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Children's P a g e (Pagna ta'

tfal) Traditionally, Maltese children had a

number of original games and rhymes some of
which evolved from the Middle Ages.
Unfortunately, in today's computer age many
of these games and rhymes are getting
forgotten as the modern child seem to be more
interested in the present fast and progressive
life. Here are some verses in their original
Maltese language with my version of English
Il-Papa’ gabilna r-rizzi, - hodor, vjola w hamranin,
Fuq il-blat malajr qeghdnihom, - trid tarahom kif
bdew mixjin! Il-Papa’, imbaghad, kissirhom, - u
qasamhom f’zewg bicciet Flieli homor, kbar,
mimlija, - ‘tini, tini zewg rizziet! Fuq il-blat,
b’riglejna fl-ilma, - nieklu r-rizzi lkoll flimkien Igri
nikber bhal missieri, - halli ngib ir-rizzi jien! Nibda
jien nistad ghar-rizzi, - halli l-ikla tibda tkun kif
qeghdin niklu, il-lejla, - hobz u rizzi ta' kuljum!
Ghax tar-rizzi waqa l-bahar. - ta' l-imhar qabez
ghalieh. Dak tar-rizzi tela' jigri, - u ta' l-imhar baqa

Traditional Children Games

In Maltese My English translation

Bumm Bumm il-bieb Bumm Bumm Knock knock the door Knock knock the
il-bieb, Ongi’-ongi’ongella.. Bumm door, Ongee’-ongee’ongella.. Knock knock
Bumm il-bieb, Ongija Kavallier... Min the door, Ongeea Cavalier... Who's there, who's
hemm, min hemm, minn hemm Ongi’- there, who's there - Ongee’-ongee’ongella..
ongi’ongella.. Min hemm, min hemm, Who's there, who's there, who's there - Ongeea
minn hemm Ongija Kavalier. Hawn l- Cavalier. Here comes Mr. Ambassador,
Ambassadore, Ongi’ ongi’ ongella… Ongee’-ongee’ongella… Here comes Mr.
Hawn l-Ambassadore, Ongija Ambassador. Ongeea Cavalier. What need he
Kavallier. X’irid l-Ambaxxaturi? the Ambassador? - Ongee’-ongee’ongella…
Ongi’ ongi’ ongella… X’irid l- What need he the Ambassador? - Ongeea
Ambaxxaturi? Ongija Kavallier… Irid Cavalier He needs a young nice lassy, Ongee’-
tifla sabiha, Ongi’ ongi’ ongella… Irid ongee’ongella… He needs a young nice lassy,
tifla sabiha, Ongija Kavallier… X'ha - Ongeea Cavalier What shall we give this
ntuha 'l din it-tifla? Ongi’-ongi’ongella lassy? - Ongee’-ongee’ongella What shall we
X'ha ntuha 'l din it-tifla, Ongija give this lassy? - Ongeea Cavalier. We give
Kavallier. Intuha libsa gdida, Ongi’ her a new dress, Ongee’-ongee’ongella We
ongi’ ongella Intuha libsa gdida, give her a new dress. Ongeea Cavalier. Take
Ongija Kavallier. Huduha la triduha, her if you wants her, cause we don't really need
ghax ahna m’ghandniex x’nambuha her. A car with four wheels don't fit through
Karrozza b’erba’ roti ma tghaddix minn City gates please give me a piece of fabric fix
Putirjal Aghtuni bicca xoqqa halli my apron, mates
nsewwi l-fardal.

Dawra durella qazba zigarella coff tal- Round and round we go, ribbon on a broom,
bellus caqcaqhielu lill-gharus axxa, bow tie of velvet. Whiplash for the groom.
axxa missieru mastrudaxxa mela one Ashy Ashy Father is in carpentry Then One
two three Two Three This is the Maltese version of
"Round and round the garden"

A child faced the wall with his hand close behind. The child had to guess which of
behind him, the others stood while the kids touched him/her Hey watch out for
they sing........ Ara gejja l-mewt here come death, to burn you and to fry you.
ghalik, biex tixwik, biex taqlik. Ara Here it comes now, here it is, Someone hit you.
gejja, ara waslet, din id-daqqa min You know who?

Queeny Queeny where is the

ball ... I haven't got it ... Where is
it? This is a game where one girl
or boy would pick up a ball then
face towards a wall. The other
children stood in a line behind the
child with the ball. The child
facing the wall throws the ball
backwards and whoever gets it
hides it behind. The other children
copy the one with the ball by
hiding their hands behind,
pretending that they all could have
the ball. The kid at the wall turns
around while having to guess
which one have the ball. Noli
(hide and seek) This used to be a
very popular game with children. A
child was chosen as the seeker and
made to stand facing a wall
covering his face. The rest of the
kids would scatter and hide in
some obscure place. The seeker
counts from 1 to 20 and then start
looking for his hidden friends. The
first one discovered will be the
next seeker. Passju (hop Scotch)
This game consisted of a number
of square boxes joined together
chalked on the footpath. Girls
would try to jump in each square
without touching any of the lines.
They used a small stone to throw it
on each square before they started
to hop, Young boys preferred to
play with marbles, cirku (Hoola
Hoop) and any round object
resembling a football, while girls
preferred playing with soft dolls
and coloured zibec (beads).
When children used to quarrel
between themselves while playing
they used to make up by making
this gesture. They formed a Cross
by crossing their little fingers of
their hands while saying:
Paci bejnietna; Il-Madonna fuq Peace between us, the Holy Mother on my head.
rasi. Il Bambin jahbini u l- Baby Jesus will hide me, the Holy Mother will
Madonna issibni. Kristu fuq l- find me. Christ on the altar blessing little children.
Artal ibierek lit-tfal zghar.

Traditional Rhymes
Maltese Rhymes Wiehed tnejn tlieta, My English translation One two three, Pacik
Pacik qabez mit- tieqa. Gie fuq blata, jumped from tree. Landed on a stone, bumped
weggha il-patata. Mar ghand ommu, his backbone. Went to his mother, she didn't
capcapthomlu. Mar ghand missieru, bother. Went to his dad, he copped it bad.
kissirlu sninu. Mar ghand ir-re', Went to the King, got hit with a thing. Went to
tefagħlu gabarre'. Mar ghand ir-regina, the Queen, she wasn't too serene. Went to the
tefaghtlu kuccarina. Mar ghand it- doctor, he rubbed him with butter. Took him
tabib, diliklu l-butir. Haduh l-isptar, to hospital, under a sheet with floral. They left
ghattewh bl-lizar. Hallewlu z-zokkra his navel showing and got bitten by a turkey.
barra u kielilu d-dundjan.

Lanca gejja u ohra sejra, minn tas- A ferry coming and one leaving, from Sliema
Sliema ghall Marsamxett. Il- kaptan town to Marsamxett. The captain a pipe was
bil-pipa f' halqu jidderigi l- bastiment. smoking, commandeering his tiny ship.
Meta waslu f'nofs ta' bahar il- kaptan While the passengers were sailing, the captain
hassu hazin. Ma kellux minn idur was taken sick. Could not find no one to help
mieghu, daru mieghu il-bahrin. him, but the sailors were within.

Aghmel xita aghmel halli jikber il- Rain, rain so the grass will grow. With the
haxix. Il-haxix natugh il-moghza u l- grass we'll feed our herds. the sheep will give
moghza taghtina l-gbejniet. Il-gbejniet us cheese. The cheese we'll give to grandma
naghtuhom lin-nanna u n-nanna thitilna and with the wool she'll make us clothes.

Ghaddiet Cetta il-blondija, vera There goes Cetta the blond lady, She is pretty
mimlijja sbuhija. Jekk tigi, jiena as can be. If she comes with me I take her, In
naghbija, illum zgur jien nihlom biha. my dreams she’ll be with me. I saw Cetta
Rajt lill Cetta Furfucetta, l-gharus Foor-fee-cetta a hairdresser is her fiancé.
taghha parukil. Mixjieta, kemm thobb When she wakes she loves to wiggle, All the
tizzeglek, biex toghqod tinki l-irgiel. guys her moves they fancy. Cetta Cetta is a
Cetta Cetta mara sewwa, b’centezmu fine lady, with one cent she ‘nvite you in. For
iddahlek gewwa. B’zewg centezmi two cents she takes you upstairs, To show you
ittelak fuq, biex turik is-senduq. her dowry bin.

Darba kien hemm Sultan Habbat siqu Once there was a King Knocked his foot with
mat-tigan It-tigan irid il-bajd Il-bajd a pan The pan needs some eggs The eggs
ghand it-tigiega It-tigiega trid in- come from the hens The hen needs the wheat
nuhhala In-Nuhhala ghand il-furnar Il- The wheat from the baker The baker wants
furnar irid il-flus Il-flus ghand l- money The money from the banker The
istampier L-istampier irid il-ward Il- banker wants a rose A rose from the flower
ward min gol-qasrija Il-qasrija trid l- pot The flower pot needs water Water from
ilma L-ilma gewwa l-bir Il-bir irid il- the well The well needs a bucket The bucket
qannata Il-qannata trid il-habel Il-habel needs a rope A rope made of hemp Hemp
tal-istoppa l-istoppa tikeb fl-ghalqa grows in fields Appa Appa ... The rope
Appa Appa il-habel skappa skappa. (meaning disappeard)

A lilek tal-libsa twila, ghidli x' kielet You with the long dress tell me please what
illum sabih. Illum kielt il-hobz bil- did you eat for breakfast. I had a slice of bread
gobon, u tazz ilma xrobt sal-qiegh. with cheese And cold water which I drank

Ninu Ninu tal-Milied, Ommu ghamlet Nino Nino the Christmas child His mother
il-qaghqet. Il -qaghqet tal-qastanija, baked some candy. Baked him biscuits with
Santu Rokku bit-tigrija. Ghaddew il- chestnuts for the race meeting at St' Rokky.
Festi kollha, Baqa’ biss Santa Marija. All the feast and festas ended the last feast
that of St' Mary .

Ninni la tibkix izjed, ninni Gesu Sleep, sleep Baby Jesus don't cry, leave the
Bambin, hallieh ghalina l-biki ghax crying for us sinners. Come, come oh Angels
ahna midinbin. Ejjew ejjew ja Angli come fly, to see the new born Jesus in his crib.
mis-sema mija mija, taraw li Gesu Sleep, sleep Baby Jesus Etc. etc
twieled, Bambin gewwa l-fisqija.
Ninni la tibkix izjed Etc. etc.

Issa 'mmorru t-tieg Bil-laham u t- We're going to a wedding eating chicken,

tigieg Cawsli biz-zokkor Pastizzi bis- meat and cakes Mulberries dipped in sugar
summien and some pastries filled with quails

Il-frawli gewwa l-bixkilla Iz-zokkor Strawberries in the basket Sugar inside the
gewwa l-qantas Nitolbok tgholli l- mould Please take of your beret to see if you
beritta Ha nara intix fartas are bald

In-nannu u n-nanna ggieldu iggieldu Grandpa and Grandma were quarreling They
fuq il-bejt in-nanna qabdet tghajjat u n- were fighting on the rooftop. Grandma started
nannu dilkilha z-zejt shouting and screaming Grandpa oiled her to
make her stop.

A - B - A - B, Ommi ghandha baby. A - B - A - B, My mum had a baby. She

Semmietu Gilardu, Il-papa’ ma jridx named him Geraldo, Dad won't have him
jghamdu. Jghamdu ta’ bil-fors, Ghax il- Christened. Christening him he must, in
knisja ma jidholx. 1 - 2 - 3, Iz-zokkra church won't be permitted. 1 - 2 - 3, the navel
ta' Mari'. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, Iz-zokkra ta' of Maree. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, the navel of Victor.
Vitor. Uno - Due - Tre, La signora Uno - Due - Tre, The lady ate the Re (King).
pappa il-Re. A - B - C, li-skutella bil- A - B - C, a pot full of coffee. a saucer and a
kafe'. il-kikkra u l-plattina, in-nannu cup, Granddad won't give them up.
ma jridx jaghtina.

Pizzi pizzi kanna Doluri ta' Sant Anna Pizzi pizzi canna Sorrows of St' Anna St'
Sant' Anna tal-Morina Habba bicca Anna of Morina Tiny piece of Pellegrina
Pellegrina Mgharef tal-fidda Bandieri Spoons of silverina Flags made of silk Noli
tal-harir Noli Kannoli Nsara qaddisin Kannoli Christians are all Saints

Hawn xih gerguri, La sigar u lanqas There was a grumpy old man No trees and
fjuri. Jaghmel ir-raghwa bla sapun, U neither flowers he makes foam without soap
jekk jaqbdu 'l-kaccatur In-nannu u n- and the hunter will catch him up Grandpa and
nanna ggieldu iggieldu fuq iz-zuntier Grandma were quarreling They were fighting
in-nanna qabdet twerzaqt u 'n-nannu in the church pew Grandma started shouting
dilikha bil-butir and screaming Grandpa prepared her for the

Ganni l-bidwi razzett ghandu, fih John the farmer has a farmhouse, there he
irabbi l-annimali moghza u hmara fih keeps his herd and flock. Has also a goat, a
insibu kif ukoll xi sitt majjali. donkey, and six piglets in his stock. Has a
Ghandu ziemel abjad kollu baqra smina horse as white as cotton, a milking cow as fat
u tal-halib, tigieg, flieles u kelb iswed, can be. Hens and chicken, a black dog, a drink
li ta' dawn huwa l-habib. of milk he all gave he.

Ghandi pupa wisq sabiha, ahmar A very pretty doll I have, same as red poppies
wiccha bhall-pepprin. B'par ghajnejn is her face. Her eyes look like the sky above, a
minn lewn is-sema, bhalha zgur ma doll like her no one can trace. Mummy
ssibx helwin. Il-mama' bhali tlibbisha, dresses me like my doll, the same garments so
mid-drapp stess tal-libsa tieghi. Ohti z- then you see. I regard her as my sister, that is
zghira nisthajjilha, meta jien nohrogha why I want her with me. Where we go I
mieghi Fejn immur dejjem nehodha. always take her, without her I am nullity.
ghax minghajrha ma jien xejn, Minn Everywhere we go they comment. "Like two
fejn nghaddi nisma' jghidu. "Dawna dolls they look so pretty"
donnhom pupi t-tnejn"

Johnny Gonta f' imniehru ghandu Johnny Dimple in his nose he had a pimple.
ponta Ponta mhux musmar Pimple is not a nail picked on it his pet snail.
naqqarhielu id-dundjan

Iz-zunzana ddur iddur, fuq il-bejt tal- The wasp flies around and round On the poor
kaccatur Zinn... Zinn... Zinn... old hunter's roof. Zinn... Zinn... Zinn...

Haga moħġara Il-haj jerfa’ lill-mejjet. Something or nothing the living carrying the
Il-mejjet jghajjat kemm jiflah u l-haj dead. The dead is heard screaming and the
jibqa’ bla nifs. living is short of breath.

I am dawwart figolla He is kielhili I am, thou art figolla He is he ate it all-a I am

kollha I am dawwart is-sej gie ottu u thou art got six Its eight and I got nicks
ma hadt xejn

Storja vittorja l-angli jdoqqu l-glorja Story of Victory The Angels plays glory A
siggu fin-nofs qarabali sold u nofs chair in the mid Marrows, peny and a bit

Wicc il-ward u wicc il-qronfol Wicc it- Faces like roses, and carnations, Faces of
tursin u n-naghniegh Ghandna t-twal u mint and celery We have tall ones we have
ghandna l-qosra Ghandna l-koroh u short ones We have plain ones and also pretty.
ghandna s-sbieh
Sema safi u bla rih, ebda shaba jum There's no wind, what a nice day, Skies are
sabih. gib ballun u lkoll flimkien nigru, clear the day is fine. Get a ball and let us play,
nigru gewwa l-gnien. gnien sabih u at the park we run and run. A nice garden with
b'sigar kbar b'dawn jifirhu t-tfal iz - large trees, all young children have good fun.

Fra Martinu Fra Martinu qum minn Father Martin, Father Martin, please come in,
hemm, qum minn hemm cempel l- please come in. ring the bell, ring the bell,
qanpiena,cempel l-qanpiena din,don ding dong dell, ding dong dell.
dan ... din don dan (Repeat three times)

Ajma zaqqi kemm tugghani Kielt il- I am getting a sore stomach 'cause the grapes I
gheneb mhux misjur Id-dendilt mal- ate were sour like a little hunter's puppy I am
kannizzata Qisni kelb tal-kaccatur hanging from the bower

Ghandi kaxxa gugarelli, din mimlija sa I have a great big toybox, full of toys as it can
fuq nett, Ghandi I-pupa u l-karozza u be. A Barbie doll in her car, and a set so I'll
tat-te' jien ghandi sett. Ballun ckejken make tea. A teddy bear and a boat, and also a
u safrani, ors jiccaqlaq u vapur, hemm yellow ball. Got a monkey and it moves, a
xadina qisha hajja, pupu helu fuq motorcycle with a doll.

Ghandi pupa wisq sabiha, Ahmar I have a beautiful doll Her face is red as
wiccha bhall-pepprin, B'par ghajnejn poppies With eyes blue as the sky You won't
minn lewn is-sema, Bhalha zgur ma find one like this From the material of my
ssibx helwin. Il-mama' bhali tlibbisha, cloths My mum dresses her like me I pretend
Mid-drapp stess tal-libsa tieghi; Ohti z- she's my little sister When I take her out with
zghira nisthajjilha Meta jien nohrogha me Everywhere I take her with me Stay
mieghi Fejn immur dejjem nehodha, without her I will not Everywhere people will
Ghax minghajrha ma jien xejn; Minn say "These two look like two dolls both"
fejn nghaddi nisma jghidu: "Dawna
donnhom pupi t-tnejn!"

Idejja fuq rasi spallejja u wicci My hands are on my head, on my shoulder

gembejja u haddejja u issa warajja and face. My sides and on my breast, then
ingibhom quddiemi incapcap ferrieha hide my hand behind. I bring both hands in
front, happy, clapping I don't mind.

Paci kulaci l-Madonna fuq rasi Kristu Peace peace will be with us all, the Holy
fuq l-artal qed ibierek it-tfal zghar Mother up above. Jesus Christ is on the altar
dawn it-tfal imbirkin ghax se jsiru Giving children all his love all the children are
qaddisin now blessed Saints in Heaven up above

Baby Rhymes Ninni ninni ruhi ninni, Sleep sleep my darling sleep, in a cradle made
fil-benniena tal-harir. Ghandek of silk. The Madonna is your mother, And
ommhok il-Madonna, u missierek il- Lord Jesus is your father.

Pizzi pizzi kammillor, eppe pijja eppe Pizzi pizzi kammillor, eppe pijja eppe po,
po, bella...., gagga....., giggifog. Banni bella...., gagga....., giggifok. Banni bannozzi,
bannozzi, gej it-tata gej, capcap idejk, dady is coming soon, clap clap your hands,
nistennew lit-tata gej. we'll wait for dad til noon.

Ba Ba naghaga tini suf iva iva naghtik Ba Ba black sheep have you any wool yes
zgur whada ghalija u wahda ghalik U sir yes sir three bags full one for the master
wahda ghas-sinjura li toqgod qrib. one for dame and one for the little boy that
Sent by Pauline Cassar of Sydney lives down the lane.

World War II Song. Kont qed nilbes Once a boat I had so I can go and fish, "join
il-piġama, daqq air raid. Jien tlajt niġri the army" they told me without my wish. Was
sitta sitta fuq il-bejt. Dawwart wiċċi ma a rich guy now I'm poor, my rifle I use for
nafx x’rajt. Rajt id-dija tas-searchlight. sure. Singing Aye Aye, Yippee Yippe Aye As I
Singing Aye Aye Yippee Yippee Aye put on my pygamas there was a raid. Started
Kelli dgħajsa illi biha kont nistad, giet running six-by-six , I was afraid. Turned to
il-lieva u ġabruni għal suldat Minn look with a big fright. Saw the glow of the
sinjur ġabuni fqir kelli nuża l-azzarin seashlight Singing Aye Aye Yippee Yippee Aye
Singing Aye Aye Yippee Yippee Aye As I put on my pygamas there was a raid.
Kont qed nilbes il-piġama, daqq air Started running six-by-six , I was afraid. From
raid. Jien tlajt niġri sitta sitta fuq il- the sky the planes are diving. down below the
bejt. L-ajruplani jiddajvjaw. Il-kanuni guns are firing. Singing Aye Aye Yippee
jisparaw. Singing Aye Aye Yippee Yippee Aye
Yippee Aye

ARANA Arana jiena u hija kemm MANIANA Today me and my brother found
insibu bottijiet, gol Marsa tal-Inglizi, ourselves some empty tins. to the Inglish lake
ghal biex naqbdu iz-zrincijt, Jiena we go and catch us few big frogs. I splash my
incafcaf go l-ilma, hija jizloq gewwa t- feet in water, in the mud my brother fell, We
tajn, u arana b’girja kbira immoru both ran to wash ourselves with the water
ninhaslu gewwa l-ghajn ARANA , from the well. MANIANA, MANIANA,
ARANA , ARANA fil-wied ghaz- MANIANA Catching frogs in the lake.
fil-wiied ghal-bottijet. Defist hadida empty tins with us we take. I dropped a stick
filma hsiebt li qbad xi zrinc ftit kbir, in water. thought that I got a big frog, I felt
bhal hmar kelli narmija ghax kienet like a fool 'cause I caught an empty can. My
landa tal-butir, Hija beda jidhaq bijja u brother laughed at me and then he lost his tin,
waqalu l-bot fil wied, miskin kemm He cried and moaned, cause in his tin was
beda jnewwah ghax harbulu iz- nothing in. MANIANA, MANIANA,
zrincijiet.. ARANA , ARANA , MANIANA Catching frogs in the lake.
ARANA it-tnijn nidhqu b’xulxin MANIANA, MANIANA, MANIANA and
ARANA , ARANA , ARANA kemm empty tins with us we take. The Englishman
konna imdejqin Ingliz ried ikeccina was chasing us he told us "Go away", I
beda jaghjjat, “go away,” jiena quickly answered him and told him "What
irrispondejtu ghdtlu “Jimmy what you you say". I tried to pretend as if I could not
say? Amilta ftit tal-iblah attaparsi ma and did not hear, In Maltese I told my brother
fhimtux, bil-Malti ghid lil-hija "nibqaw "Let him talk, but we stay here. MANIANA,
ghawn u mam-morrux". ARANA , MANIANA, MANIANA Catching frogs in
ARANA , ARANA il-ingliz kif the lake. MANIANA, MANIANA,
fixkilnih ARANA , ARANA , ARANA MANIANA and empty tins with us we take.
bil Malti thaqna bih Qalziet imxarb My trousers socking wet and my shirt got
ghasra u il-qmis imcarta tnejn, u qejna ripped in half, We came here in the morning
min fil-ghodu issa daqqu is-satejn. Id- and it's now 2.00pm. We ran home but no
dar bil-girja wasalna qlajna xeba numru matter 'cause in trouble we both got. For
sej, talli tlaqna minn fil-ghodu u l- leaving home so early but tell anyone we
ommi ma ghednila xein. ARANA , forgot MANIANA, MANIANA, MANIANA
ARANA , ARANA dak l-ikel kemm Catching frogs in the lake. MANIANA,
ifuh. ARANA , ARANA , ARANA MANIANA, MANIANA and empty tins with
haletna it-tnejn bil-guh. us we take.
Read these fast.... R. M. J. R. B. is wet . We Had, Tea Fell, Hot Be, Kiss Sir , Pea Last
True, Tar Hum. Toni Taghni Tuta … Taghieli Tajba Tant … Taghni Tlett Tutiet … Tuta
Taghjta T-Tfal … Tifel Tat-Tiben … Tifla Tat-Tajjar

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