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Review Sheet

 Masada
o Silva vs. Eleazer Ben Yair
o Why kill themselves?
o Destroy/not destroy
 Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai
o Chaotic Zealots
o Meets with Vespasian
 King
 Metaphor
 Requests
o Extreme mourning
 Takkanot for mourning
o Takkanot on being a Jew without a Temple
 Sukkot
 Rosh Hashanah
 Praying
o Synagogue and exile
o Need for quick decisions
o Stepping down for Rabban Gamliel
 Why not from beginning?
 Rabban Gamliel
o Hillel Vs. Shammai
o Birkat Haminim
o Represent to Rome
o Prayer
o Unity
 Disagreement with Rabbi Joshua ben Hannaniah
 Bar Kokhba Revolt
o Causes
 Beit HaMikdash
 Aelia Capitolina
 Rufus
 Bans circumcision

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