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Honors World History

Vocabulary, Map & Document Guide (VMDG)

Instruction Sheet
Vocabulary Guide
On one side of an index card:
1) Write the identification term, and 2) Write the page number from the text
On the other side of the index card:
1) Identify the word or term, and 2) State why it is important, particularly to this unit (In other words: What did
it lead to or cause? &/or what is it an example of?)
(2 points per note card)

Map Assignment:
Complete the map assignment attached to your VMDG and follow all instructions provided. (point value will vary)

Connection Question:
Choose one event from this part of the unit and make a connection with a later historical event/issue. Make a
connection with as recent an event as possible. Follow this format:
a. Historical Event: _________________________________________________________________
b. This is like: ______________________________________________________________________
c. Because: _______________________________________________________________________
(10 points)

Primary Document Analysis Guide

1. AUTHOR: Who created the source? What do you know about the author? What is the author’s point of view?

2. PLACE and time: Where and when was the source produced? How might this affect the meaning of the source?

3. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Beyond information about the author and the context of its creation, what do you know that
would help you further understand the primary source? (For example, do you recognize any symbols and recall what
they represent?)

4. AUDIENCE: For whom was the source created and how might this affect the reliability of the source?

5. REASON: Why was this source produced, and how might this affect the reliability of the source?

6. The MAIN IDEA: What idea is the source trying to convey?

7. SIGNIFICANCE: Why is the source important? (Ask yourself “so what?” in relation to the question asked).

8. QUESTIONS: What questions are raised by this information?

9. INFERENCES: What inferences can be drawn from these questions? What evidence is there in the documents to
support these inferences?

10. INSIGHTS: What insights about this historical period have you gained from the document?

(25 points)

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