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Newsletter for Bene es Wot. 44 No.3 May-June 2001 = Editorial Two month in Kihim 1D Salim Ali or J.C, Daniel Threatened Birds of the World a ‘A Biblographic index tothe Omitho'ogy ‘of the Indien Sub-continent Home Study Course in Omitnoregy D. Humayun Abdul D. Wiliam Setover Grant Articles (DSwift Action thet Saved Swifts, ay Dr. Satleh A, Pando, Viehwas Katdare and Rem Mone 1D. The Bengal Florean in Duswa, by Asad R, Rahmari (The Yaar ofthe Rosy Pastor, by Thejaswi, S Extracts fram the Diaries of BB. Osmaston (ax. of the Indian Forest Sewice) - Birds in the Andanans = Review D. Threstened Birds of the Vor. Review by Aamir AE A Bibliographic Index to the Birds of the Indian ‘Subcontinent, by Aasheesh Pitie | Correspondence J Lavkumar Khacher's lester trom Hinglaj 8aug, Vashishia, dated 1st May 2001 1D The Mystery of the Dead Emerald Doves, by Li Gen, 8.0. Nanda, 1D Co-operative Hunting among Birds, by Kiran Katkenen 1 Teals and Shanks, by Ur Shahid, aged 14 years Which Nightjar was 2, by Zal Whitaker 1 AMarch Day in Bangslore City, by MG, Muthanna 1D No Drains. No Birds, by JL. Singh 1D Rare Sightng of Plainive Cuckoo at Aakulamn, by KB. Sanjayan 1D Aggression and Vocelisetion in Juvenile GreatBlack Woodpeckers, by V. Santharam 1D Glay Lumps as Nest Builsing Material in Kites, by Dr. Arunachalam Kumar ‘Two months in Kihim While Kitim ways provides a lovely holiday, the pile of Unatiended letters on our retum Ie a daunting sight. Will ty and deal with them In goed time - now that my hand is faction again, that cen no longer be an excuse for derciicion of duty. One of the birds which wore so numerous around Kinim 80 yearsago were nightars. Everytime we drove thers atnight their gleaming rod eyes were lighted ty the heslights ‘ofthe car.Nowthere aronono. Butl am clad that they survive In Temil Nadu (see article in correspondence section by Zat Whitaker) Ihave offen referee the eonicaln (oro pheasant) al Kien ‘and the regular pattem ofthe oslls of malas and fenalas. Tha 5 no's call of the male isso otten answered by the 4 nete call of the female, eta sightly lower pitch (es becomes. female's staius in our society). But this time, strangely, | noticed two ‘changes: the coueals rose as early 5 5.15 aim., and seconcly, ‘they called alrost “rterminatly”attimes ~semething which have never noted earlier. Atrio of grey hombils (2 acuits and 1 young) were arcund & ‘great deal. The baryans, peepals and jamuns were teeming vith berries and frugivorous birds had a good season. Saw cone active nest of @ copparsmith, of which there were mary ‘around. (One memorable sight this time was to see the fury ofa crow against its dead companion. My grandson wih his high class telescopic air gun managed to bring down ore, ard hung the dead body at a suitable place 9s & possivle meal fo: civet catswhich he was studying, Before the oat arrived a group af jungle crews managed to retrieve the dead bedy of ther companion end celebrated the occasion by @ general Conference on ip ofa casuarna tres, Thereafter, ore member of the assembly set about tering the vistim io pieoes. As an fury [eve never wlinesse¢ enything like F. ct of demer Perhaps twasawaming_o allthe jungle crows arcunc.against falling a prey te Homo sepiens. Salim Alior JC. Daniel Ever since the Twelth Revised & Enlaroed Centenary edition of the Book of Indian Bids was published in 1996, | have boon wondering whetherthe B.N.HS. and Daniel dd the right thingby producing hs hybrid by wo authors. Evenfitinvolved coniy a minor adcition tothe eriginal, tha new version in the nam ofthe original auther would have been vrongin principle. Infact trecoriginl book contained 298 species, the ter edition contains 538; 249 eddtionsl species. The original book consists of 18 Orders. The new ane contains 16 Orders, as per the new “fashion” (to use Salim Al'sappropriate word). Fy the raw nlessifeation Faisonifnrmen has heen eliminated anc Nowalowor for Birswatehors hawks, kites vuures, faloons and eagles are now placed under Ciconiformes (which formerly corsisted of herens, ibises, spoonbills, flamingos and such like), The new lrrangementappears rathor oddto the layman. The old Order Pouicipedifermes has been dropped ard the little grebe (Podiceps ruficolis - now converted Io Tueliybaplus ruficolis is placed in the Order Ciconiformes), Its customary In the world of Itbrature to retain the writings (of greatmasters in thelr original form, misakes and speling Idlosyreracies Included. The eleven editions of the BOIB by SAis a classic callection by any standard anc shoudl be left Unchangad for poster. J.C. Daniel's revised end enlarged vision should have been a new volume (and coulé be ecain), and in this wecculd explain ‘the rationale ofthe new classification, and of the many recent scientific advances as a result of the emphasis on DNA and genetic influences in the evaluation o species. ‘Threatened Birds of the World We have spoken abot this book quite often in the past and now at last we have a review by Aamir Alin this Newsletter. Inhis covering lelter of 20-3-2001, Aamir suggested that we ‘publish the list cf 128 trrestoned and nocr threatened brds in India’. This | have bsen able to do through the kindness of ‘Aashessh Pile an¢ BNHS. Now itis up tous toworktowerds ‘liminating the threats to zhess birds in whatever way we can. A Dibliographiec Index to the Ornithology of the Indi Sub-Continent ‘Aasheesh Pitie sever rests on his oars, and apart from the ‘monthly Pftes which ata a jay to read, ha nas now produzed a CD ROM on Ornithology which is tkely to be of immense help to those seeking to enhance their sciontifc knowledge ‘abautbirds. Iteokeverthe des toa computor triand and asked him 19 produce information aboutone of mytavastes, the ashy wren warble. Nothing happened. Then we realised that the disc dealt only n scientific names. By press'ng a few buttons @ long let of refereriose sepearad on the ecraen. Iam eure the seekers of knowledge wil find thls 20 year ator of creat value. See Aacheesh Pie's announcement inthis issue. Home Study Course in Ornithology | see from @ recent report that this coursein the Fst Valley, Education Centre (517 352, Chittoor Dist, AP.) has enrolled 453 persons already, and trom the letters of appreciation recelved from the parteipants Its kely to Keep “orospeving’. 8. Rangaswami, the founder and fulorum of this Course, received e well deserved trbute irom the Director of the Fish Valley School: Dr. Radhika Harzbergar “In April 199/ Mr. Rangaswami established 2 Departmart of Bird Studios as par of Risti Vallay School. In oder io ereate ‘permanent presence for the department, he upgreded ito 20 (6 presant slalus, an Instlule of Bid Studies and Natural History, The Instture, which lists the eminent ornithologist Dr. Santarem on ts ‘aculy, draws visting naturalists from diferent pars of the country to the valley and engages in conservation activities. Mr. Rangaswami extended the rang Cf tho Institute's aotivitis stil further ¢y oreating an ambitious Heme Stusy Course on ornithology. He single-handedly wrote ‘ut all 24 outof the 26 chapters ofthis Course in twa months, in a period of fevarish creativity. When the dosigning af his course and production of the stucy material presented adiitional problems, he suitcxed roles and bocame an assiduous fund raiser. The funds he oollected now support a scholarship scheme for prespedtive students, which include harsewives, savior citizens, sonal geing children, aswell Ak Uundecpivileged members of sodely from alriost svaty slate in india. Mr. Rangaswarni plans to cenduct sraining courses In ocologioatresteraton, birt Idcatitistion in the fioldand bird census surveys in the summer, when studeris are out of serool and collage. ‘He is a rcie mode! to all of us’, wiote Professor MS. Swaminathan of Mr. Rangaswami's work] Mr Rangasmari's presence af Bishi Valley Socal, bas ceriched the lives of the s:.dents andteachers. He nas made Us aware of = source of beauty that we might otherwise not hava seen or heard. He has taught us to care for the natural wor His achieverierts stew fram his derication of wisdom, ‘a beauty and tothe wel-being ofall living things, The comment cofanother great naturalist, Roger Tory Peterson, may help to ‘explain the passion of Rangaswamn’s lle: we are fo sve the bts, wehave to maie as mery peopleas possible aware ofthe throats to ther survival... We must save the birds, and Insaving ther, we wil save tie earth, Humayun Abdulali | met Llumayun in Kihim on she 25th cf May’ust a few days ‘eeloro he died. Ho was siting inthe garden on his usual arm ‘chair with binoculars focussed on a casuating lee wherethe ‘commen grey homblll (the ones with a casque) nested. The ifigin of the Species by Charlos Darvin vias on Aislap, with ‘several othe classics on the ground arcund him. ftwas sad that His last years were spent in prysical dsiress, though luckily his mind remained as sherp ss ever. Wiliam Selever 800 Dollars Grant for Nature Conservation ‘Tre grant has been warded to Dr. Satish Pands and his, solleaques for protecting the swifts cn the Vengurla Rocks, What they vendo da, is describod inthe ails in tts sua. Tre money is being sent to the Ecolagical Society, Pune, hoe Presidant Pralash Gols will oversee the operations ‘and ensure etfectve action. ao 30 ‘Nensleter for Birvatchers « 'o document the currant status ofthe various nestingtorns andof the exible-nest suites of ie Burt Island, Vengurla, Focks, $0 95 to publish the verified facts in our coming publication, The Birds of Kokan and the Western Ghats, we sal foot on the Burnt Island on Apa 8, 2001 al © AN. We found the barren lsland covered here and there with some dy grass. A few dead decaying tems with black wings, some wits yalaw beaks and many broken eqg-shells with hive blotching were scattered on the Island. Innumerabie swifts allying wver tbe Island. Suddenly the owita siatied disappearing in tne very ground in front of us. Careful Ingpecton revealed that this was a skylight tothe large cave which was sprawling heneath 1s into which the suifia ware plunging at great spaed, Burt slared was easly 75-72 fee ‘above the sea level and the edges ofthe Island were a sheer \etical opto the sea. The entrance to the cave was at sea level ane ta reach it meant @ vertical climb, down a 50 fee: Cf-face. What wa saw after pooping through tis skylight was mind boggling, The cava was filed witn a bamboo framework ‘which reachacthe roe’ ofthe cave, Vie sensed tnatsomething \was wrong. The karoco was not supposed to be here. To investigate Lurher Vishwas nagetiated tho olf? and ertorod the cav He called from insico the eave and we could soe and haar hin through ne skylight which was 70 fee! above, We lowered tha stil anc viaes cameras, messiting topes, natenaak flashlight and pen with the help ofa rope through ths sllight A yell fom below told us thal the walls of the cave were plastereo wih bird nasts and that the birds were continually coliding against Vishwas. Ali this fire we could see from abova thatthe suits wera fly ontering andileaving the cave Via tha skylights which were ac:saly two in numbers. By this time the afternocn sun was blazing in full fury. We has sen back the launch and had asked them to collect us again at 6.30 pam. Tho vilage of Niwat-Modha from whore we nad steed Was 7 nauical mlesawvay, We were onthe Burnt Isiand in the Arabian sea (N16"35 -42', W 73°27'-30)), tre thiee of Us, with na possisilty 9 shade. Chater thers was, We found a tamboo framework, probably erected by the same peope inthe eave, Ram ried to dim down e the going was dificu, on my behest he abandoned the plan. I(SAP) octed t swin aroundthe Isiard fo-no ontranoa ofthe snwanfisrnogetieting three resis which were covered with goose bamades, and sea-urchins, tharaby literally oruising my feet and hands In the cave there was not a singla slace free of the bamboo framework, for such was the massive structure, meart tna the sctvity was several yoars cd. Thora were new bamboos and old ones tied with strong strings. Allwere costed with 2 inches thick layer of bicdshit. was cbvious that this was erected to poach the irdnests wnich were on tne walls ofthe Swift Action that Saved the Swifts Ds. SATISH A. PANDE, VISHWAS KATDARE and RAM MONE C-9, Bhosale Park, Sahakamaga2, Pune 411009 ave and an the roof. With the ald of torchlight we could make conservative estimate of about 2000 nests. The nesis were pearly white halfeups stuck sdewise and were sticky and a Dit spongy. The free edges were re-enforced with straw, obtained from tha Isturd, None of the nests had eggs, But since most nests were nearly corrplele te eggs would have Deen laid n a day or two, Many nests were infested with bugs and try maggets. Guano-eatng cnckreaches wera abundant We ziso saw & variable numbor of brawn rock pigeons and small bats int close tothe out All his whe tne sls ‘"e°8 colliding against us and two swis wrich clung to the nest were identified as Collocalia unicolor. All he nests vere tiered hy the ids By evening the swifts which were busy making the nests in ‘he dark recosses ofthe cavestarted leaving thecave in large numbers and flaw aver the lelen, afew departing tothe coast, [Atdusk we sais them returning tothe cave through theskylight ‘n thelr hundreds. The cave was about SGU mt. long 4.5 mt, ‘wide and 15 mt. high. In the dark cave the swits were navigating at tremendous specs with sos echolecation. One should also consider the Elinding effect that they would experience after comingto the davk cave from the bright outer skies The dimensions of two nests were 1) 66 mm x70 mm x23 im depth (2) 45 mm x 50 mmx 23mm depth, The nes: density al vanousplacas was 22/6q.rmt. 28/4, mil and sa. mt. Ths gave an estimete of about S000 nests. Having completed our documentation and:aking vatiousreadings we reached Niwet 31 7.45 pm in tha motor drivan ferry which eame to take us back Before taking our dinner we gathered a large crowd ‘om the fishing hamlet and on a colour 1V scien showed them the video tave taken by Vishwas whi inthe cave. We eked them as to wno had erected the bamboo frames and ‘nhy, We learn! that they wera bull aver @ petiod of years by some persons who come twice a year for collecting pigeon droppings for socre medicinal purposes. Why we askse them was a tall bamboo frame required to collect the croppines ‘tom he fbor, Then fey realized ie: sorrething was cofintoly ‘wrong. A uckioad of pamboo-tramnes and anotter imickload ‘of roting bamboos were seen cn the fleor and this was being played on the screen in rontof ine very eyes, We cole them bout the swifis and about hele salva-nests and about the demand fer them inthe Far East counties, hat he trade was banned in India andthe birdnests were protected the Incian, \Wildife Act. We spent ene hour with them which was to pay us dividends ister. The following day after our rotutn to Pune and Chiplun ‘espectively we gotthe addresses of the COF, The Regional Depuly Drecter, WR, Tre CF Kothapur orcs, We dropped letters to all the authorities, Su: | (Satish Pance-henceforth ‘he narration is by this author) wae getting anxious since the Newsletter fr Biewatchare ext three days were public holidays and no action could be. taken, [nis was rusmatng for me doctaristuee. (Nave no concent of aholiday, When life Isat stake there is no tine io belest. And here 3000 neste woro at stoke. My God thi was Unthinkable, Something had to be done. obtainecthe phono ‘numbers of CF Kelhapur and from him of he DCF Sawantwadk Under whose urisdieton the Racks some. liréormed them on. iphone about our suspicions of clancestire trade in the Enrénests. This vas news i themi Un ine requestor ma Dur | sant a delailed e-mail to him. Then | e-mailed all my birdwatcher friends with a request to forward tha mailto their fifende eines this wae @ grave malter, The BNHS, "lam a member’, Sanctuary magazine, Newsleiter for Biwatchers ‘wero also centacted and informed. Igot an answer om mary ffiends one of wham was Wr. Ulhas Rane wha endl ormarded the message to the ermell Group of all nda birdwatchers- Paxshimitra. Then asper he suggestion of Mr. Prakash Goie | a8e apprised Viee Adm, (Ret) M. P. Awaliso as to invone ‘he Coast Guards if the need should arise We had reliably learnt that the poachers usually came to tte Island inthe lesttwo weeks of Apr twas ary time now. The thing wus galing vey uryuin, The forost squad had vot yet ‘gona athe island and this was sigcouraging, h order tocreate 2 publ awarenase on thie Issue a procs rolaase was made in he Marathi newsnaper Sakai On 16 Apri, Monday the news ‘wes carried on the frst page with photogranhs. It was 2 ‘apoealto all the bird and nature lovers to réquastthe CCF %0 take immediate action. The bamboo structure had to be Immegately rerroves before mne artival of the poactiers. on the same evening I got a phone cell from south Kokan from a Fisherman, He had read the nave ia the paper. He told ric that a cozan people had landed on the Focks n the noon and that they hed urloaded a fresh supply of bamboo. Ths was the mest crucial and timely information. This fisherman was cone of the many who had atendad our video lecture that ‘evening, Our ont our of concervation awarsness dive nad paid off immediately rushed to the STD booth and phoned tho ‘Sewantwadi DO= Mr. Gusta. He said that he was dispatching ‘wo Guards the next day te venty the status ofthe islanaicavs. {told him about the recent development. He was rot aware of luis Uevelopintent. fell aanuaaived abst Uw isto bul also about the safotyof the Forest Guards. The poachers could be farmed, If alarmed thay would run away and would never be ‘caught | requested the DCF ithe could senda bigger, armed foice ef the Guards? At 9 pm the DCF wasn the office. He Ove.i.the santacis of working on te endangered species is that one ge's very Mustrated by seeing Continued decire of the species due to hatitat destruction, ‘nismanagerert, lac of frm commitment by the government promised to take ¢ serious view of tho facts and beloved me Bndthenied me forthe timely information. Because the drama was enacted in the s2a on an island, | thought of inirming Vice Admiral Awa also. | was getting panicky, The Vice Adm. gave mie a couple of phone numbers fof tho Coast Guard offcors. Contact could noi bo mad thai late, All his while | thought ofthe poachess taking away one Rest aor annthar After aenisee night! gata eal from the Vice Adm. that the Coast Guards had promised to send chopper and f necessary a shipto the Ielend, | also gota cal from thar off asking for an official Fax compleint whlch | lodged. Help was assired, after a lang time all seemed well ‘A phone to the CF Kahapur confirmed that a large party ci RFO's vas 01 iis way tothe rocks al 6 am. ‘That right | received information thal poachers and a local person were arrested red-hanled with 6 bags fll cfirdnests, by tie Fores! Department ina sill ation, The AFC's wore in Uniform and there was no resistence offered. Now the matter is inthe sour Another batta wil now bedi “The dutiul offcers of the Forast Department cf Sanantwadi saty bird lovers whe encouraged us on tie «-mal, ne aature ‘conservation conscious people ef the village of Nivati-Medha ‘who informed us sbaulthe srival af the poachers, all desarve credit for the eafery of te sails ln his uiique conservation action on the remote end forgoten Burt Island cave where the Indlan edible-nest switiets stil roost ang nest in eis thousands. Long term conservation plans should riow be ungeratie, Comments: Butthe work's half done, The bembca framework is yetto be removes arc the cave entance is to be sealed wih an iron igri, The forest people anc Coast Guards wil hava to make Tegular patros to this ste ciso. The SW Monsoon oughs up le sua by Wild Map, The Iola nuuld suun becuse inaoceseible, The nex! harvest of the nests would ba cus in ‘September. We should tae one more suit action. The lage stelis othe swift family which coosnot feature in any of the Sschedulag neads to be strengthened. The Venguria Rocks should be declared a specel Protection Area. Fresh studies of tie marine tems nesting here need to be underteken. Suit ringing ean be cerriea out. Nature awareness progranmes need to be undertaken at the various fishing hamlets. The youth here ie defiritely responsive but unaware and ignorant ‘Weesolit the aid of tie Forest Deparment and of the BNHS In these activities, a The Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis in Dudwa ASAD R. RAHMAN omoay Natural nistey Society lo protect the species, and over-all public apathy to widife Conservation. One species that gives me some hope is the Bengal frican Houberopsis bengalensis. Heditat protection Is the major stop for saving species and ir thecase of Dengel 22. Newsletter for Birawatohors ‘orican of Dudwa National Park itis clearly proved that we protact sufficient habitat. species can survive even if the umber is small “The Bangg florian isone of the most endangered bird specios cf Inda, and perhars the most endangsrod member of the Bustardl family in tha word, I now hava more than 15 years _sssociation withthis bid. Ina major study conductes bewean 41888 and 1360 through the funds provided by the United States Fish end Wildlife Service, we had estimated that less than 4400 Bengal Floscans survve in India. Duca National Park in Uttar Pradesh was one of the stiongholds. My colleague, avi Sankaran did ns PD. on the florcans and Dudwa was ne of fis study areas. We spent long hours watching this enigmatic bird, sting on a 30m machanor an elevatec spot Bolore our intonsive studies staring in 1985, Carol and Tim Inskipos, farious Eriieh birdwatchers and now known to most Indian birawatcners through their dispensable book (with Alehard Grimmett) sav two male foricans in Dudwa' during ‘eirshort visit 1984, Ourstudies tom 1885 0 1369 revealed that nearly 40 foricens are found in Duswa National Park. | also saw mary geod crasslands in Kishanpur Wildlife Sonctary 1 Laknimpur Kher distict, Lagaa-Sagga in North Plibhet distect, Ketemiaghat Wildife Sanctuary in Batrsich incl and Sohagi-Barwa in Gorekhour (row Maharaigar| district (al disticts are ih Uttar Pradesn). I vias plessariy ‘utprisee when | was able te locate Bengal floricans in Kishapur in 1901-92. This gave me hope that perhaps “4° endangered bird sll aurvves n other potentil gresslends ef the fevaie' Utter Pradesh In Lagga Bagua, asrnal grass and enclave cf about 11, | am sure the Bengal florican is ‘oundbeceuse Itabus the gracslands of Sukia Phanta Wiidite ‘Sanctuary of Nepal from where thers are persistent reposts cl Dengel forcane. Bires know nopolteal ouncaries especially hehveen two friendly coustries wit open borders! “The Eengel florcen show nigh plumage dimorphism in male ‘and female, The aduk mele ig handsone bld about 58 cm high, with et black head, neck, breast and undorpans. The backs but-brown, heavily motfed and vermicilated with black atrow-head marks. The breeding males have elongated tathers on he head, neck anc breast, gvingthe appearance ‘of mappy head, thick neck and hanging breast. Tha wins cf breeding rales are sootiess white exceptthe blackeuter webs ‘of ort and cacond primaries. Wren ctcced the wing chowe ‘up asa long broad waite patcn on the side. During flicht the white wings become conspicuous. Like all bustards,ithas 2 very interesting courtship display tc aract females. vihic is cryptically coloured ard extremely dificult to se, This aerial cispley usually takes place in an aoen gatch of a grassiand \whare the temitorial male spends most of fs everings and ‘mornings. Firs t stands with Read, neck and breast seathets fluffed up. It may stand in ths posture for many minutes, ‘somaimes up 20-39 minutes and ther it jumps diagonally ‘forwards a’ an engle of about 45 decrees. procucing a flapping ‘sound (hab, chabi dhab)). Cn reaching tha peak of ascert the sound stops and wings are opened cisplaying glisssring white wing feathers agaist jet black body. It then starts a shatpwhistlodike chip-chip-chip' call. The neckis inflated and hangs ke an efongeted black balloon. Ithen glides down for some distance with open wings and just abeut a metre trom ‘he ground, I begins to flap again and rroves forward gaining the lest height. On reacting the apogee of the second figit burve, it Sops ‘apring wings and oats down more or lass ‘emticlly with party open swings, droozing vouch, dangling and even padding legs. Rusually covers between 20 i 40m of ofeund in this aerial dlspiey and takes about 7 seconds from take offtolancing.f calle 4-7 times whi in the air. Ths display is usualy seon for 2-3 hours in the morring end tre same durationin the evening. However, on cloudy may display even during noon huts. The dest way to see this spectacular display is to inconspeuously wait near a grassiandand allow the bird i show itself, Coming back t» Duswa, perhaps 10-1595 of the Inée-Neral Population of Bengal lloicans survives in this famous Pak. In 1988-89, we caw 14 tertoral males end ‘ve cther males. Assuming that the sex ratio is 1:1, we estimated that at least 40 adult Bengal florcans are four in Duda. In may 1996, | did @ very thorough suey of Dudwa and Kishanpur to 808 how this species is faring. Nothing can delight conservationists more than to eee some increase in the number of an endangered species, Si days of hecti search revealed 25 ‘male floricans. All he grasslands where we had seen adult teritoial male florioans between 1985 to 1986 had fosicans in 1986 also. | susgected some herease in Heir numbers, which permops could also be duc te beitar search effort. In 41086, my astimate was that between 48nd 56 adult fricans are found in Duda Natonal Park, and perhaps 19 fo 20 in Kishanpur Wildifo Sanctuary. Dudwa and Kistarpur now coneitite Duda Tiger Reserve (OTR) so this Reserve had 501076 adult Bengal floricans in 1996, Between 9 to 15 mey, 2001, I conducted another thorcush survey in Dugwa and Kishanpur with the nelp of Manav Khanduja and Utpal Das of Ceniva fer Ervirormenal Law AWE} ard Ammar Deshnandoy of BNHS, Wo snarchod all the known teritories ofthe Bengal flrican and some new areas Iso. We cculdiogara 23ter"toral malas, and two femalos, in nly two toriteies in Dudwa, we could ret leowte ary male flerican. Unfortunately, we had very lie me in Kishanpur buteven then we were atle tosee one displaying male Harish Guleria of the Wildlife Institute of India, werking on the grasslands ofthe tera for hisPh, 0, haw coon 22 males. Ever iiweassume that seme males wera courteddautla (athough Lnikaly inthis Fighy teriteral bite), we can easiy eay that between 25 fo $0 males are foune in Duca and Kishanpur. Fortunataly, the Bengal forican is doing wellin Duca, tans lo the proper maintenance of grasslands by the Forest Department. Tha best thne t2 sea tha Bengal flavean is {to March chards ones the grassiands ae burnt tl mid June, when te cark doses. Mast ofthe ‘ourists qe to Durlwa to sxe tiger and many return disappointed, but i thoy look soyond the tiger, fey may be eble o see ene ofthe mos:endengered and enigmatic oustads of the word. - Navileter for Brdwetchers 3B 1 early November day at Lingambudhi lake. 5.45 a.m. \The chatisting of mynas and other roosting birds had begun three-quarters of en hour eater. The clamour begins torsein content andvvolume, faintly audible early morning ‘walkers’ along the ceubleroada kilometer avay, then reaches. alevetish, dausitophotic ple about hallan hour later. Slow, the derk cutlines of weterlogged Acacia trees emerge, highlighted at the tops as we face the pale pink eastern sky. ‘White forms hitherto coalesced together are now marked out individually. tre egrets - cattle mostly, with itle and median sprinkled over hare end thera, Dark forms af cormorarts and glossy ibis 100 eppear but are not clealy visible as they are furtheroff Allthis as he frenzied racket cf the starlinafratsmty shows no sign of abating...All of a sudden, tare is tha momentarylewering ofthe cherun and than, tha rey pantore, Enormous flocks of rosy pastors oegin to issue out of he ‘wees, emanating lke wisps of sincke out of a chimney on a ‘windy day. The flocks seem to come out from here ard from everymhere the adge of he trea grove, tha mid, tha otner fond contusion elgns suateme. Atinat, ene ofthe many lack begin to head north, another coupla, south and the largestot Wen al, around Pal ene in widi turns east, Allin all the fxcess of £000 birde! Tha fadk heading south turnas back Ssetlad on some embattled Dalbergia trees and flew aviay ‘again, now spliting into © small group for the south end rest for the nor, In the meanwrile, a couple of thousand commen and jungle mynas, aroundiive hundred groy headed mmynas and 2 surprising “wo thousend blackheadee nymas, seemingly vanisnec in a short spell of a couple of mnutes, onsiveriny Uw ton sninuloe lakers Uy Ue pasiure, Eat ‘species of myna is cistinctive in fight, recognizable cven in the feeble light of early mornings. Individual flight characterises Ike size, unceraing pallerns and frequency cof wing-beats come into play, so also the group formations, “The cosy piasors, for uxammple Havesiock bodies, dark hea set soainsta lignter body, dark narrow wings with no pattera and a quicker fight with respect to the common and jungle smynas. They are easily separable from the greyheaded and blackheaded species by sze. They ly inslose-knitformatios, sometmes twising and twming like sunts auring me iatal ‘moments of departure from the roost. Even tha group fligit calls are dstinctive encugh to merit a role in diagnosis, ‘sepscially whan chaotic ecenes likes thie one ara witneseod Enrate hean taloaus at araticd ais thirty Inoarler senzone, they would depart en messe, giving the appearance of a “Kehuora sayars!, w soa clan This you however they wou leave ncivdualy er in groups of two to thity, ‘aking t time te take off. The figure in number hac ciso reduced froma fa aealeoffeur and a half houanc last yaar ive thousand Isr three seasons running before that to about fall that figure lhis yeur. Glossy ibis, numbering about 390 and corerarts of the large anc litle specias are amongst the las! "> leave The Year of the Rosy Pastor THEJASWI. S ‘Member, ‘Mysore Amateur Naturalists, 227, A - 1 Block, Srd Main, Viayanage” Sre Stage, Mysore 579 017 the roost. Forlorn in the moraing calm, broad white bictches are seen on favourite ees in the roost, Nesting cormorants, spoonbils, gey herons, darters and grey pelicans somehow make up, aloeit temporal, for the absence af the crowd, Ihe year 2000 wil Le masked in rod lellrs for he deat of verity birds atte lake, an incident that eaddented our hearts, Tosae abirddie hand. tosee alake diein hand. An incider, the cause of which wae put down to Avian botulniam, the symptoms of which apparently coincided with those ofthe dead and dying birds, An incident, the result of wich could have been a better consensus en protecting the habitet fron the relentiess march of pregress’ bu which instead exposecdeep Hills betmeen wviveried uliaene ail wield @ bili ‘covert altemst by cortzin othor people to spare the unsuitable lake, ‘unsuitable’ to birds they said, for ‘private cevalopers' cr Inppain words, land sharks, Ones saved trom a ring road th planned to cut across a major inflow channel, once earlier from the now fariiar an shares, the lake feces orsts afer crisis and an uncertain future. Aproject for laying cipelines to divert sewage water irom entering the lake, thought much needed, destroyed much of :e only patch of grasslandleftin {he area about fall a> acre. Inadditonio this, four aces of (grassland have bean prorested, [sre forest department and the core group of concerned. citzens opaque enough rot to realise tie sway of grasslands in the local eecsystem even alter we have cried hoarse on the iseue? Do they tally wart ‘mora ‘produciva’ forest, as “ney forsee IP Thase grasclands are also where peoale from the ne gtbornead come to sperd feveninas with their chidren, Has the sodal cost been viven even a cursory glance? It is the same rigmarole going on ‘hreughout Inia anc! the world. And mioroover, we 290 poople aresupreme egotists, nberdingto sink differences even when ceases nave to De faced. isis reason Vian most Mat destioys fr éismanties environmental campaigrs in tha country. One ccan only do what is in ons rand. Fatallem is comctimos inescapabie. £2000 wes also the yoar of the rosy pastor, ofthe blackheaded yellow wagial and the Deratselle eranc. Huge ‘swarms’ Tosy pastors apparerny swempeo ine enue area of Kamatake ‘hisyear pariculaty the southern pars of fhe state. The severe ‘roughtin te tration wirtering grounds of Gufarat, easter ‘ane deriva! Maharashia and narthem parte of Kemataka & Andhra Pradesh probably stove the birds south in the way ‘demone:ratog wel in tha casa of me Vermaisele crane. nha Mysore regicn in particular, flocks totaling 7900 birds were smietvvilh around fe Kishrarajesagar dem in ragl and jowar fields ene feuting baryan trees. A flook af 2000 birds ‘was ccbserved leaving a roost at Harege Kette, an imigaticn tani Jive dlonetets west cf Hunsur (47 Kms west ol Mysore oly). ‘A-éego of about 1500 birds was obearvad at folds bordering the Yelandur tanks (8) Kirs, East of Mysore). Some adults ‘and juvenile birds trom the flock were osarved feeding on 34 crustaceans laid out to dry by the fishermen, a Hitherto Unraported Rabi! Though the ‘seead as thecrustsceans ere knewn in Kannada, didn't seen a great favcurite among the bires- mast ofthem spent the tine crowding into Acacianiiotca trees thal dotted the fields. Redheaded buntings and rosefinches kept them company Inthe treos. But to best all ‘these was a colessal flock of over 20,000 bids observed 19 ‘oor into roast atthe Kagzlawadi lake rear Chamarajanacat (the District hesdqusrters of the sowly created Chamerajanagarcistéct, xe 60 kms, Soulh-sast of Mysora dy, custy arc perenriallyin drought). The sight ofthe flocs is ‘something ta ba experionoad frst hand ~ the darkening of an alrendy darkaning sky, the absolutely unque ncise generated, ‘ehectic and deafening; the unending sees cl pink and black with @ generous dose of blacicblaok in the form of several hundred cormorants. Idoubtif sila scenes can be winessed very yearat the place, | 2m eemewhatjust'ied in heping for lone next year. ‘The damage caused by the pastors to riponing grein nas considerable taking the fermers' complaints nto account, but ‘thebirds, much tothe relief ofthe farmers, soon turned to he fling Banyan and other fig trees that are preeent in good fumbe's throunhout ihe countryside. Any futirg tres could bbe axpectes to have flocks of rosy pastors in attendance. Newaletter for Bdwatchors “The other bd at hand, the black-headed yelow wagiall, also ‘saw a surge in the numberof wintering ndividua.s throughout the Mysore region (Mysore, Mandya and Chamarejanegar Cistricts) wih appropriate habtet. The most favoured areas ‘were giassy tank bunds, drying tank beds, ‘cry flelcs of ust harvested ragi and jowar or drying fies of gram and puses ‘lee to wales. The wel rie fekds were not much paronized, Even new layoutsin urbanareas had their share ofthis wate! This bid, inall previous seasons, was particularly uncommon although unfailingly presentin small numbers at afew favourite sites yeer after year. The drought faster may have been the reason agein, although other yellow wagtall subspecies or the grey and white wactall showed no appreciable influx as, ts one had. Eight Damoisella cranes were sighted at Ayarahall, a weter {oid counting sta in the backwaters ofthe Krishrarajasegar reserveir, onthe 28thot Jenuary 2007. Alone graater fargo, another rarity, also kept company at a data; ‘oontrastingly beautiful company. A eccre of new birds — cf ~ pray recorde forthe area ae wall s2 several warblers tuned ‘up. A particule significant and incidant-troddon yoar. The yaar that | shall alvays remember as the year of the “oy pastor. # Birds in the Andamans Exgracts {rom tho Distios of BB. OSMASTON (ex o' the Indian Forest Service) [rc izctenrexnems ray of nammsien te Ancamens is a sldiking fosture of the jungles. No monkeys; 70 souirels; no dees no carrivora. This 's accounted for by the fact that the islancs consttutig this group have novor boon Jointed tothe mainland, The presence of he only three specs. may possibly ve explained by theirhaving orginally survivad from shipwreck. Birds, on the other hand, are numerous both as indlviduals tencin species. Thereare altogether about 100 resident kinds, ff which one-fourth are peculiar to tho Islands. These include 2 handsome litle tree pie; « small drongo; a eecretive litle bush warbler, discovered by and named after me; a bleck nared colden oriole; a wtite myra with black wings and tal fa back naped blue fycalchor: a share with sore boautful org netes; an ofenge orcunc:thrush; a gaudy litle sun bid: a letge black woodpecker witha crmson crest nightjan. a ‘ovcall two large green parakeets; litte scaps owl, a green fruttpigeon; a cuckoo-cove; a banded rall anda sting bright chestnut coloured creke. The nests and eggs ct7 to 8 of he above species were unknown when | arrivedin the Andamans. Bofore Iloft hey had all been found and described. The nest of the bush warblor was pariculaty dficut to locaic. The birds frequent the densest low undergrowth and are rarely sseen, but thelr presence Is betrayee by thelr curious, oud, rather jerky shillutterance al 47 Enotes. On tho memorable eomasion ofthe finding of the nest | was exploring soar the summitof Mount Haret in very thick Jungle. Thersiny seeson had rendered everything soaking wet. | had heard the characierisie eal-nole ofthe bird and had forced my wayinto ‘tha undergrowth In order to sre batter | was on all fours ‘Suddenly the note of the bush warbler, which was only 5 f fauey, changed to what was evidently is alarm call a clicking ‘sound. | rasiised thet | mus: be clase to the nest and began Carefully to scrutinise al possible sites. One of the common plants growing here was a kind of ginger into which dead Teaves of various kinds had fallen Inone of these ginger plants, ‘only a few inches above the gourd was a delightfuly hidden tiny nest, A ginger leat hung over and concealed the nest, which was finad with bits of dry bamboo leaves. It contained Tour beaulul litle cage of a bright chastrut ros oolour, no bigger than the eggs of the British wilow warcler. After two years of fruitless search I had at last fourd the nest ofthis bird, «red leter day indeed in my Indian excenence. Unfortunately one of the parent tirds had to bs secured for correc! identification. twas sent to the Tring museum waere Iwas examined by Mr Herter who pronouncadit to be anew sub-species, and named it Horemis palidipes osmastoni. “Another bird whose nest and eggs hadnevar been cascibed ‘was the Andaman shama. This Isa small race of the Indian. shame from which itiffers inthe sexes being coloured elke, andin the abdomen being white irstead of ufous. The Indian [Newsletter for Eieswnichere Shama frequents evargraen jungle ard has a superb sora. ‘consisting of short chrases of loud clear notes which have & ‘special cham when heard inthe silent soltudes ofthe forest ‘The Andaman shama fs also a denizen of the thick forest, and in spite of what &.O. Hurre says ofits song, Ifounditfitle Inforiarto that ofite Indian cousin. Being arsiaus ta get anest | cecided to provide t wth nesting boxes. These were made Ging by 9 hs x6 ins, and were ven a lasge side entrance, utable fora robin. On March28th, accompanied by a Burman Ccanviet earying 12 of these boxes, | explored a fkoly forest not fa hows Pot Bis ‘My plan woe to loten forthe congaf a Shama and on hearing {Ato nail one of my toxes onto tiee tunk nearby, 4 or Sfeet from the giound, In wandering about in various directions | lsnosed of all my boxes, and the Burman wes told to note ‘catofuly their position so that I should be able to ‘ind them ‘again (On Apal 17th I revisited the locally vith the Burman, ans we succeededin finding al the boxes, ard wat was sill better, rnoless than 9 of them had stame's nests them, some with ‘eggs and cthers urder constriction. Thase resuits were ‘ar better than | had dared ta hope for, and the fac thatso many hag been selected maae it probable wat nara: nesung sites were rot easily fourd. Later Itookone nestful of halt fledged young andreared trem in my house on Chatham Istand. fed them almost entirely on insects wich in a tropiesl cfmate are available in almost any quantity in the shape of termites, {grasshoppers and larvae of various sot. They became ‘Sxcesdingly tame and were alovied oroam about the gaiden ‘Avfirs: they were vary like young rabins in their dappled plumage. Later tey grew long tas ana put on meir lack ana white. like miniature magpias. The males were very pugnacious. If showed theme locking glass they viould attack their reflection with greatvehemexce. found this mast helpful ‘when | wanted to catch them in the gercen, forelthough they 5 were tame and fearless they had learnt skilfully to avold capture. When the shaving class was produced the bird would intantly forge: everything but hie vel and hud himeslfat the glass 60 that I had no fficuty 1 capturing him in my hand. They were very fond of erell centipedes which | found for thom under sfeke snd stares | alight tun of tha ani n whisile a tune ‘Way down upon the Swanee Rive? one tepreduced itquize wel the other could only raster it patil and would persist in finishing out of tune. ‘The Andaman banded erake Is enother bid about whosonest and 299s nothing was known. Tha celcur of the bird is remarksblo. Al the upper psris ae avich ufous chestnut, tho lower parts being sped black ard white. The billisa beautifal chrysoprase creer, and the iris of the eye deep cimscn. I spite of this eonssicupus colouring the bird lives in such seclusion n te thick swampy forests, and is so exceedingy shy thal i very rately secn. in the 8 years Ieper, very largely inthe andaman‘orests, lonly saw the tird three mes, but itis Lidoubtedly widespread, and this is proved by the ‘act that an Amerizan omithologiet, when colwoling brde in ‘he Andamans, failed to get a specimen of the creke unti he ‘tiedssetting snares. Hetien succeeded in taking no lees then N anecimancin ana ratharreatictad area A.O. Hume described some eggs, which he attibuted to tis bird, as bing pale dun, spotted ‘and blotched with reddish brown and with underlyng grey markings. Such eee certainy did rot belongto this crake which | ciscoveredaidaure white ‘eggs. The eggs wrongly attributed to this rake by hume were probably those ofthe Andemanese banded ral with whose ‘age they agrss, found severa nests ofthe rddy crake, ellin campandrather dense forest, The eggs wers pura whils end usully only four mnumbe. ~ REVIEW THREATENED BIRDS OF THE WORLD (LYNX EDIGIONS AND BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL (2000) BARCELONA AND (CAMBRIDGE, U.K. EUROS 115 (ABOUT $1031) REVIEWED BY AAMIFLALL, 14 oh, co fa Tourolo, CH 1200 Goneva ‘This fs a majestic, magnificent and mighy book. thas 850 pages packed with useful Information; hae beautiful Hlystetione, charte and mape; ic the official eource for birds fon the IUGN Fad List; has tho support ofall tho major bird Sudiailas of the world; about thousail experts colaborate inthe production; andit weights 3 kc. Itis expensive @ over $100 but not for what its. twas Peter Soott who, in 1869, conceived the Internatona’ led Data Books. The frst of these enneared in 1364 while ‘he first Global Checklist of Threatened ids (1029 species) ‘was published in 1938 by BirdLife International, tho succossor tothe Intemational Council for Bird Preservation, The second! with 1117 bitds was pablisned in 1994 and the book under reviews he third, covers 1186 threatened speciesindetal, cnoh with on illuseation and a map. In addlion, 727 Near Thteatonad bids are sovered ‘or the fist time, but fr less ‘etal ince 1600, seme 109 tirdshave become wxthet, xxday 1160 speces (12% of all species) risk extincion within the next 100 years, Ofthese, 182 are Critoal (lacirg an extremeyy hich ‘iskof extncticn in he wid inthe immediate future ea. Jerdon's Courser); ancther $21 are Endangered (facing & very high fleet exdiotion faite moduen torn fubiro og. Black recoed stort). Other categories are Conservation Dependent (dependent on a specific conservation programme eg. Dalmatian Pelean) andDatz Defiant (inadequate information ‘to make an assessment eg Ancaman crake), The extheticn ‘isk has hean avalated against abjective enna The extinction of species has, of course, been a regular feature of the evolutionary process. But while the rate used to be 38. about one species dying out every 100 yeas, it has now sennlerated to 80 times that rata. The oredicton is that 460 speces will be extnot by 2100: six years ago the prediction ‘was 400. "Ye modems do lave sneed, I-doven't need experts to tall ue that human beings and their activiios are the main threat. Habitat foss and cegradation ‘eaten 1008 spacies, or 25% ofall reatened birds: Of ase, 149% ere affected by the recent catastrophic loss of trepical forests: betiveen 1960 and 1990, 20% of all forests or 45 rilien km? were soared, mainly for logging and conversion ‘i agriculture, Over 90% of threataned birds live in tropical {rests Itis not surprising mat Indonesia and Bracl! are top scorers with the highest umber of Threatened and Near ‘Threatened species: 306 and 188 respecively Asia has very high rates of ‘orest clearance. The Fhilippines has the highas: propnrtin ofthreatened endemic: 88%. There is also a high concentration in the Himalayas but these are roslly Ulus wh snail rages aiid Kew Intensive Wet. The pet trade plays a slgnificart pat in specos-loss which explains fhe dramatic decline of pariots: 57% of parro's are subject to trapping; the delight yelovi-crested cockatoo of idonesia (full page illsstrafon) has dieappaaved fiom many tblands and sos e extinelon on allure Th plow pal Fo beauy. ‘The pst trade threaters 111 species; another 255 soacies are victims of hurting and tracping, Invasive species are resnonsitie for meny extinctions, mestly sland bia: same 298 species ere currenily menaced by ths. A paticularly welcome festure of the book is the section devoted to Sclutione, indicating pocsibilfae for action. The BirdLife Intemational Partnership, comprising nearly @ ‘Mousand persons in the Brd Le gobal newwork, have set 5442 targets, hoping te actieve a measurable improvernent In the status of 10% of threatened species by 2004. Several ‘nroatone apsoies atl ncadaurveya te dosument dotrbuton, population, sites: so research remairs a necessary and vital (ool. An example: the Austral Ra t'acn’t been recorded singe +1859, butintensive targated surveys in 1998-99 discovered It in soveral places. For 1033 species, encugh data is avallabla to set tare ction can be focused on factors such as invasive epecies, hunting, pet trade, intensive species management reowver) ‘anagerrent, reintroduction, action on sites. For 488 species, be identicaton of key sites and er protec wl be the main target Tw Biulite Partnership suppors people worklag for birds and blodiversy; it hopes t have individual or institiona romoters for haf the threstened species by 2004, These ffomoters can act n various ways: warkirg with Intamational conventions, developing national protected efea netnorks, lobbying for key sites, generatinglocal awareres, These ate all activities to which readers ofthe Newsletter can contrbute. ‘Another welcome features he lslingof spaces by rttorion Tie information on Asian spscies wascompiled fom the Asia Red Data Bock (supperted inter ala by the Loke Wan Tho Newsletter for Brewatchers Foundation, familar to readers of the NL). India fs the oubttul rivilege of having 123 of its birds listed, of wnom 7 are Critical, ° Endangered, 52 Vuiherabie, 1 Conservation Dependent. 62 Near Thraaioned ard 12 ats Deficient. The Bombay Natural History Society is the BirdLife Partner and Ureiein ou oy yrval suope fr Cider, either singly in groups, to work with & In the last issue, our Editor asked us to pley ‘our part in tho BirdLife's Important Bird Area pogramine, Identifying important stes. The book is 2 trumpet cal o jon This is a beautitul book and a pleasure to browse through - such a pleasure that one is termpted to forget that all hase hundreds of lovely bicds are on the primrose path to extinction a fate for which we ere largely responsble. The number of birders in Incia has grown exponentially hn recent years; may Wa rope inal ner effons wil ensure at noc allthis glory wa pass from our world? ‘Threatened Birds of india - Year 2000 Sho Engientieme oo T Paichesced ace x 2 Whitererpedvuture — Sypsbengalense a 3 Longhledwite — Gypeincacs am 4 chemazjangiat —_opngsasepercvesa & 5, Shotancrane us euceyerens RN & “Jacor’souuser —Ahncolusbioruats ca 7. ‘Forest wet ‘kor Sauté ca & Wheelie heron Adee igs aN 3. tera sox cone nojeena a 10 Gresoradute ——Leptpis bios et I, Whtefesdsdduek — Ongura evoceptala aN 12 WRtowmgedauck — Catara eniniate al 13 ‘Gre incien sted) dears ngcege a 14 Bengal toncan Howbropss bengelemss aN 18 Lesserorcar Srptwoids inca a 16 Nedra’ goanstark Tage aunier BUN feughcginush —Gaax cechinans BUN 18 Spoeaedpelcan —Polcanus hipeens w 18. Lessoredutart Lepteptiosavancus Ww 20 Lesser unten goose Ansorectneoue wu Recbressledaocse Brant uftzals w lel Avs aa wv Natiodtoa! Marnaronata anpestosiis YU Ban's chard Any baes WN Patneesarangle —ahasetveovcoynbus ou rear spot vag Aguile dang WN invade Aguile vez WH Lesser heatel Feconaurar WN "Neobarsenklow Magan nomen w Snmn Farin anes mu Nenipurbushquel —Percou anouensis w Chesinu reat rate Arscropit mad w 23 Wlestemtragoxn —Tagcpan molanapesks «YU. 34 Bytissmgooan ——Tagcpan att w. 85 Sestersmonal Lophophons selie w 96 Chee-pwaset ——Dateuswalchs w Newsletter for Brdwateirs 7 Humepmasan Syma hioe 88, Green peaow Pom mies 3B. Samoa Gs anigone 42. Bleckneciadorere — Grismigtclie 41 Hooded cre us rcnaca 2. Mashed riot Hedopalspersoate 43. Scriblelaming —— Yanasories 44, Wosterips Galinage nerovieae 45. Spoc-tiled sondope: Euynunlpeias smn 48. Indi sinner Aynonops acl 47, Palecackedpizten Calmbaevermant 48. “Nige woospigeon Cau eiphnstoct 49, Palecapped pigeon Colma unfeea 50. Daicrmpedsmit Arcus aoeausa 51, Ruoueneded tembl cars rpalersis 52. "Nazondar hori Acwoe raver 58 Yelowthneled bul Amano ranialanmus 5. "Nia babu Uyas\petsnesbenensts 5S. Greysdesthnush Ts a0 59. shatuing Bachna yperoe 57. “Whinbllad storing Backypo mer S58 “Whie-broas buchos 59. Whit thot bushohat 0. Merch bailar 61. “Rusyshoried erbotter ‘Seslasons bdeiians 82 Tey-beested wrevbabier Seslaean's ncaudes 63, Stowyrweated tabber Shots onia ardoisbubbir——Ciysonma atosty Senderlles bebe Tuite orgs “Blad-reisted pec I Pavadonis Tavs Greyerowred mia Piniaarereccaila Bistad orss-natbler Chactoms st "Brosdalee graetie Sctoanclepanyare Kes tycaoter—Floctla supra AWhienapec i Pane uchals Desai nahach Ska ornose "Grea avedeval Amando frre Yolor weaver Fhoousmesshyrtie Prmalanpelen Pela eae Peteanstesriser — Putinaeneraue fire eener Aingamelsogaser Pino tere Mvcteraloceoap ha Blacinecied sek Eghppietyncus aetus Bovieated bs Theslewis molnayptabs Lesserfanings ———Fhoenites rier Feinginowsd.ct Age ryroce Wetotalaseage —— Halaeene abot Lesserfabeege ——lenhyeotage namie Gheyhead aes Creeour mle echoed artis ‘Nicer estenvsagle Selonis minis ‘secamancerert-ende Spins sgn Palishart reve macoun Mtb exanouhame Adee buted Wit checked parilze Amaephe angule eentons sects Acgyus masons Sersgype oats w of w w w w ww se Saye tagon Tagan era 94, “been careghessantCrossptaa harman! © leubwe busard Chrys unctale RE Mela demtaet ——_Lanvecranue eempalnaue 7 Beacnhicknee Esau magnate 88. Backliectem Stems acciauta 0 ‘ancamen vosdigesa Cora plumbcces 100. “Andonen citkec dove. Macepyis penis 101 Mabe pion (Guia acobence 102. ‘Niovbarpaslest —Pataclacancaps M3. Lengo pares: Petal ongsuca Ot, ‘Andeman sapscmt tue ih 105, ‘Andaman awn) Nox fis 396. Wants teugen es nat 107, Byhisdrgher Abeta heres 108, Broan ningsd etches Posrzepas amcurapons 109, Valetarsee-rallAnvacoeaos cronaus 10. Gres hob Buwss beams 8, Bown Anois boxe 42, Yelow-umasd Thoeygide Irtataeatbnotur 19. “Andenen sender Dysanpuehodom 14, Nise lot Ans nines 115, Rsboat [essing pata Ne, Chestoacces lauginghash §— Garwiaxruchats 117, "Greysreased loutnghsh Gara jen 118, Fidoieored enw Spencas ct Senos hun! Giant seoax (21, Futo.svontd ana 122 Longtiledtushewabs Sayan 123, Auocsrmed grass Grain benzaenls 124 “Blacker ndous Fy ‘Wig yeaa Andanen tengo Clots exdoranenss “Andaman tespie Conus “Aranan Fale czmngi Nite serpent os cat catgary me. Evie 2 BR Ghieal 7 © Creanguaa w Suitable a © GorsereonCopencert 1 NT NearTiretenes BS 0D DalsDe'aent 2 Notre vetor ‘ pesies ae erderi ie Reference ‘te Inernational(2c00) Treatanodainisot SSS555 555455545 erat MT wr a ro MT a aT a a ru cu a a jerd. Bacslena and Cambridge, UK: Lyne Edicens and brat fe Inarnatcnal Pa

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