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Remember Miranda

Name: Marcela Suazo Villanueva

Lyca: Stephanie Salazar


The book remember Miranda was write by Rowena Akinyemi and tells us, the story about a
single girl, called Cathy who doesn´t have a family, so, she decides to go to work to the Duncan
´s house, because he needs someone to take care of his kids. He was a lonely man and he has
a big secret. When Cathy arrives to his house, she starts to think that something really bad is
going on in that family.

The reason of her bad feeling was that she saw a photograph of a very beautiful girl in the hall,
but the weird thing about all of these is that no one wants to talk about it.


The book starts when Cathy has trouble will her car on her way to her new job. She is then
helped by Nick, who takes Cathy to the Duncan´s house. When Cathy arrives to the beach
house, she meets Duncan’s children, his mother and Juliet who was his sister in law.

With the time Cathy and Nick started to be very good friends, and because of that Nick invited
Cathy to dinner of his house. But Cathy will discover that Nick and Juliet are very close friends,
and she decided to talk with Juliet about nick and she discovered that Juliet and nick have a

A few days later Cathy thinks that Duncan killed Miranda, because she read in the news paper
about the Miranda’s accident, and she started to think that Duncan was the responsible for was
really happened with Miranda.

Cathy was really confused about what was happening in Duncan´s house, so she decided to
meet in secret with Nick and talk about Miranda’s accident. During the conversation, Cathy
realized that Duncan had discovered that she thought that he had killed Miranda.

After that Duncan tells Cathy that Miranda and Juliet hate each other because both of them
were in love with the same man, the he decided to tell Cathy the true about the Miranda’s

When Cathy and Duncan arrived to the beach house, Mrs. Harvey told her the whole true about
what was really happened with Miranda, she said them that she pushed Miranda downstairs but
she just wanted to break her legs because Miranda wanted to leave Duncan and their children.

After that Cathy and Duncan knew the true they decided to stay together, because they love
each other.
Conclution :

For me this book is very good, because I love this kind of story, and some point I feel
very sad for her, I think that all of us want to be part of something special, and everyone
needs a family, to love and to take care, so I think that, in life we need to have second
chances, to can be happy.

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