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ASIC Design Flow

1 © 2009 Nokia
•ASIC definition and History
•Typical ASIC Design steps
•ASIC specification phase
•ASIC Frontend phase
•ASIC Backend phase

2 © 2009 Nokia
ASIC definition
•What is an ASIC
• ASIC is a combination of digital and analog circuits packed into
an IC to achieve the desired control/computation function
• ASIC typically contains
• CPU cores for computation and control
• Peripherals to control timing critical functions
• Memories to store data and program
• Analog circuits to provide clocks and interface to the real world which
is analog in nature
• I/Os to connect to external components like LEDs, memories, monitors

3 © 2009 Nokia
ASIC history(1/2)
•Initial target of an IC is to have programmable devices to
adapt to various functions (e.g.. Microprocessor systems
like 8051, 8086 etc.)
•As the technology grew in different areas, performance
and requirements grew differently for different areas
• This led to the advent of application specific ICs to achieve
performance in required areas with reasonable cost

4 © 2009 Nokia
ASIC history(2/2)

•As application technology improves (eg.2G to 3G, High

definition TVs etc.), ASIC has become more and more
complex over the years
•To keep up the speed, various tools and methods were
introduced in ASIC design to automate the flow and
produce quicker and better results
•IC design moved from putting transistors by hand
through designing the logic using standard gates with
schematic entry to describing the logic at a higher level
of abstraction

5 © 2009 Nokia
Typical ASIC lifecycle
Definition and
Architecture definition
Exploration Phase

Micro architecture definition

Design Entry
Design Verification Phase

Physical design

IC Fabrication
Manufacturing and
IC Testing and characterization Production

Production and Monitoring

6 © 2009 Nokia
ASIC Flow : Requirements
•First step in defining the ASIC is to define the market and
• What function we want to achieve?
• What should be the cost of the product to make it viable?
• Etc.
•This step is primarily driven by the markets with technical inputs
from technology experts
•The seed for the ASIC development is sown here

7 © 2009 Nokia
ASIC Flow : Architecture and System definition(1/2)
• Architecture definition involves
• Define the SW interface for HW-
SW interaction to achieve the HW-
SW partition targets
• Define the contents of the ASIC
and if it can be done with a single
ASIC taking into account
Memory1 Memory External manufacturing technology

CPU • For e.g.., the process to

Cores manufacture RF chip and digital
Clocks and
n reset chip can be very different.
Clock Reset
• Define the interfaces needed to
generators generators Power Pins communicate with external

8 © 2009 Nokia
ASIC Flow : Architecture and System definition(2/2)
• Architecture definition involves (Contd.)
• Model the HW/SW system at higher level and run simulations to see
if the performance requirements are met.
• Define the SW interface for HW-SW interaction to achieve the HW-
SW partition targets
• Define the contents of the ASIC and if it can be done with a single
ASIC taking into account manufacturing technology
• For e.g.., the process to manufacture RF chip and digital chip can be very
• Define the interfaces needed to communicate with external
• Model the HW/SW system at higher level and run simulations to see
if the performance requirements are met.

9 © 2009 Nokia
ASIC Flow :Micro Architecture definition
•The implementation specific
Peripheral 1
details are defined in this
•Typically it includes
• Module partitioning
• Reset strategy
• Clocking strategy
• Verification strategy
• Testing strategy

10 © 2009 Nokia
Design Flow
•ASIC design categories
• Frontend Design
• Technology independent design entry
• Design verification
• In most cases, the effort can be re-used over various technology nodes
or fabs
• Backend design
• Technology related implementation
• Requires additional effort for implementation in different technology
node or fab => limited re-usability

11 © 2009 Nokia
FE Design flow

Design Entry

Semantic checks


12 © 2009 Nokia
Design Entry •Design entry is a stage where the
S1 micro architecture is
implemented in a Hardware
S4 S2 Description language like VHDL,
Verilog, System Verilog etc.
• In early days , a schematic editor was used for
design entry where designers instantiated
• Increased complexity in the current designs
p_fsm : process(ck,ResetX) require the use of HDLs to gain productivity
If (ResetX = ‘0’) then • Another advantage is that HDLs are
Cur_state <= S1; independent of process technology and hence
Elsif (ck’event and ck = ‘1’) then
can be re-used over time
Case Cur_state is
when S1 => …… • Tools
when S2 => ……
….. • Text Editors (Vi, emacs, nedit etc.)
end case;
End if;
• Visual design entry tools like Visual HDL
End process p_fsm;

13 © 2009 Nokia
Semantic checks
•Design entry need to checked for language correctness
•This phase can also be used to check the synthesizability of code
• Synthesizability is important to check as the RTL should be mapped to
standard cells using synthesis tools later in the flow
•Some structural checks can also be undertaken at this stage
• Open/Short ports
• Unused signals
• Using both edges of clock
• Usage of correct clock domain crossing mechanisms
• Modelsim, NCsim, VCS
• Spyglass for structural checks

14 © 2009 Nokia
Design Verification (1/2)
•Verification is the process where the design is tested against the
•The verification methods are classified broadly as
• Static methods
• Dynamic methods
•Static methods use the Boolean equations to match the design
with specifications
• Specification is converted into properties
• Example : A rising transition on input pin A will make the output pin X fall
within 5 clock cycles
• Static verification tools like IFV are capable to read properties described in
PSL (Property Specification Language) and the design in VHDL/Verilog
• The tool is then able to explore the design by converting it to complex
Boolean equations and compare the equations written in PSL

15 © 2009 Nokia
Design Verification (2/2)
•Dynamic verification uses stimuli generators to apply to the inputs
and simulates the design in a simulator to obtain the results
•Dynamic verification uses following methods
• Directed test cases : A test case is written with a pre-defined set of stimuli
and the outputs are checked against the specification
• Constrained random verification (CRV) : In this method, properties (a.k.a
constraints) are written and fed into a tool which generates the stimuli as
per the constraints. It also allows property to be written for expected
behavior of the design.
•Tools used
• Languages : PSL ,Verilog, VHDL, C, System Verilog
• EDA tools : Incisive IFV ,Questa (Mentor Graphics), VCS (Synopsys), NCSim

16 © 2009 Nokia
Synthesis/Scan Insertion




Glossary :
CTS : Clock Tree Synthesis
STA : Static timing analysis
Formal Equivalence DRC : Design Rule Check
LVS : Layout versus schematic

17 © 2009 Nokia
Floor plan
•Floor plan consists of
defining the
following :
• Aspect ratio of the
Logic Area • Partitioning digital
and analog cells
• Power ring for core
• I/O Pad Placement
• Power ring for I/O

18 © 2009 Nokia
Sample Floor plan

Logic Area


19 © 2009 Nokia
Sample Power Plan

20 © 2009 Nokia
p_fsm : process(ck,ResetX)

Synthesis begin
If (ResetX = ‘0’) then
Cur_state <= S1;
• The HDL will be mapped to standard Elsif (ck’event and ck = ‘1’) then

cells at this stage Case Cur_state is

when S1 => ……

• The mapping will be done as per the when S2 => ……

following constraints given by the end case;
designer End if;
End process p_fsm;
• Technology library to be used
(45nm/32nm etc., Max capacitance,
Max Transition) Tech Library Constraints
• Performance constraints ( Clock
frequency, I/O timings) Placement Info
• Operating conditions
(Voltage/temperature range)
• Area constraints Synthesis Tool
• Placement information from floor
• Tools Used
• Synopsys Design compiler Verilog Netlist
• Magma Talus
21 © 2009 Nokia
Scan Insertion • The synchronous circuits are tested
using Scan based method
• The objective is to test for
manufacturing defects rather than
Comb functional defects

• Fault Models used

• Stuck-at
• At-speed
• Scan based method uses each flipflop
in the design as control/Observe point
• All flipflops are connected in a shift
register fashion so that they can be
• Once initialized, the functional logic is
restored by selecting the other input
of the multiplexor
• On the next clock edge, the data is
captured into the flop which can then
be shifted out

22 © 2009 Nokia
Placement •The hard macros (like Memories,
I/O Pads) are placed during the
Floorplan phase
Floor Plan Verilog Netlist •The Logic is placed in the logic
area defined in the floorplan
User constraints phase by using automatic
placement tools
•Placement of standard cells can
Placement tool
be driven using the following
Placed Database • Wire length optimization (Default)
• Timing driven based on
performance requirements
•Tools Used
• ICCompiler
23 © 2009 Nokia
• Nano Encounter
Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS) • Synchronous designs require clocks to
arrive at the flip flops at almost the
same time
• Since the flip flops are spread out in
the design after placement, the clock
arrival time will be different for
different flops
• To make the clocks arrive at around
the same time, a clock tree needs to
be built and this phase is called clock
tree synthesis (CTS)
• In this phase, tool builds the clock
tree by adding buffers in the clock
path and delaying the fast arriving
clock to match the slow arriving clock
• Tools Used
• Talus
• ICCompiler

24 © 2009 Nokia
• The instances which were placed, now
need to be connected through wires
• Automatic tools take the connectivity
information from the verilog netlist
Placed and CTS DB Verilog Netlist and connect the pins of the instances
• Automatic routing is done only for
logic signals and not for power supply/
Technology Rules Analog signals
• The tools normally does a global route
where it estimates the congestion and
connects the pins. However, spacing
Routing tool violations may remain in this phase
• The detailed route actually places the
metal wires and connects the pins by
using routing channels
Routed Database
• Tools used
• ICCompiler
• Talus

25 © 2009 Nokia
Static timing analysis
•The performance requirements in terms of clock frequencies and
I/O delays should be evaluated and confirmed to be matching
with the requirements
•The flow for STA would be as follows
• Generation of delay numbers ( RC Extraction)
• Post Layout Netlist
• Timing Constraints (Clock frequency and I/O delay constraints, Timing
Exceptions such as False path/Multicycle Path and Case Analysis)
•Using the above data perform the following checks using STA tool
(like PrimeTime)
• Setup, Hold, Recovery and Removal violations
• Clock Gating setup/hold violations
• Design Rule Violations (max transition time, max capacitance, max fan-out)
26 © 2009 Nokia
Equivalence Check
•During the BE phase, new components may have been added or
removed (E.g.. Clock tree buffers)
•There is a need to verify that RTL and Gate netlist are equivalent
•Equivalence check is a method which compares the boolean
equation from RTL and Gate netlist
•To speed up the process, it uses certain invariants in the design
• Primary functional ports are the same in RTL and gate level
• Registers/Flipflops are kept the same in RTL and gate level
• Here there can be some exceptions as Flipflops with constant values may be
removed during synthesis
•Tools used :
• Formality
27 © 2009 Nokia
Physical verification (1/2)
•What is a layout?
• Layout is set of patterns which uses different layers to describe the
transistors and their connections using different layers
• Layout is the exact description of patterns present in the silicon
• The patterns present in the layout will be processed and will be etched in
the silicon during the manufacturing process

28 © 2009 Nokia
Physical verification(2/2)
•Layout versus schematic (LVS) checks
• The functional verification is done on verilog netlist (schematic), whereas
the final handoff for manufacturing is a Layout
• This makes the LVS checks mandatory
• The schematic can either be a verilog netlist or a spice netlist incase of
analog blocks
• The tool converts the layout into sets of transistors and checks with the
supplied reference schematic
•Design Rule checks
• These are the rules imposed by the manufacturing technology
• Verifies that the layout satisfies the design rules of the technology like
minimum layer width, spacing between layers etc.

29 © 2009 Nokia
Questions & Answers
Can also be posted at :

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Thank You

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