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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4
Theme: Dairy Days Heart Number 1 Last Day of school
Letter A Dairy Cow Collage
Milky Drawings

5 6 7 How to Train Your 8 #3, Mouse and 9 Wheeler Farm 10 11

Theme: Dairy Days #2 Dragon. Cheese, Homemade Color Black #4, Water Art
Kersplat! Triangle, Letter “C” Ice Cream Letter D Dairy Days Puzzles
Moolah Bank Sundae Lacing Ice Cream in a Bag A frame for Dad and Games
Mouse & Cheese Fathers Day Project

12 13 Oval, Letter “E” 14 Rango 15 Pink 16 Home Depot 17 Brown, Letter “G” 18
Theme: Construction Creative Construction #5 , Design a Build- Letter “F” Splash Pad Carpentry Art.
Zone Construct a Puzzle ing. Skyscraper Stack #6,Road Construction Community College
Design a Building Construction Puzzles Be an Architect
Happy Fathers Day and Games

19 20 21 Megamind 22 Apple Print Hang- 23 Sweet Candy Co 24 We Love Fruit 25

Theme: Tutti Frutti #7, Fruit Necklace. #8, Letter “H” ing, Bake Apple Pie. Taffy Town Tutti Frutti Fun
Citrus Sunshine Fruity Headband Banana Pass Slice of Citrus
Five a Day Counter Friendly Faces

26 27 Shapes Review 28 Marmaduke 29 Review #’s, Sweet 30 Ogden Nature Cen- Movie
Theme: Tutti Frutti Fruity Art, Plant a Alphabet books, wa- Strawberry Fruity ter Pre-School
Watermelon termelon Patch. Dough, Letter Pronunciation, Fruit School Age
Tutti Frutti Puzzles Jitter Bug Jargon Jitter bug Jargon
Jitter bug Jargon Tutti
Field Trip
and Games Dairy Constuction Frutti

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