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Axia College Material

Appendix G

Building a Medical Vocabulary Ch. 6, 7, & 14

Complete activities A, B, & C.

A. Use the word bank below to build the medical word that corresponds to each definition in problems 1-
17. Word parts may be used more than once. Click the grey box to begin typing.

-um adip/o- hemat/o- phag/o- erythr/o-

-ic calc/i melan/o- -stasis myel/o-
-blast theli/o- epi- -poetin -in
kerat/o- coll/a- ton/o- -gen lip/o-
home/o- leuk/o- -osis hem/o- - cyte
-poiesis -ose -ous glyc/o- insul/o-
sebace/o- norm/o- system/o- cty/o-

1. Normal immature cell Blast cell

2. Process of forming blood Hematopoietic

3. A substance that forms red blood cells Hemoglobin

4. White blood cells Leukocytes

5. Immature cell in the bone marrow Myelocyte

6. Process of cells eating microorganisms Phagocytes

7. Cessation of bleeding Hemostasis

8. A structure above the cellular level System

9. A fibrous protein substance Keratin

10. A cell that produces black pigment Melanocyte

11. Produces fibers that hold together Collagen

12. Full of fat Adipose

13. Fat cell Adipocyte

14. Pertaining to sebum Sebaceous

15. Pertaining to the body as a whole Systemo

16. Condition of staying the same (balance) Homeostasis

17. Substance that regulates calcium Calcitonin

HCA 220
B. Define the following words or word parts.

-phil affinity to -ity state

-gen produced / origin poly- many

pro- previous to -cle small

-ose full of exo- outside

per- through eu- well

Para- abnormal / alongside of syn- Similarity

C. In this activity, break the medical word into its word parts. Using the word parts, create a definition of
the word. Write a sentence using the word in a medical context. Use the table to record your answers.
Combining Combining
Medical Word Prefix form form or suffix Suffix Definition
Polymorph nucleated
poly morph(o) nucleated having a cell with a lobed nucleus
Sentence: When a patient has an infection he has many PMNs - polymorph nucleated cells that are fighting the

A Granul(o) Cyte -cy a non granular white blood cell

Sentence: Certain medical conditions and/or medications can cause agranulocytosis.




Combining combining
Medical Word Prefix form form or suffix Suffix Definition

HCA 220



HCA 220

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