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Generating the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Field:

The FCS generated for the AX.25 frame is generated according to the recommendations
in the HDLC reference document, ISO 3309.
For 16-bit FCS, a polynomial of degree 16 is used. For HDLC (ISO-3309 recommendations)
polynomial used is called CRC-CCIT. It is given by:

Actually, its corresponding binary sequence will be a 17-bit long but we discard the MSB.
This MSB is discarded 1 0001 0000 0010 0001
Hex Representation: 1 0 2 1
Corresponding shift-registers representation for this polynomial is shown in figure 01.

Figure 1: Shift Registers for the generator polynomial

Initial value in this assembly of shift registers is all ones. FCS is the bit-inversion of the
final value of the shift registers after we input the last bit.
All bits other then the flag bits are used to generate the FCS field for AX.25 frame. The
generator polynomial is bit reversed and we get the following bit pattern:
0001 0000 0010 0001 is bit reversed to 1000 0100 0000 1000
Hex Representation: 8 4 0 8
Now for the count of the total bits used for FCS generation a loop is run. Before first and
after every increment MSB of the shift registers is shifted out and contents of the shift
registers are shifted one bit (which is 0 in this case) to the right.

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