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s. J. Davies,1 R. M. J. Gray,2 P. J. Sandler,3 and K. D. O’Brien,4
I- Normal ( Stati c) Occlusion
(Larry Andrew )
& -Estheti cs -Tretment Goals

II- Opti mal (Functi onal) Occlusion

(Ronald Roth)
& -Functi on -TMD

III- Accepted (compromised) Occlusion

& - Camoufl age - Gr.Modifi cati on
I- Normal ( Stati c) Occlusion
(Larr y Andrew )

& -Estheti cs -Tretment Goals

Andrew's Six Keys of Normal
Andrew's Six Keys of Normal Occlusion
-Molar relation
-Angulation (mesio-distal Crown tipping)
-Inclination (bucco-lingual ROOT Torque)
-Tight contact
-Occlusal plane(Curve of Spee)
1-Molar relation

I. Molar relationship: The distal surface of the disto-buccal

cusp of the upper first permanent molar occludes with the
mesial surface of the mesio-buccal cusp of the lower second
permanent molar.
2-Angulation (mesio-distal Crown tipping)

II. Crown angulation (mesio-distal tip): The gingival portion

of each crown is distal to the incisal portion and varied with
each tooth type.
3-Inclination(bucco-lingual ROOT Torque)

III. Crown inclination (labio-lingual, bucco-lingual):

Anterior teeth(incisors)are at a sufficient angulation to prevent
Upper posterior teeth – lingual tip is constant and similar from 3–5 and
increased in the molars
Lower posterior teeth – lingual tip increases progressively
from the canines to the molar

IV. No rotations
5-Tight contact

V. No spaces
6-Occlusal plane(Curve of Spee)

VI. Flat occlusal planes

Andrew's Six Keys of Normal
-Estheti cs Treatment Objecti ves

-Tretment Mechanics
Andrew's Six Keys of Normal Occlusion
& -Estheti cs Treatment Objecti ves
-The goals of orthodontic treatment for the Patient

The prime reason for a patient to seek orthodontic

treatment is to gain an improvement in appearance.

we should primarily aim to treat the patient’s

needs rather than pursue a dogmatic adherence
to the six keys of occlusion
Andrew's Six Keys of Normal Occlusion
& - E st h e ti c s Tre at m e nt O b j e c ti ve s

‘Six keys to occlusion’ are present (after Andrew );

Not all ‘keys to occlusion’ have been achieved but aesthetics are still good
Andrew's Six Keys of Normal

& -Tretment Mechanics

-Treatment Quality
-Treatment Stability
Andrew's Six Keys of Normal Occlusion
& -Tretment Mechanics
-Treatment Quality
-Treatment Stability

Brackets Positioning
II- Opti mal (Functi onal) Occlusion
( Ronald Roth Gnathological Concept )
-Functi on
II- Opti mal (Functi onal) Occlusion
( Ronald Roth Gnathological Concept )
& -Functi on
Opti mal (Functi onal) Occlusion=
= Normal occlusion 6 Keys +
CO occur in CR
- with protrusive movement dicludes
posterior teeth .
- with Lateral excursion movement
there is Canine-rise phenomena


Fig. A patient who has a 5 mm overjet when occluding in

centric occlusion
and has a 10 mm overjet when in centric relation
II- Opti mal ( F u n c ti o n a l ) Occlusion
(Ronald Roth Gnathological Concept )
& -TMD

Orthodontics and temporomandibular disorders

-Does orthodontic treatment cause TMD?
Clinical experience and review of the literature
does not support any aetiological relationship
with lack of evidences.
-Can orthodontic treatment cure TMD?
Occasionally orthodontics will form some part
of the treatment plan.
III- Accepted ( co m p ro m i s e d ) Occlusion
& - Camoufl age - Gr.Modifi cati on
III- Accepted ( co m p ro m i s e d ) Occlusion
& - Camoufl age

-if the person has a skeletal discrepancy,

the orthodontist may choose to accept
the discrepancy and attempt to camouflage
the problem by simply moving the teeth
without moving bony bases.
-Soft tissue profile is the main deciding fator.
+ Camoufl age
- Camoufl age
III- Accepted ( co m p ro m i s e d ) Occlusion
- Growth Modifi cati on ortho Tx.
Normal distribution gaussian Curve
of Carl_Friedrich_Gauss
-Seminars in Orthodontics 2002-June
(Biostatistics for the Orthodontic C l i n i c i a n)

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