


The selected tool remains active. To quit the tool, press the [Esc] key or click the
Selection button.

The object just drawn remains selected, i.e. it is displayed as a blue line. Click
anywhere outside the drawing to unselect it.

Draw an ellipse

1. Click the spot where the ellipse should start and hold the mouse button down.
2. Move the mouse cursor diagonally. The ellipse is drawn.

3. Release the mouse button when the ellipse is the correct size.

Draw a circle

1. Click the position for the centre of the circle.

2. Move the mouse to draw the circle.

3. Click when the circle is the right size.

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Draw an arc

1. Click the position for one of the ends of the arc.

2. Move the mouse and click the position for the other end of the arc.
3. Move the mouse to develop the arc.

4. Click when the arc is the right size.

Draw a rectangle

1. Click a corner of the rectangle to be drawn and hold the mouse button down.
2. Move the mouse cursor diagonally. A rectangle is drawn.

3. Release the mouse button when the rectangle is the correct size.

Draw a line

1. Click one end of the line.

2. Move the mouse to draw the line.
3. Click when the line is the right length.

Draw a polyline

A polyline is a set of line segments.

1. Click the position for one of the ends of the first segment.
2. Move the mouse to draw the segment.
3. Click when the segment is the right length.
4. Move the mouse to draw the second segment and click. Repeat this operation as often as is required.

5. Double-click the end of the last segment.

It is possible to delete the last segment drawn by pressing the [Esc] key.

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Draw a polygon

1. Click the position for the first corner of the polygon.

2. Move the mouse and click the position for the second corner of the polygon. Repeat this operation as
often as is required.

3. Double-click the last corner.

It is possible to delete the last segment drawn by pressing the [Esc] key.

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Put text in the drawing

Create text

This tool is used to enter text and position it in the drawing zone.

Put text in the drawing

1. Click the Create text button. A dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the text, then click OK. The text is displayed attached to the mouse cursor.
3. Move the mouse cursor to the desired spot for the text and click.
4. The text remains attached to the mouse cursor. It is possible to position the same text a number of
times. To quit the tool, press the [Esc] key or click the Selection button.
5. Click anywhere outside the text to unselect it.

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Modify text in the drawing

Modify text

1. Click the text to be modified.

2. Click the Modify text button. A dialog box containing the selected text is displayed.
3. Enter the new text, then click OK. The new text replaces the old.
4. Click anywhere outside the text to unselect it.

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Select the characteristics for drawings

Parameters → Diagram → Drawing

It is possible to modify the type of line, the colour and the filling of objects created with the drawing tools.

If you modify drawing attributes when no drawing is selected, the new

characteristics will apply to all subsequent drawings.

Select the characteristics for drawings

1. Select the drawing(s) that you wish to modify.

2. In the Parameters menu, select Diagram. A submenu is displayed.
3. In the submenu, select Drawing. A dialog box is displayed.
4. Select the colour and the type of line in the Line section.
5. Select the colour and the type of filling in the Pattern section.
6. Click OK to confirm.
7. Click anywhere outside the drawing(s) to unselect it (them).

Only closed shapes may be filled.

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Select the characteristics for text

Parameters → Diagram → Text

It is possible to select several text characteristics for text, such as style, colour and size of characters,
font, alignment and angle.

If you modify text attributes when no text is selected, the new attributes will apply to
all subsequent text.

Select the characteristics for text

1. Select the texts that you wish to modify.

2. In the Parameters menu, select Diagram. A submenu is displayed.
3. In the submenu, select Text. A dialog box is displayed. The text attributes dialog box is displayed.
4. Select the desired options.
5. Click OK to confirm.
6. Click anywhere outside the texts to unselect them.

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Dialog box for text attributes

Click the desired colour for text.

Select the desired style for text. You may select several options:
 Bold text
 Italic text
 Underlined text
 Barred text
 Text on a Transparent background

Enter the slant in degrees.

Click the desired option for text alignment: Left, Right, Centre.

Click the displayed value, then click the desired size in the list (sizes are
indicated in points).

Click the displayed value, then click the desired font in the list.

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Select line caps

Parameters → Diagram → Arrows

It is possible to automatically draw line caps. The selected type of cap is applied to all the lines drawn.

It is not possible to modify the style of a line once it has been drawn.

Select line caps

1. In the Parameters menu, select Diagram. A submenu is displayed.

2. In the submenu, select Arrows. A dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the type of cap in the Style section.
4. Select the size of the cap in the Size section.
5. Click OK to confirm.

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Display or hide the grid

Displays or hides the current grid

The grid is provided to assist in positioning graphic elements in the drawing zone. Elements may be
positioned only on the predefined points spaced every five millimetres (grid pitch). It is possible to display
or hide the grid, but it remains active even when hidden.

Display or hide the grid

Click the Displays or hides current grid button in the toolbar. If the grid was not already displayed, it
appears, otherwise it disappears.

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Display → Zoom → Zoom in

Display → Zoom → Zoom out

Display → Zoom → 100%

The zoom can be used to enlarge a part of the drawing to better observe details.

Enlarge a part of the drawing

1. In the Display menu, select Zoom. A submenu is displayed. In the submenu, select Zoom in. The
cursor becomes a magnifying glass.
2. Click a corner of the zone to be zoomed and hold the mouse button down.
3. Move the cursor, a dotted rectangle is drawn.
4. Move the cursor until the bounding box contains the zone to be zoomed, then release the mouse
button. The selected zone is displayed larger.

Return to previous size

In the Display menu, select Zoom. A submenu is displayed. In the submenu, select Zoom out.

Display the entire drawing

In the Display menu, select Zoom. A submenu is displayed. In the submenu, select 100%.

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Entity defining an electrical device. A device and its accessories make up a product.

Diagram indicator or Functional name

Information linked to a product in order to identify it in the diagram.

Electric circuit
Basic element in the single-line diagram. An electric circuit is generally made up of a number of
electric components, each corresponding to an electric function.

The circuit above is made up of three electric components, an incomer, a cable and a circuit
breaker. Each component is represented by a graphic symbol. In this example, a functional name
was assigned to each component (W1, C1 and Q1), and a product was assigned to circuit breaker
Electric component
Basic element in an electric circuit. A component is represented in the single-line diagram by a
graphic symbol to which it is possible to assign a product and a functional name.

Set of circuits connected to the same busbars (switchboard) or to the same busbar trunking

This term represents an assembly made up of a device and its accessories, or simply a product in
the wider sense (non electrical).

Sheet model
Frame and title block added to the diagram for printing. There are a number of sheet models for
each sheet size (A3, A4, etc.)

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