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viata Free 186 be oor © by he Dane Ma ar yen see, mechan, POS ai he Unio Seer of Aen. lew, ils. C Tre i eae rahe and el by Se Had Kaslocines se e-t6e 105-2 (ph) Contents“! Foreword: The Foucault hewmen: the Problematic of Style Paul Bore wi ‘Translating Theory, or the Dllrenceberweea Deleuze ‘and Foucault [Translators Introduction) Acknowledgements Abbreviations From the Archive othe Diagram ANew Archivist (The Arehulogyo Kuolee) 1 ANew Gartagrapher (Disp and Pash) 2 ‘Topology: ‘Thinking Otherwise’ Strata or Historical Formations the Visible and the Artclable (Knowledge) ” Swateges or the Non-statifed the Thought ofthe Outside (Power) 0 Foldings, o the Inside of Thought (Subjeetivation) Appendix: On the Death of Man and Superman i Notes 133 Index 155, Foreword The Foucault Phenomenon: the Problematics of Style Paul A. Bové [can of eique not We wads of wan or ote Jeon bt inthe en the Overman, the overcome, oer faken man. The point of erie ie not ftiaton Ibu diferent way offing? another Sensi” Giles Deleure, Nitache and Pllowophy But, after ll, dhs was tho proper taka a hor of thought, a agaist a hitoy of behaviors or representations to define the conditions ta which hie ‘man beings problemi’ what they ae, wha ey doy a the word a which they lve Michel Foun, The Gis of laure ‘Would Zarathustra steal hibit frm the del? Wall then, ve wish you god meal Frndrich Netache, Thu Spake Zarothasre 1 Many of Foucaul’s most telling statements—often some of his ‘weakest and mest controveral~come in atervews ad oct onal ea, They afen ace n an admonitory mde whet be vit The Foucoult Phenomenon tries ta cometh very efter images of him ands work {hat sholars eaten ine ith the own nelle, pole, fi profesional wos. cate there incommoaly ck baz of oradeoryeomment gong on around hn > bi end ad ‘oes ps im tothe it right and enter orsometines of tho pits spectrm altgether~Foucault oid ase hat it proves ‘at he contend: conventional eateries relly det his be [posing a enti new and diferent st of ations about & ‘whole range of sometime unhouht of mates Sines his ely Aesth in 1t, hatletso many af his projects incomplete the ae ‘ken fort to appropriate, core, ov dismiss Feucat has gone ‘on even, move intensely —samotines brillant sometimes Sup? and sometimes with troubling serine "The asa bate so profable that bas pcaiar ea li allure Tate the wtentiono anyone who pesto con Sider Foucault and tempts hi or her to write an say nstend thot the onghng conversation: where mo many rowed Prof sore gather to angie, theres an ir of exckement, energy, 44 iene that des one with it promineof plewmure, timation, td rad ‘One of my teres in th foreword sto analyze some pasts of tho stactite of reeption that incorporates Fauealt ite North ‘Amereanaeademintleetval cies expecially Pep ad Eiterary Crim ~ both to gt nme insight nt espana essing tho stretres ad to preserve some of Fouts oi ary value acre alernativ to them. Moreover, lt ses to te examining how these waders funtion in dealing ih Fuca, whose own wor ro forefly ete of heir know ‘ge plies, wil provide a rvieged ing nto some apts of Uhesesractate working while reaming meting of he oi nay ena force of Fancalts worka force hay as U hope 60 ‘hom, thee stactaresfneton to dpa ‘Of coum, an introduction to book on Foucault, ep tranltion of one rien by Giles Deleze, Fovesl lly ad fond, unavoidably mast ay something sot the place and pos ‘om that book coupes in he Focal debate, and ne xe abs {he oesion of ts appearance to comment ot and worty about the system option that att One can eal otha Dalz’ isthe best tay of Focal to date He teas Foal ina syle The Foucault Phenomenon ix sd with problema tt, while nl Foun own, contrast Favoraby ith tbe eflortstaslol unalyheall taied pomp to reprecat Foveat i tle iomgranely len style of th Profesional dheouse ad le wae fa which sgaiieant denen (Ferny eis th “tf and "Right" have appro ‘ed and rsd him" For example, td by way of tes with Dele, [would ike to camer Chars Th Hy cael esleation ade tigoe“Foucalt on Frcs ul at which flows the path taken seenty by poet thers ae Habermas ad Naney Frei ting to blige Vows tw answer questions abot ‘sis raked within the very steno dnote that, a Foes Himself pt ion, se Ta the very “and a” e wa ving tocritge (Abit farther on inthe ay, bal arn othe wings fof Fredric amon ole ananassae ei genealogy ‘trac a compl itllctual bul of sone effects of the ple inowiedge-apparat at work inthe North American ception of Foucault precisely as these appenr in even sch a historia ‘tear date thinker ws Jameson) “Talorsexay i worth commenting becasue i x more ex Aeoded than Habermas treatment of Fovealt and develope ‘specs of Naney Frasers postin [although without nating here 429). Also, Taylor an eminent philosopher often Wentied Sympathetic wth continental tadons ta way many of his col leagues (those who take astand against the“ ploalis rebels within ‘heAPA) are not. Furthermore, Taylor ica pitcned intelectual ‘olen spoken of edly fo organic" conection to resting, ‘ements in Canadian apiety. For thee seasons his pital “Jat and pklsphielly “ope alttude make bin ao important limi ease for understanding hos’ and to what ends anally ‘rained Professors of Philosphy ean represent Fone. My point abut Taylor cannot be made eal by a bri quotation, ot per hap the problem can be gst y hic uly Bal rar hat with Focal last sep toward. "acknowledying” his owe Joures” "the real Interesting debate ean begin, on the sues which count, which Foueoult mode of exresion wp to mah bseured (CT. 88: meeps) “That Taylor then goes on to identify the two “ies which cont sles ntereting than what he lied pat of is remark

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