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conn system

Enter password: ******

create user hasib identified by hasib;
grant create table to hasib;
grant create session to hasib;
grant unlimited tablespace to hasib;
Grant create table, create session, unlimited tablespace to jony;
Grant create table, create session, unlimited tablespace to mis3rd with admin op
revoke create table, create session, unlimited tablespace from hasib;
Conn hasib/hasib
Create user babu identified by babu;
Create table test
(id number(10),
Name varchar2(20));
Alter table test
Add( job varchar2(20));
Insert into test
Values ('1','rahim','it');
Update test
Set id=2
Where name ='rahim';
Select * from test;
Alter table test
Modify (job varchar2(20);
Delete from test;

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